
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

, exams are over, everyone disperses to go home.

I am strolling down the street. In my head right now I'm thinking about my life in the Naruto ninja world. As for the story, will it be possible or not to have a leaf-patterned forehead? Not in my head at all

Because there would be no such thing as no difference.

The power that besides the chakras in the body in Ninja Naruto also has Stage 8, Death Gate, Tail Chakra. Hoshi Village Meteor Meteor (Secret Village of Stars), but it's impossible in any way. because no one knows these subjects because they are all dead The only option would be a Meteor Meteor from the Hoshi Village (Secret Village of the Stars), but it's very far away. Traveling alone will surely die. have to use another method

Thinking about it, I thought of the curse character Orochimaru. made on Sasuke's body That when using the curse character, the user will be consumed both mentally and physically. but received a huge physical chakra in return

"Oto Village of Orochimaru It's not too far from Konoha, the cursed character, I hope it exists." I dared not say. After all, Orchimaru has disappeared since the Nine Tails Raid. I can only hope that it will stay. and hidden in the secret nest of Orochimaru But if it's gone, all the stuff inside that nest has been searched. I'm at a loss for strength.

"But there must have been some good stuff with me." I sighed heavily. while thinking about the story of the Naruto ninja world I've read through There are some ninjas who use chakras on their hands or feet to attack. Like Sakura using it to punch the ground until it splits. Maybe I could use it.

However, tomorrow if it goes as I thought There will be a group of ninja students who passed the exam today. This is when Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura are in Team 7 that Kakashi is taking care of the three. Of course, there must be a fight with the team leader. Just like when Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura took the bell from Kakashi.

I headed to the village playground area. There were many children running around and teasing each other. When I arrived, I looked for a corner where there was no one to practice the technique

. "First, roll out the chakras." I used I to pull the chakras out of my body. Then I used my psychic powers to direct the blue chakras to both hands. but when he opened his eyes The chakra immediately dissipated

. In the manga it is described. But it's really hard to put into practice." and do the same as before Of course it failed.

On the 16th time, I was able to make my right hand appear a light chakra. I'm too happy thus causing the chakras to disappear I had to sit for a while to recover the chakras and then continue practicing.

If it was a normal person, it would give up halfway. But the spirit in my body is Forty-year-old grandfather The same working seats in every company Thirty years of days I have a lot of patience. On 34th time I caught the point. Think of the chakras now as clay. I used my psychic powers to direct the lump of clay to one hand. The water then condenses into lumps. hold on the right hand Which now takes a lot of concentration to control, I can't peel it.

I slowly opened my eyes. and I feel the chakra in my right hand My control is perfect. this level of ability Counting the early Naruto ninjas, Haruno Sakura was the one who was the best at controlling the chakras on Team 7.

"Okay, here it is…" I slowly clenched my right fist. and punched into the air,


A simple fist flew forward at a very normal speed. I did not dare to move violently, but moved little by little so that my body remembered the feeling.

from morning till afternoon I practiced until I was sweating and my clothes were all wet. But in the end I use my right hand to hold the chakra until I get used to it at the level of skill.

"Now let's try the real thing." I rested for about ten minutes. My body and brain are able to remember the feeling of evacuating the chakras and slowing them down. Plus, it shows it perfectly without using the ins to unleash the chakras.

but a little chakra Mine has a limited time as well. That is, I can only slow down the chakras. up to a minute before the chakras disappear

"Yak!" I ran towards a tunnel made of steel. My fist immediately hit the thin iron plate.


, pain spread . I burst into tears in one place. I can't even remember how Sakura trained with Tsunade. suspected to change plans Attribute transformation and Chakra transformation must be added."

There are only 5 types of Inner Chakra Transformation: Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, and Lightning. The Attribute Conversion Test can be performed using a special type of chakra absorbing paper. Alright, let's hold it and let the chakra in.

If the paper is wet Shows that the property of "water" is converted.

If the paper is crumpled, it is the conversion of the "earth" property, the

torn paper is "wind"

, the burnt paper is "fire".

The crumpled paper is "Lightning"

. I ran back to the room to get ten sheets of paper and ran back to the same place.

"This is just an ordinary piece of paper. I hope it will work."

I held a small piece of paper in one hand. torn from a notebook I closed my eyes and cleared the chakras. Send it to the paper in my hand,

fold . The

paper in my hand slightly crumbles at one corner. If I hadn't noticed carefully, I wouldn't have seen

"Wrinkly Paper, Earth Element, try again." I picked up a new piece of paper and made it the same way.

This time the paper was crumpled. This is a lightning property!

"But don't you feel happy? How can a little chakra like this be used, a thousand feathers, or cut a lightning bolt? Just kidding." I shook my head at this vicious joke. Because I was born with two elements in my body!

but for confidence So I did the same It appears that this time the paper is crumpled. Wind property Try again. The paper is wet. Try again. The paper has a faint burn.

I looked up at the sky, "God, this body has all the chakra properties transformed. but very little chakra Even if there are properties in every elemental body A

four-year-old man wanted to cry, but without tears, he could only accept his fate

. But let's focus on transforming 'Lightning' properties. How to convert chakra properties? And processing lightning, I've also seen some in the manga.

Like cutting the lightning or the thousand feathers, it is the conversion of the lightning chakra properties and the transformation of the chakra. But I'm not going to make it that powerful move. but downgraded it to a lower level instead As far as the chakras now can do

I rest for a moment and hold the chakra on the right hand Then control the chakras as desired. Since the things that will transform the chakras have been through countless eyes. Because I often watch science shows. Plus, I've seen lightning and lightning in big cities as well. So it's not a problem at all for this,

'First of all, transform the chakras into a kind of electric current!' Before I opened my eyes and saw that the chakra on my hand was There is a light chakra that moves like electricity.

"Successful from the beginning. This bastard really has a heavenly effect," I said, before the chakra in my hand had completely vanished.

"From 1 minute to 40 seconds, this is really less. Because processing the chakras, the chakras run out quickly, right?" I said as I sat down. before being prepared for adding the 'Lightning' attribute to the finished chakra.


when it was complete, my right hand had The electric current rang out. and occasionally flashed like lightning Based on the calculation of the chakra deceleration time while processing the chakras and incorporating the chakra attributes, it is 15 seconds.

The next moment, I thrusted my fist into a thin iron plate. of the tunnel under the children's


My hand immediately broke through this thin iron plate and with that, my chakras were gone with just one blow

. I'll process more complex chakras for you to see." I sneered. Ah, how easy. But the subjects I practiced here It's better to be a dead tree. because it can only be used once and must be used at the right time

"I would like to name this course Lightning Hand!" I said, suddenly the sky suddenly darkened for a moment. I looked up and saw that a black cloud suddenly appeared. cover the sun and there was a very strong gust of wind before everything returned to normal.

I just stood still Before realizing, "What happened just now? I feel that there is a sexuality happening." But thinking about it, someone might use a spell. So he better not care.

"Having practiced for a long time, I am hungry. What if we didn't eat breakfast?" I just remembered. so hurry back to the room to eat the only remaining cup noodles in the room Then take a shower and sleep for a long time until the next morning.