
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

even though there is no divine system to help But just with these items, I think I will definitely survive during the time of the invasion of Konoha in the Shibuden region!

I said the bag down and picked up the ninja serum.

before opening his mouth to reveal a small needle I didn't hesitate to inject it into my body.

but nothing happened So I picked up the manual that came with it and opened it to read.

'Warning before use - This serum will take a day to work. In the meantime, the user will not be able to remove the chakras.

Damn it. I forgot to read the warning before using the drug. Quickly merge the Inreed Chakra Du. But the chakra could not be rolled at all like the warning written on it.

Damn I missed it How will you be like this for the remaining three days? The ninja world is now in chaos. Suddenly, a beast suddenly appeared. Absolutely dreadful death!

"Wow, this old man is really forgetful," I murmured before taking out the scrolls that were used to summon Shuriken and Kunai one by one. The rest and the exploding talisman are summoned for emergency use.

hair with nothing to do Thus began the practice of shuriken and kunai. I still can't remember how to use it. So I thought it would be better to practice it than to stay still.

I took a used scroll. Spread it out and place it on the trunk of a tree. Then use a kunai to pin it. and walked at a distance of one meter from his tail

The right hand picked up the shuriken and threw it out. Strange, even though it was close, it was pinned into the middle of the paper? Or is it that this body actually remembers the old Ichigo's shuriken and kunai? And it's also at a very high level.

I spaced out two meters. and switch to Pakunai The result remains the same. into the middle of the target So I spaced another three meters. before throwing the shuriken out

Practice dragging for an hour. I found that Ichigo's pakunai and shuriken skills weren't just at a high level. but at a level called the devil!

The target sizes were ten meters apart. and there are also obstacles I was able to throw the shuriken into my target as if dropping it. which really made me wonder Why was the former Ichigo who was so good at being ridiculed? being laughed at being bullied to death Is it true that Ichigo didn't die because of social pressure? But otherwise?

Thinking about it, it came to a dead end. Because the memory of the old Ichigo was not obtained. So I don't have anyone to suspect right now. Therefore, it must be discarded first. think about it later

After collecting the summoned shuriken and kunai into the bag I hurried back to my room to sleep.

"Gather all Nija people of all levels. Let's go to the Ninja School now!!!"

I was shocked by the sudden sound that rang out all over the village until I rolled over the bed.

"What happened?" I looked around. All of the ninjas, clad in green vests and sling bags of ninja gear, leapt up the rooftops. Their goal is all Heading to the Ninja School

"It's not that the tailed beast attacked." I couldn't help but cursing. but now there is no time After putting on my clothes, I took the bag that I had in the summoning scroll and carried it over my shoulder. As for the scroll, keep it here. Carry it and run along the road to the Ninja School.

I gasped as I walked into the school door. There were three or four Chunin's standing on the roof of the school observing something, but anyway, I hurried into the familiar line of my room.

A Jonin was in his early thirties. He opened his eyes before speaking. "My Shadow Fragment has reached the battlefield. It seems to be an Akatsuki!"

Hearing those words, everyone didn't seem shocked as if it was normal. But to me, this is even confused as a chicken with a broken eye.

Aren't these Akatsuki to appear during the Shibuden episode or the saga of the Storm? Why did it show up in the first place? Oh no, the storyline of the normal childhood period had to be two. Itachi and Shisame Right now, I'm not ready to clash with anyone!

No one's training time What will you bring to fight?

"They have invaded our village again."

"The last time they captured the women of our village, about 3 times they invaded. Now come invade again I doubt their goals will be the same."

"Yes, we must protect the women well. Whoever is a woman, beware of the Akatsuki. If you weren't careful, you might get caught like everyone else."

I listened to what the Genin kid also said. I couldn't help but be surprised. What do you mean, Akatsuki is only chasing women? As it sounds, the age should be 12-35 years old, over 35 years old are not arrested. It's strange, why can't their target be a woman? Or that history has changed?

"Alright, now find your own sub-team. Then Jonin in charge of the team will take them to the battlefield. As a support unit!" An unknown voice resounded. Ninja Genin and Chunin begin to form a team.

Then there's Jonin taking his team to a spot where a masked ninja is probably the one the Hokage sent to help


. I'm expecting to join the war,"

groaned the students who had just become Genin for less than two weeks.

"Hey, you guys are still Genin. He also hadn't completed an A-rank mission once, so there was no way the heavens would send it to the front line. Go ahead and weigh the Jonin's legs in vain," cried the same Jonin.

There is only one team in my team and there is no Jonin in control. So I decided to go to the support unit instead. Anyway, now both the body and the chakras don't work. So I don't have any fighting abilities. Fortunately, Genin didn't go to the front line

. when going there be awake all the time because the enemy may appear at any moment." A ninja of three masked secret units. Merge in very fast In the blink of an eye, he placed his palm on the ground. Many characters surrounded a large group of people.

The other side is very far away from Konoha Village. Konoha's secret ninja bit his thumb until a small amount of blood gushed out. He merged with In swiftly. before placing his palm on the ground

"Reverse summoning spell!"

Pung, the standing ninja team suddenly exploded into a huge cloud of smoke. which the destination is It was the point where a distant secret ninja had laid his hands.