
Life With Cats

Life With Cats is a novel I've worked on for about a year now. It's a warm hearted story about a woman who dies of old age surrounded by the cats she loves with all her heart. She longs to continue living with them, forever. Thankfully and unknowingly the God of Laziness cared for her life enough to grant her another chance. She decides to continue her Life With Cats. Updates coming soon!

Cilliez · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Stats are separated by two types, Battle Stats and Personal Stats. Personal Stats explain the different stats that affect the body, strength, intelligence, wisdom, vitality, agility, luck, stamina and speed.

Strength, intelligence, agility, stamina and speed are stats that can be improved through training. Wisdom is used by mages who specialize in using mana from the world around us, and it can also be improved through training however the training can only improve it so much. Plus, the training is only really available for the wealthy.

People are born with a set max, which will stop their stats from rising further once it's been hit. The max isn't visible to anyone, except for God who is the one who sets it in the first place. Luck can be raised through using special talismans or pendants which when created by high mages, can add a small boost to whatever you were born with. Luck is considered mostly useless, compared to the other stats.

Vitality will never rise, everyone is born with a set number for how long their life will last. Only high tier mages can view other people's Vitality, and the owner of said Vitality will have no idea of their set number. Sometimes it can be as little as 2 or as high as 100.

It's said that even Gifted individuals must have a low amount of Vitality, and those with high Vitality will never obtain huge success in life. And so the number is normally considered as a testimony of his or her future. The higher the number, the more terrible the future is deemed to become. At times this pushes people with a high amount of Vitality into a criminal life, feeling pressured by their peers to succeed.

Individuals with a basic amount of Vitality, around the range of 11 - 34 are more likely to be accepted and supported by those around them. Lower than 11 is usually deemed as unfortunate. The higher the number goes from 34 is where the issues arise, those people will either die due to an unfortunate circumstance early on in their life due to harassment or crime. Or will struggle through life, before inevitably reaching their demise later on in life.

Vitality at 21, is average, Lottie will live privileged to never have to experience the type of pain that others do based on this specific number. When Lottie first saw their stats in the beginning of their adventure in the new world, all of her stats were considerably low. This is normal for someone who has just been born, and though technically Lottie had just been born to the world, for her to still be that weak at her body's current age is strange. To say the least, most would be confused at how she could even survive.

The world she's in now isn't dangerous for the most part, but with her low stats, she could find things difficult. Which is why I'm sitting here… reading many books, unlike how my body looks. As a cat, such things are weird but I'd do anything to serve Lottie properly. As the Commander of her troops, I should know as much as I can about how this world works.

While everyone's been sleeping through the night, I've been secretly leaving the room and sneaking into Areth's room where she houses many of her favorite books. She's a bookworm for sure, as almost half of her room has been taken over by mountains of books which are difficult to trek through.

We don't need to sleep as Lottie's beasts, so much of my night ends up taking place in this room. It's only when the sun is about to rise that I return to our room on time for Master to tell me...

"Good morning, Mystic." She'll give me some head pats, and I'll rest by her side. I know things will be difficult for her as we continue to live here, but I hope we'll be capable enough to support her through all of it.

Just as Snake had noticed Lotties concerns that day, Mystic too had noticed it. In fact, only two of the cats hadn't noticed it, or at least were too busy sleeping to register her feelings. The connection between beast and Master is strong enough to basically broadcast basic mood shifts. And while most mood shifts aren't necessary to focus on, this one seemed more intense.

Thankfully, she calmed down very quickly. Bouncing back from her thoughts quick enough, before anyone could pounce her and start the emotional support sequence. It would have contained lots of cuddles, and purring. Enough to remind her that she wasn't here alone.

Yasa would have also pounced on her however she had become a bed for half of the cats, and couldn't get up even if she wanted to. Not that she wanted to, she was in bliss.

"Since it's the last day we have here, let's spend it right." Snake gets off from my lap, and is a moment away from retreating under the bed before it seems he realizes his mistake.

"I forgot we're leaving… I got a bit attached to my spot.." He shyly moves away and lays down in the middle of the room instead. I know what he means, it's only been a couple days but I had also gotten attached to the small room, and the small town. It's not much but it was our first home after all. In a way, I feel connected to this place.

"Don't worry, once we find our true home you can have a spot again. Until then, your spot is right next to me, right?" I chuckle, just like his spot is right next to me, I also know that my spot is right next to them.

The room was finally exactly the way it was before we got here. I had spent a little while cleaning up after the cats, who still seem to shed fur sometimes. I sat down on the floor to brush through Doggy's fur and had ended up brushing a couple of the others as well. They simply love being groomed. Yasa had calmly just curled herself up so she wouldn't disturb anyone, the room wasn't big enough, so in the future our home will have to be more accommodating for her size. I mentally add that to my To-Do list.

Then they were all set to [Orbit] in their invisible state, leaving the room and closing the door. I look at it in it's closed state and recall the first day when I learned my first number. It had been the start of an interesting string of events.

I never really expected to suddenly attain a Tiger, who of course could not walk down the stairs of the inn or up them for that matter, so Yasa had become the first of the cats to use the Sleep function. All it did was unsummon the beast selected, and place them in a sort of hibernation type state. When they were summoned again, they had no recollection of where they were just placed, and so it doesn't seem to be very interesting there.

I could use it for all of the cats but it seems to be something that is difficult to use many times in succession. Something about a lack of Wisdom, was what the notepad notified me about. Mystic tried to explain to me about it and I understood the basic reasoning. I just need to start training myself, I'm not sure how yet but Mystic seems to be confident in being able to find out how. She's very capable.

I had been thinking about it casually but I'm mildly interested in learning how to use a sword properly. I'm wondering who we'll meet from now on, I'm looking forward to having more companions, and not just animal companions. It'd be nice to have some more human-like beings, that is to say I'd like to have more friends. I know there are magical folk out there, some have pointy ears alike to 'elves'. It's a tad unlike me to want to be around others but I learned through what Bran spoke to me about before that I do need others. And I shouldn't feel scared to accept that.

I know of many stories of people wandering through these continents alone, who were strong but failed in their goals because they were too stubborn to accept help and companionship. One of which spoke about a young man who was said to have a lot of promise, who came from a high magic family in a nice town. However, since his life was so easy in the beginning, he found it difficult to accept defeat when he encountered it. He was called The Fool, because he never managed to understand his own flaws.

People told the story of The Fool as a warning to their children often. A reminder that even the strongest person can find themselves on a path to their own destruction if alone.

Bran probably grew up hearing that story, so he knew the importance of assisting others and accepting help. I had lived simply, so simply before, where nothing else mattered. Not even those around me to some extent, so his words sent me into a state of shock. And now, I understand. I don't want to become like The Fool, in that story. So I'll accept help when I need it, cause I will need it.

Maybe even the God of Laziness himself, follows this same principle. To help others, and maybe him reincarnating me was his form of helping me. Back then, I definitely needed help, I know it now. It just reminds me about how grateful I am for what he's done.

I'm in my feels, man. I'm sorry. Also, happy 2021.

Cilliezcreators' thoughts