
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A few days later, I was summoned to the Ninja Mission Hall. located not far from the ninja school

"To test whether you deserve to be in the team or not. Originally, Jonin had to act. But now our village's Jonin is all out on missions. Let Chunin come and do it, that's right. because it was against the rules established by the Hokage. that the team leader and teacher must only be of the Jonin level But because you're on the same team So we'll have you complete three F-rank missions instead. If all of them are successful, she'll become a complete member of Team 7. But if you can't, you'll have to go back to the Ninja Academy." hair

three sheets of paper was placed in front of me which was the details of the three missions. There was also a large enough steel cage placed next to each other.

I've read, all three are missions to find animals and objects. To be honest, it's easy or simple, but it's difficult. It's hard in the sense that I don't know anything about Konoha Village. And where are you going to find these animals and things!

but no choice while the other ninja students By now, he's probably fighting the team leader for the bell. Instead, I had to run around the village to do missions.

"Then let's start with the first one. Looking for the rich man's wife's cat...." I looked at the picture in the mission sheet. then looked towards the side of the road There were almost three or four cats rummaging through the trash.

"Second mission Find a ninja dog that was raised by the village. and fled from the ninja unit to hide in Konoha Village." I looked at the ninja dog as I looked at the stray dogs on the side of the road.

"The third mission Bring back one of the secret documents that the ninja dogs above stole…"

It's not a difficult mission. but the point is I only have one Probably wouldn't be able to chase the dog man on a mission. Plus one of them is a ninja dog. I definitely didn't run after it. It must have taken a bit of head

. We should probably use the same method." I thought, clutching the slender silver in my hand. This way looks easy. If it was a cat of a rich man's wife, this would be easy. But this ninja dog, will it work? If the money is out of pocket and still not successful. I'll have to go back to the ninja academy again.

ten minutes passed

I sat at the playground that I used to practice yesterday. He held two bags in his hand and arranged the jars. Poured them into separate piles.

The first group was grilled fish. Nearly ten of them smelled fragrant, the second pile was the pork bone, chicken, which was slightly attached to the meat. roasted fragrant

I put it like that. Then take the cup noodles that you bought with them and eat them. because I didn't eat in the morning Because the food in the refrigerator is all gone. And the money itself is still running out.

"Hopefully it will be worth the money invested. Otherwise I will definitely eat grab." I murmured as I thought about the reward if the mission was accomplished. The three missions together were almost a thousand slender. It would be enough for me to buy cup noodles for a month.

Of course, if it succeeds

, "Miao",

the first victim caught up with it was a stray cat. I glanced at it before continuing to eat the cup noodles. because it is not the goal

I don't know how long I accidentally fell asleep wake up again Found that the playground had almost fifty dogs and cats all screaming.

"Well, our plan is too viable." I stood up, swept over the cat dog in the mission sheet

, "that one, white one, with a pink bow on my head. Hit it." I ran to catch it. but slowly walked silently Breaking through a herd of four-footed beasts licking their bones with gusto before grabbing it This cat is struggling like crazy. So I hurriedly walked towards the cage. and stuffed it in before using the talisman to seal it It's so tight it can't get out

. Isn't it for holding ninja dogs? Why are you holding a normal cat?"

Hearing this, I immediately exclaimed, "Chee!" The talisman used to seal the cage had only one sheet. It's a one-time use, so if you pull it out, it won't work anymore. This kind of thing is so unlucky!

"But slow, who said that?" I turned around and looked left and right, back and forth, not seeing anyone. So he looked down and looked down. There is a pug I'm standing and peeing at my feet.

"This dog is not going to pee on the electric pole!" I jumped and ran away. But soon there was a part of it stained on my shoes.

The pug looked up at me, "That's where normal dogs pee. As for me, unlike them, I'll have to pee in different places."

"Huh?" This pug, can you say, wait, is this a ninja dog on a mission? Suddenly, I jumped in and grabbed him.

"I'm done! "I picked him up. But it turned out that there was a piece of wood that I hugged.

"Shape-shifting spell?" Didn't expect me to be played.

"Hey, don't stubbornly rush in. You'll be shocked." The pug came out of the tunnel under the playpen.

I looked at it and unfolded the mission leaf. until a small sheet came out of a sweater pocket

Why are their sizes so different? This is the dog in the mission sheet. Labrador mixed with some glass clearly. But Ngai has become a fortified pug.

"What are you thinking of rudeness?" said the pug. before jumping to me Four feet firmly landed on my head and it sat down like that. Will the owner of the head allow it?

"This is the scroll that you need to quickly deliver to the ninja team," he said, then took out a small scroll the size of its leg and threw it in front of him. I hurriedly held out my hand,

"Wait, the cat found it, you found it, and there's a scroll in the mission. Isn't this easy?" I was puzzled. Why did it look so easy? Just sleep and wake up one mission and all of them are complete.

"It's not that easy. Come and hide quickly." The pug pecked my head and swayed to the left. Suddenly, the shuriken flew through the air, a little bit past my hair.

"What?" I almost cried. What happened? Why would someone point a shuriken at my head? No, the point is that the village has a security system. Enemies should be caught immediately, come in here. Why did you play shuriken so much?

"Pitch it quickly, kid!" cried the pug. before jumping onto the roof At that moment, Kunai leapt through the air. I hurriedly put the gears on but running down the road instead Because I can't remember how to run on the roof like a ninja. Not satisfied, not more than Where the hell is a normal person who used to run on the roof

? I ran for a while and I didn't see a single person even though there were a lot of people before. This is too unusual. I hurriedly stopped my footsteps. And suddenly the surrounding area distorted and turned into a forest somewhere near Konoha.

"Psychic spell? Probably not, it's a high level illusion spell. But when did we fall into its spell?" I looked around cautiously.

"Be careful on the ground!" A voice called out. I quickly jumped away. because who remembers that voice belonging to Suddenly, the figure of a ninja clad in black shrouded it and stabbed a kunai up from the ground. If I stood there just now, it would have been plugged in.

"Looks bad, ran and ran and just popped up in the Hell's Forest." The pug appeared in the form of a tree, it murmured

, "Death Forest?" I repeated my words and thought of something. Are you going to be promoted to Chunin? That bastard with that big beast, how did you come up here?

"Baby, I'll give you a chance. Hand over the scriptures in your hand. Then I will let thirty-two die," said a ninja clad in black, holding a kura two meters away from me. After listening to it, I would bend the voice so I couldn't hear whether it was a woman or a man.

"Don't believe it, kid," said the pug.

scripture? I opened my hand and appeared a small scroll. Or is this what it wants? Holy crap, what message is this scroll written on? Why would someone kill me to take it?

Is this an F rank mission? I don't think so. It's definitely a B or A rank mission.