
Life of a reincarnated Ger

Yu Mùchén died in a accident were the computer explosioned but fortunately he got reincarnated! as a... Ger..? with one kid and a another on the way! and that's not the weird part he was reincarnated in a new world of magic and fantasy that takes place in ancient China! New equipped with a new race and two kids and a husband on the battlefield Yu Mùchén trys to have a living for his family and waits for his dear husband to come from the war so he can dip out of this damn place!

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

2♡ New world new life

He slowly opened his eyes to be me head spitting headache

He groaned not even noticing his surroundings

It hurts! So much! Why dose it hurt..? Is he not dead..?

The spitting pain continued and he started to whimper in pain causing a smell ball next to him to wake up

The small ball sat up yawning and rubbing it's eyes

The child looked at Yu Mùchén consern on her little face

"Mwmny? Are you ok?" The child gently said worried

But the pain was too much! Yu Mùchén didn't even notice her

Yu Mùchén whimpered and and tears started to flow out of his eyes making the kid next to him even more concerned

"M-Mwmmy?" She tapped him

Yu Mùchén finally noticed the child and he was stunned, he was about to say something when a flow of memories that was definitely not his flowed into his head

He was reincarnated into a world where fantasy magic and monsters existed, this world takes place in ancient times where phones don't exist but magic exists

In this world there are monsters that are split into three ranks

Rank 1: normal monsters

Rank 2: magic monsters

Rank 3: demonic monsters

There are also magic that are spitted up between noble, commoners and royalty

Commoners commonly use:





Nobles commonly use:






Rarely unless thay are related to the royalty in some way light and darkness

The royalty commonly uses:









This world is also spit into three genders, male, female and gers

Gers are beautiful man with the ability to get pregnant, thay have a mark on their face to show how much fertility that have and to show thay are gers

This world also has two races humans and beastmen

Beastmen are humans with animal features like ears, tails, whiskers and so on, thay also have that ability to transform into their animal forms

Humans and beastmen live peacefully together because in some opinion its just a small difference, one can turn into animals while the another can't

It didn't affect there way of living so thay normally don't give a shit if you are a beastmen

"Mwmmy.. Mwmmy are you ok? Are you sad..?" A sweet baby voice said to Yu Mùchén and Yu Mùchén placed his attention onto the kid, she was a beautiful and cute girl black shoulder length hair, round chubby cheeks, pale but rosey skin, soft light blue eyes and very eye catching wolf ears

This is Zhao Jing.. she is the og host daughter

"Ah.. Xiao Jing.. mummy is fine go back to sleep~ or do you want to hug mummy to sleep?" Yu Mùchén said in a doting tone

Zhao Jing is around 2 years old and 9 months, Og host was married off when he was 15 to his husband Zhao Kai who was 17 at the time he was forced to get married early because of his step mother madam Zhao

Og host got pregnant on his first try and got pregnant again when Zhao Jing was 2 years old and 6 months old but before he even found out the officials came and took healthy men for the war that includes his now husband Zhao Kai

After he was sent off in the war everything went down hill for this family, The og host use to get two tails of sliver a month from the mother in law even though the officials sends 5 tails of sliver a month to show Zhao Kai was alive and doing his job

One day the mother-in-law just stopped giving money to the og host in general, the mother-in-law still gets the money monthly but she never liked 4th son so when he got married her anger also went over to the son-in-law

It's been two months since the og host got any money but he still got some left overs from the first month

"Mwmmy Jing Jing is not slwepy anymore.." she said that as she yawns and rubbed her eyes

"Mwmmy Jing Jing will still awake with you"

Yu Mùchén's heart swells, he gaved her a sweet smile as he placed her in his lap

"Ain't you cute? But Jing Jing needs to sleep ok? Mummy will be here"

"Rewlly..? Mwmmy won't cry anymore two?"

Yu Mùchén's eyes soften alot as he kissed her little head then her two rosey cheeks

"Mhm mummy promise!"

"Ok.. Jing Jing will slewp then..mwmmy can Jing Jing listen to baby in Mwmmy's tummy before slewp..?" She asked as her tiny fingers touched his... slightly rounded belly.. he remembered he was in his first trimmer 3 months..

Ah this is too much for his mind to process~

"You can Xiao Jing"

"Rewlly? Ok!" She leaned down and placed her smell wolf ears onto his stomach and listened, she started to babbling

"HI! Hi! Am Jing Jing remember? Am gwing to be your bug sissy!"

"Xiao Bao~ your his big sissy not bug sissy~"

"Ah..? But Jing Jing did say bug sissy.. not bug sissy"

"Hahaha.. ok ok whatever you say Xiao Jing"

She continued to babble to his belly until she fell asleep

He gave a helpless smile before placing her onto the bed next to him before getting up and looking around the room He soon found a basen with water, it was catching water from the leaking roof

Yu Mùchén took a good look of himself in the water the water, the water was making repels every time the rain droplets fell making it harder to see himself but that really couldn't hide his looks!

Long straight flowy light blue hair, gently light blue eyes, pale skin, round face with rosey chubby cheeks just like Xiao Jing! His lips were plump red and his eyes were big and watery.. he was beautiful and cute! But what made him cuter was his floppy ears~

He was a cute bunny~!

Yu Mùchén turn around and made his way towards the a desk in the room

He took out a empty book and lighted up a candle

He has to make a plan! Even though the main family literally ignores him he readed enough story's of this gane to no those dick heads may not leave him alone or might start trying to bully him and his family!

He no's he can't leave until he is with his husband because he no's the feeling of not having a father in your life, it's not a wonderful feeling and plus he has always had the dream of having a little family of his own which was complete and peaceful with smiles everyday

So moving until he knows his husband is dead or if he is back from the war is a must~

He needs to save up money for food and money so when hubby is home he can get to move immediately

He also if he can what to learn magic the og host of this body never got the chance to find out what magic type he has

He remembered that in thus world there are two Currency, the one very country use and the country's special money

Like where he is now china there special currency is coins

Copper coins

Sliver coins

Gold coins

Then paper money

500 Copper coins = 1 sliver coin

1000 sliver coins = 1 gold coins

5000 gold coins = 1 paper money

And the other currency is star coins thay are spitted up into two star coins and moon coins, 1000 stars = 1 moon coin

500 star coins = one gold coin

1000 star coins = 1 moon coin

2000 moon coins = 1000 paper money

Ah.. his head hurt~ but for now the goal is to

1) save up 50 moon coins or 100 paper money

2) training my magic

3) make Xiao Jing happy

"Hehe~ I think I can do this!"

OK so.. I don't no much about ancient china but I will try to research when I am confused, something like the money I made up idk if it's really real but I don't understand the Currency of ancient china

I dont understand a lot of things so am blaming my forgetfulness on to myself diagnosed adhd (>_<)

I dont no if there's only 2 trimmers in 6 month pregnancy but am a round with that.. so when he is in his 4 month of pregnancy he will be in his second trimmers cutting them in half

my head hurts idk what am doing

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