
Chapter 3: larkspour island

The boat arrived at a little island with one village , cleven dropped her off on a little house akane saw a sign saying "mayor's house"

"don't worry the people here are nice and they will surely take care of you" cleven whispered

Clevan then slip a paper on akane's basket, he knocked on the door and ran away

"he's fast!"

An old man opened the door and looked if anyone was there, he then heard a baby crying he looked down and saw akane crying

"HONEY, come down there's a cute baby outside our door step" the old man said

the old man carried her onto their sofa, a woman come down the stairs.

"what do you mean a baby?" the woman said

" she looked abandoned and she can't stop crying too, what do i do?!"

the woman carried her and rocked her on her arms singing a lullaby ,the old man saw a note on the basket and grabbed it

"honey, look at this she has a cute name to (Hotaru Simone)"

"what are we gonna do with this child , how could someone abandon a beautiful baby like her"

" you wanna adopt her??"

"can i?"

"of course we have so many space in the house for a little baby" the old man said

"I'm a parent now" the woman happily said

"i disagree with the name Simone" hotaru thought

15 years later

Hotaru was sitting at a chair on the sea side practicing wind element when a group of pirates noticed her they all locked eyes and hotaru smiled and disappeared, the group of pirates got their mind puzzled

"Captain did you saw that"

"yeah but it felt like an illusion" the captain said

"she's pretty and she's an awakened one"

"what type!?"

" an element one ,but she's like a ghost"


"i looked away for a second and she disappeared "

"is that mountain haunted!?! " the captain said