
Life With Cats

Life With Cats is a novel I've worked on for about a year now. It's a warm hearted story about a woman who dies of old age surrounded by the cats she loves with all her heart. She longs to continue living with them, forever. Thankfully and unknowingly the God of Laziness cared for her life enough to grant her another chance. She decides to continue her Life With Cats. Updates coming soon!

Cilliez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


*This god has been watching over them, enjoying their new ventures.*

"Sir… I am concerned though, do you think it will be okay?" An unimportant figure comments, simply standing close by.

*This god isn't concerned about it.*

"It should be fine. We didn't add anything too dangerous, right?" This god didn't actually check, not that this god needed to, this god felt.

"Ah, no. I personally checked before it was sent down." The figure noted.

*This god nodded their head.*

"Then it should be fine." This god simply continued to lounge.

The unimportant figure resumes their work as this god's disciple after setting up God's Mirror beside the lounging god.

*This god will continue to watch.*

The mirror reflects not this god but instead the image of the cats back in the world.

"Good morning, kitties~" It's finally the day we'll be traveling to the capital with Rodrick. We did a lot of training, and I finally believe I understand how to fully utilize all their skills and traits. A lot of their traits and skills simply enhanced what they already had, but some were surprising and fun. [Meadow] seems to be a very interesting skill, and I can't wait to see it in action. Tulip has been more excited to go outside and battle monsters now, at first she seemed a bit bothered by it. Possibly thinking that it wasn't befitting for a princess like her, but the skill itself made her feel powerful.

Another one of the skills that caught my eyes was [Rupture], it's very amusing how it used her powerful voice to become a skill like that. It feels very characteristic of Hana, and I'm happy for her. Hana also had started to understand that her volume should be saved for these special moments, and talks softer within the house.

"Master, good morning." Mystic wakes up purring, and creating little muffins on the blanket below her. One of my plans for today is to say goodbye to everyone, especially Areth. She had become a very important person to us, to me and the kitties. Velvet who was usually very uncomfortable around other people had started to open up herself to the possibility of approaching Areth. Areth had only actually seen Grace, the rest of the cats were invisible 95% of the time.

"Velvet, do you want to come with me to say goodbye to Areth?" Her ears perk up at my question.

"Okay…" She still sounds nervous, but I think it's important to give her this chance to interact with someone else. In the future, I'd like them to be invisible less so they can enjoy other people's affections too. It's not right to keep them unseen to everyone, then they'll never truly feel connected to this world. Not that we really are… but we should try to be.

I get up from the bed, and give everyone a little pat gesturing to them to get down. They all jump down from the bed, one by one the bed is empty once again. Just like before we got here all those days ago. Soon, we'd be gone from here again and it would be just a memory. The people outside will accept it, the religion that was created unknowingly might become confused at their loss, and those we know the most will simply hold us in their memories. It's interesting because I'd never actually cared about people all that much before coming here. Family was just that, blood related individuals. But here, it feels like… it matters. Maybe it always did, and I just hadn't realized it back then.

I sit down on the bed, it's fully made and cleaned up. I guess I did a lot of thinking, I can't even remember making the bed just now. I've become a much more thoughtful person now that I can interact and socialize with the cats more. I feel like I want to be a good role model for them, who are basically like little children… oh wait, I'm also a child now.

"Master, are you okay?" Snake peeks out from under the bed and crawls out. Jumping up onto the bed and sitting on my lap, something very unusual for him to do. Perhaps he realized I needed some comfort. Yes, I was thinking a lot. I pat Snake's head calmly, yes, It's okay cause we're here. Let's not stew too much into what happened in the past, and remember about the present. We're all children together, technically. We can grow together, once again. I don't need to be a role model, I can just be a friend. It's hard to try to be all knowing, as an older woman, I always felt like I needed to know what I was doing so that others wouldn't look down on me. But in this new world, let's try to be different, to be better. And let's start with this trip.

Let's worry less and live more.

I hope you all had a nice holiday~ I planned for this next chapter to contain a lot of information on each of their stats. But I really wanted to first explain how the main character is currently thinking. So I hope you enjoy that. This chapter actually means a lot to me personally cause I worry a lot as well, and I thought to myself how great it would be if I helped her in the same way I wish to be helped. One day, I'll also worry less and live more.

Cilliezcreators' thoughts