
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


I felt something on my face, so my eyes opened, but my view was blurry. You have to wait a few minutes before your eyes can focus. And a dog was licking my face.

"Good morning," said the same dog as he jumped off of me.

"How long have I slept?"

"Not a lot, just three full days."

Three days later, I should have been dizzy like this.

"What about the mission!" I immediately thought about it and cried out.

"Don't worry about that. mission complete This is your reward." The dog pointed his paw to the side of the table near the patient's bed. in which a large canvas bag is placed

"Because you helped defeat the enemy. The way upstairs has given you quite a lot of rewards," said the dog, of course not talking about using Ichigo as a bird at

all. oh all the money There are not less than a thousand slender. The rest is like a ticket instead of money. There are twenty leaves One hundred slender bills.

"It's just money, smile on your cheeks," said the dog. It looked at me disdainfully.

"I'm poor lately, OK?" I retorted, before thinking about one thing. So turned to ask the dog. "But did you go back? It's all over here?"

"It's not over yet." The dog looked at me with serious eyes and a serious atmosphere. "Are you interested in making a contract with a ninja dog?"

"Eh?" I was stunned, confused.

"You don't know anything about summoning animals?" he asked.

"Of course I know," I said, "then

you know the benefits of having a summoning animal," said the dog,

"why do you want to contract with me?" I don't know what this guy was thinking. However, we didn't even know each other for a day. Let's say this, it seems a bit strange

. but instead covered me so I didn't get hurt. Can this reason be enough?" said the dog. Looking at my back, 'Actually, this guy should have recovered from day one. but because the wound has not yet healed We therefore asked the medical team to inject more anesthesia. This caused this guy to sleep for two more days. Fortunately, the wound was not very serious. because I was just burned out.'

"Will you repay your kindness?" I asked back.

"Would you think so?" replied the dog. This dog can run and explode that flame. but it doesn't escape And it wants to test Ichigo what to do with situation in front which the results are as seen

in the dog's mind "This kid is enough to leave a ghost for a fever."

I thought about the benefits of the summoning beasts. before nodding It was then that


, a huge cloud of smoke exploded. There appeared a dog carrying a large scroll on its back.

The dog took down the scroll and spread it on the bed.

"Use your own blood to write your name. Then use the five fingers of the hand that I will use to smear your own blood and stamp on it," said the dog. Then put that finger on the other hand and write your own name on it. Finished, he put his bloody thumb on the four fingers in the same hand and stamped it onto the grimoire.

"Release the chakra to the contracted hand, use In Gun, Tho, Roa, Wok, Mamae and place it where you want to summon. If used a lot, all eight of us ninja dogs will appear at the same time. If the chakra is less, I will only show one. No, in general, whoever you will call out depends on the mood." The dog ordered the large dog to keep the scroll on his back as usual, "Okay, it's been here for a long time. Let's say goodbye."

" Hey, I don't even know your name yet." I asked quickly.

The dog jumped onto the big dog's head before turning to me.

"Kikachi, call me 'Pug-kun', you can call me that. All right,"


, a white smoke erupted. Along with the two ninja dogs that disappeared,

"Wait, Eight Ninja Dogs, Pug-kun, isn't this Kakashi's summoning beast!?" I exclaimed loudly.

I didn't think these would still exist. Like this, other people's summoning beasts Well, that's good luck after the worst of luck. Or not

. Another day, I was able to leave Konoha's medical unit. The wounds on his back seemed to have healed. It's like a real ninja world. for this wound If it was the previous world, it would be a month and a half before it disappeared.

I walked with a purse in my hand. and use it to buy cup noodles to stock up in the room The rest are kept for each other.

After all, I have nothing to do right now. because there is no team leader It was therefore impossible to accept missions at a level higher than F. because it cannot be remembered to do it alone So I went to the mission building to look for work

. Let me introduce you to the mission this time." The same Chunin who sent the three missions almost died suddenly said. Of course, I immediately refused. Are you kidding? from a mission to find a cat It turns out that you have to kill each other with a ninja instead. I have a hunch that I will be the same nemesis. So it's better to choose yourself.

The lower level mission folder was placed in front of him. I opened it up and saw something new and strange that I had never seen before.

"Hey, this mission scorer. Can I exchange something?" I asked the same Chunin, who was waiting for me to choose a mission.

"Mission points are for exchanging things. That's not the village's forbidden item." The same Chunin took another folder and placed it in front of me.

I opened it and found This is very surprising. because in this file there are pictures of various scrolls That is used for training a lot. There are weapons such as shuriken, kunai and explosive talisman. Turning to another page, I was particularly interested. Because there's a chakra sword that appeared in Naruto Ninja, the Lost Tower movie, it's awesome. It looks like a research on ninja gear. And the technology of Konoha at this point will develop. If the plot The Chakra Sword will be present in the episode of Tsunade. Being the 5th Hokage, I couldn't have imagined that it would even exist during this time.

When I opened it again, I found something called 'Serum Ninja'. It was developed by the Senju family. It has the effect of causing the body of the person who has been injected with the serum to change cells. The result may sometimes be to strengthen the body of the person using it and increase the chakras. But it works only once. This is something new that is not included in the original story. Looks like when the main protagonists disappear. Are these things replacing them for balancing?

For me, the chakra is less than the standard. Should have gotten one. However, going to get the cursed characters at Oto Village looks very lucky. I think I should pave the way for that first. because if the curse character is not real "Use 6,000...how many points do I have

?" I asked Chunin in front of me. He used a specific spell to investigate. before saying, "There are 10,000 points."

I was baffled, why was there so much of it that I had only completed three missions?

Of course, Ichigo had no way of knowing that he was being used as a bird to lure the target out. which this plan, the person who came up with The 5th Hokage, Umino Iruka! Risk death like that and survive. It deserves to be awarded points. Of course, Ichigo will never know about this! "Then bring one Ninja Serum, the other 3,000 points are the Fire, Water, and Earth Spell Scrolls, and the other thousand

are the Summon Scrolls, Kunai, Shuriken and Flame Talisman."

one time

"Give me this bag and give it to me." Chunin handed me a large backpack.

finished I immediately went to the forest near Konoha. to use the ninja serum