
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Morning, I switched to a red t-shirt and over it with the same black sweater. before going to ninja school

The students were now gathering in different corners of the school. The topic of their discussion was The team of three who took the Genin exam, who will be with whom?

This grouping was done by the top of Konoha. If Sarutobi 3rd generation was there, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were together. But because they weren't there, what would Team 7 be like? I walked to the classroom while pondering.

I sat in my room for half an hour. The bell sounded. All students returned to their rooms. Then Teacher Souji entered the room with several documents in hand. I gazed at it. It is information about ninja students in Konoha.

"Alright everyone, today we're going to split the team. Each team has three members. If the team is divided, then there is a dislike of the other two friends. It cannot be changed again. Follow the teacher to the auditorium." Souji led everyone to the auditorium. not far away In the auditorium, there were other ninja students in the room, nearly two hundred in total.

"The teacher will call each team the name. Whoever is named on which team Let's get up and group together in the empty space in the auditorium." Souji walked towards the raised wooden platform and told everyone. He looked at me with wide eyes. Among the nearly two hundred ninja students

I had a bad intuition. What kind of teacher hated me? Why are you always looking at me with that disgusting look? He really thought That I didn't notice?

Teacher Sochi "Team 1 Uchiha Ryuga....."

Segmentation begins. Arriving in the first group, it was Ryuka. An Uchiha boy with an unpredictable future. As for the other two members, one female and one male,

Team 2 ,

Team 3 ,

Team 4


"Team 7, Uchiha, Chiba, Senju, Hana, Adachi, Mina!"

At that moment, the students were surprised. because push for the people of the Uchiha clan and the Senju family are on a team together Does anyone in Konoha know that these two are right for each other? Go ask a three-year-old boy and he still knows!

"I won't let the people of Uchiha Go with the Senju!" Ryuka suddenly shouted. But Teacher Souji raised his hand to stop him. Before calling the name,

the 63 team

arrived at the last team. Ninja students standing in a row They gathered together a group of three people talking.

while losing talks over the clan One hand suddenly lifted up and shouted loudly,

"Teacher, why am I not named among the 63 teams?"

This person was none other than me, standing until his roots almost fell to the ground. The name was never mentioned once,

"Oh really? Ah, our students have 190 students. If the team of 3, then there will be exactly 1 person left. That person is you!" said Souji,

I was silent for a moment. Why did you become a fragment!

"Besides, you still haven't got the ninja's iconic forehead band."

"But I passed the exam."

One teacher and a student looked at each other. before a loud roar rang out. Chunin, who was guarding the four corners of the conference room, immediately ran to look.

"Stop right now!"

Two groups of children were running towards each other. I raised an eyebrow Because there are two groups, one is the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.

"I won't let the clan go with the Senju!"

Ryuka shouted. The punch swept out at Sora, who were only a elbow apart.

"I'm not going to let the people of my family live with the demon-possessed ones!"

Sora grabbed Ryuga's fist that flew by. before throwing a punch to the back of the garden

"Sooner or later, they hit each other." I could only scratch my neck. At first,

the fight was small, the children hit each other, but soon became more and more intense.

"Fire spell – fireball!"

Uchiha Ryuka merged. The only one in Khal before he opened his mouth to inhale the air and spit it out. The fireball flew forward. where the Senju clans live

"Wood Spell – Wooden Shield!"

On the Senju side, Sora merged with In. The wood-elemental chakra flowed into the ground. In the blink of an eye, a huge piece of wood that seemed to be carved into a wooden shield suddenly appeared

, boom!

The ball of fire that hit the wooden shield exploded. causing the flames to bounce around.

The surrounding students immediately split apart. I too ran away because of the battle of that bloodline limit It wasn't something that could be taken a closer look

. before sneering with a calm face This is a very obvious mockery.

"You're begging!" Ryuka cried out. It was then that his eyes changed. He's already using the ring's eye! Ryuga's ring eye has three comma points. This is a complete ring vision. Whether it's chakras, spells, stances, or illusion spells, they can all be seen penetrating

Ryukasan-in, rooster, khan, rooster, the enormous chakras are exuded by many at once. Before taking a breath, my mouth snorted,

"Fire Spell – Giant Ball Fire!"

At the same moment. Sora quickly merged In, vines, wok, oxen, a nearby well spewed up into a water dragon,

"Water Spell – Water Dragon!

" one water dragon They rushed at each other in the blink of an eye.

"Enough!" A voice called out. with the appearance of a water prison Both Sora and Ryuka retained. until they both choked out. A spell that uses the power of dissolution. So the water prison that was confined to it was gone. The bodies of the two geniuses were no different than a wet dog lying on the ground.

A man appeared in front of both sides.

"Thinking about killing each other? to use a high-level spell," said a man in his late thirties. He turned to look at Ryuka and Sora. before considering the resolution of the meeting

"Anyway, I won't let my family stay with them." Ryuka remained stubborn,

"Okay, enough is enough, now the members of Team 7 won't be there. This should be enough," said the same man.

Hearing this, both Sora and Ryuka fell silent. Because this is the result they both want!

Team 7 is available now? Hearing that, I immediately raised my hand. This caused the man who had stopped the fight to turn around and look.

"I'm just a fraction, Team 7, it's empty. Do you want me to join this team?" I said, looking at the audience's expressions that didn't change a bit

. "Yes," replied the man. I was relieved.

"Wa… wait a minute. This child hasn't yet…" Teacher Soji hurriedly argued. But the black robed ninja man's gaze was so intense that he had to keep his mouth shut.

"This kid passed the exam. is true Passing the exam means becoming a Genin ninja. Therefore, this argument has no effect. Besides, let me tell you Each team will have a jonin-level ninja team leader. which they will come to teach you In being a ninja, as for Team 7, there is currently no Jonin available to act. However, practice on your own first," said the same man. The wind spun around him. Countless woods were also sucked in. In the blink of an eye, the figure that had spoken to me vanished.

"Great". Even though he looks like a king, he must be alone and no one controls him.