
Curse of the Blood Rubies Part 3: Aftermath




With Towa taking the reigns to establish a better network and government for the people of Gurumes, it wouldn't be long before they were back up to before the emergence of the Blood Rubies.

Then not to long after to becoming a more important region in time. Which made them worthwhile saving. It didn't take long to run through the soldiers who held out. Most surrendering with the effects of the Blood Rubies completely gone.

Kakarot was already on his way back home, Dashing through the terrain he was about to start his ki training but stopped. Someone was waiting to ambush him hiding behind some rocks.

"Ha!" Firing a ki blast destroying the rocks, Kakarot darted in a hook to come around from the other side. Imagine his surprise at the person. "You.. why are you here?"

"Well well, didn't think you were that good!" A young man with spiky hair jumped out. Wearing a vest with some pants that were pretty colorful all things considering his profession. A ..flying cat thing flew behind him. The cat looked scared as it moved behind in fear. "You came from the Land of Gurumes, at that speed you had to be running away!"

"Think what you want." Kakarot shrugged at him. It was only Yamacha after all. Without the involvement of an outside force, he wouldn't amount to anything. "But the area was taking care of. King Gurumes is no more and the land is on its way to recovering."

Ignoring the shocked looks, Kakarot took off pass him. He was not in a position to start training anyone himself. Not without them having a strong desire to change on their own.

"Yamcha, he's running away!" Puar shouted out. The shapeshifter was a little to observant for its own good.

"Come back, you coward!" Yamcha was a bandit, rules didn't mean much to him. He drew his sword charging towards Kakarot's backside. Imagine his surprise when the person he chased after kicked backward flying pass him. "To fast!"

"Hah!" The moment he was behind him, a Ki Shout blasted Yamacha in the back viciously. Destroying his clothes in the process and sending him flying into sand out cold. With a turn, he Kakarot fired a Ki blast at Puar. "No running cat thingy!"

*Thump!* Puar fell to the ground unmoving. Alive but full of burns. Taking out an extractor, a blood sample and tissue sample was taken from the magical creature. With a blood sample also being taken from Yamacha.

"Hmm?" A message came to him from Towa using Telepathy. She was wanting a sample as well to help study the different changes in the populace. "Fine." Repeating the process, Kakarot gave a check on Puar a little closer.

*Woosh!* Hands outstretched, the Timebreaker Spell was used on the Shapeshifter. A way to keep track of her and try to understand the shapeshifting ability, even from a vast distance.

"Forget training, I rather make it back home and get a full rest." Turning away, he shot across the terrain like a bullet. 'Need to remember to place those samples where she can get them, I think I will sleep in tomorrow.'

As he left the region, another group was coming around from another direction. A pretty large group at that. Mix of soldiers and what looked to be scientists. IT remained to be sene if they were friend or foe.


Next Morning-


Kakarot was suprised when Old Gohan came an woke him up around noon. Sometimes you had to treat yourself to a nice day of rest. Plus his body had that good ache from the magic increase. The ki increase never gave that kind of feeling.

"Didn't think you would sleep this late but I thought you would like to meet this young man." Behind Old Gohan was Yamcha of all people. "Said you had a run in yesterday that didn't go well."

*Tap!* Yamcha dropped to the floor prostrating himself before him. Kakarot was more suprised than Puar who was flying. A few bandages on the shapeshifter from the ki blast it took yesterday.

"Please take me as a student!"

"Eh.. what?" Kakarot blinked a couple of times trying to make sure he heard right. His tail tickled his nose to make sure the words were spoken were true. "You do remember I knocked you out yesterday and your.. pet lover thing right?"

He honestly couldn't remember the importance of Puar besides that it turned into things like another character and was really kind maybe.

"I know that!" Yamcha looked up at him. "You also took care of the problem in Gurumes! The people sung praises when I entered the nearest area!"

"I think you should learn from Gohan here." Kakarot pointed at the other. "I.. am not a good teacher. Not at this time. Need to work through the important stuff that makes one a respectable master."

"That is a good side itself," Old Gohan stroked his beard. "knowing one's limitations helps. I think he should join the Class with the others and in time, when you are ready he can ask again. Sounds fair yes?"

"Sounds good to me." Kakarot didn't put any more thought into the matter. He had a lot to look into already plus his own training. "Both yourself and Puar use to be bandits, try to leave that behind as you push forward to be something more."

"Of course!" Yamacha said determinedly. He was also thinking that the training gained from Old Gohan could be used to show kakarot he was wrong to take him lightly. 'I will defintely show you my Wolf Fang Fist as soon as we spar once!'

Indignant he was taken out so easily, helped spur a strong competitive steak in teh young man. Puar was happy just to stay by his side.

They left out leaving Kakarot to his day. Who immediately moved towards his lab to check on some work. Underground in a secure location was a lot of containers.

"The reading of my blood from last week compared to now." Looking at the screen was a little scary. "Large increase in blood flow, even in a rested state. Let's run a quick blood test to check something."

*Schup!* As he worked, Towa Teleported in using magic. She floated over observing the screen closely.

"Tell me what you see." Kakarot said to the demon.

"The Blood culture: A blood test looking for infection present in the bloodstream. If bacteria or other organisms are present, they may multiply in the tested blood, allowing their identification." She quoted regular medical definitions most times when he asked something. "These are the results of someone who is a member of the Demon Realm, how did you get this sample?"

She didn't think for a second he got it from her. Not unless he snuck into her lab or took a sample of her blood while she slept. Both are highly unlikely.

"That is my blood." Kakarot shook his head in dismay. "How could this happen which just the Absorption of the magic in the Blood Rubies?"

"I don't know." Towa floated over and lifted him up with her magic. "Not yet at least. I need to take you to my lab to run some tests."

"Hey!" Before protests could get anywhere, they were already in her lab in an instant. Which as usual caused a slight jarring sensation. "You know, that is rude!"

"You have to get used to it and need to get used to the fluctuations from higher Ki and Magic signatures moving towards you." Towa gave a small smile of pleasure. Messing with him via Teleportation was one of the few joys she had. "Plus I have a gift to give you."

*Thump!* Getting dropped on the lab table, Kakarot was already over the Teleportation jarring. Wondering what she could have possibly gotten him. Pointing to the side, a large Medical Vat was visible.


"Planet Vegeta was still destroyed despite what happened. Well not completely anyway. The planet is not really inhabitable and Frieza still lives." Towa wave her scepter over his body. "The damage to the Evil Emperor was extensive. Maybe another 10 years before he is fully recovered. Most of the damage down was to the mind."

"I see." Kakarot nodded at the news. "Thanks for the Healing Vat that is normal. Studying it will go a long way to basic Health improvements overall. 30 Saiyans are still alive as far as my "Link" as a Champion has informed me. Just none are close to me in the vicinity."

A visor was placed on his head and a few connectors attached to the chest. With one connecting to the end of his tail next.

"The fusion of the Blood Rubies helped the Dimension overall. I think the other Champion has dealt with the oddity of the Mystical Adventure Subsidiary Dimension. From what I can tell.. they allowed it to collapse. Or forcefully collapsed by removing it from this Dimension."

"Considering the mass differences that History would have brung.. it wouldn't have fit well. Still the loss of an entire Country of people though." Kakarot's eyes flashed as he thought it over briefly. "Not enough changes brought by us on Earth to let it mix in maybe?"

"Considering you were injured the entire for most of the time, the biggest change you have done is Old Gohan still living. The small ones, those to the people who have gathered here are decent into to fight against the confines of Destiny in place." Towa paused looking at him for a moment then basically said to hell with it. She removed his clothes with a spell then attached a few more sensors all over. "Then that of Gurumes people changing it further."

"Your hands are cold," Kakrot looked them over as they lingered on his skin. He wasn't bothered by the touch really. Just an observation. "you went swimming in the artic before arriving didn't you?"

"Yes." Turning ro prevent him from seeing her blush, she went to activate the test. "This is to gauge what I hope is not true already."

"Which is?" Kakarot bit down on the mouthguard that came down. His fingers and toes encased in a protective jell to prevent harm.

"That you have become an Evil Saiyan or to be precise a Demon Saiyan." The blast of electricity that went through his body was nothing at first. As the gauge slowly rose, Towa looked at the heartbeat and brainwaves. "So far so good."

*Woom! Woom!* The next to increments were pushed along to see a change faster. Kakarot's resistance to energy was already higher than normal. Blasting him with a higher threshold than she thought he could handle didn't show anything.

"Tch!" Towa clicked her teeth looking at him barely reacting then back at the reading. "Not good, if you don't have a reaction soon.."

"Ughh!" Kakarot pushed against the restraints as the next increment caused an intense pain to run through his body. Teeth digging into the mouthguard and chest heaving.

"Defintely a Demon Saiyan!" Shutting the machine off as quickly as possible, the concerned scientist carefully removed the connections. "You fainted with your eyes open this time at least." Unhooking everything, she tossed him into the Medical Vat. "Might as well check the progress of your organs while I am at it."

Towa took notice of his tail being completely black. The same color as his hair with the eyes a dark red bordering on the most redist of crimson. Yet for all this, Kakarot exuded the same feeling as before.

"Your cells contain the Dark Factor naturally. I will have to make adjustments to watch your growth to become the new Dark King." Rubbing her hand along his face affectionately, Towa was glad he was unresponsive. Well mostly. "Hmm?"

Kakarot's tail wrapped around her the same as before. A little prying and she was free. Much easier than last time. Closing the vat after the mouthpiece was attached, Towa moved to go over all the work gathered.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 512,100

Ki: 584

Magic: 362

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark

Controlled Regions: Gurumes

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Wife???, Old Gohan, Towa

Magmatidecreators' thoughts