
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"You think that just opening the ring's eyes since birth is so strong? Of course, I have opened my eyes to samsara from birth, Shifa, Shi, I'm arrogant," I said as I sat up sullenly. Because it's almost my turn,

"Senju Hijirou!"

This time it came to the Senju family. Starting with a bright boy Walked in to replace the circle that Chiba ran out.

Ryuga looked at The newcomer, folded his arms, looked at him with no sign that he could finish the body separation technique at all.

The Senju child frowned and stared at Ryuga. Before merging In, use the body splitting spell

, Pung!

The split body of the Senju children. Like the real one, every finger regulation

"9 points!"

But still not a full 10.

Seeing this, Ryuga threw out a crowded voice. "That's all for the Senju family." Then he used a splitting spell

, Pung!

Ryuuga's splinter Almost a replica of his real person. no matter the shape surroundings Even those cold expressions in his eyes were exactly the same as the real ones.

"10 points!

" and followed by a whisper

"It's like a Uchiha Ryuka, not normal at all.

" That is, everything must be replicated from the real thing. Regardless of his body shape, clothes, smell, atmosphere, facial expressions, is this kid's talent too intimidating? Well, some Chunin-level ninjas can't even use a splitting spell that's so perfect."

Ryuka didn't even look at the Senju children. It was as if he had never seen this child in the first place.

The Senju children's faces were flushed with embarrassment. before taking out the forehead band and sitting in the row

"Don't be so disrespectful, Ryuka," a voice rang out as a young man's figure stepped into one of the three circles.

Ryuka squinted at the boy, "Huh, Sora, I had high hopes for you. Don't disappoint me."

Senju Sora, who had a head full of white hair, didn't answer. Just immediately use the separation spell

"10 points"


" The abilities of this family are on par with the Uchiha."

"I heard that the Senju family Three children were born with a cell transfusion of the 1st Hokage, his eldest sister, Senju Sora. And the youngest sister!"

Ichika raised his eyebrows, looking at Senju Sora curiously. But after looking at it for a moment, a look of world boredom came out. Because of this Senju child, the atmosphere around him was no different from Uchiha. How much ryuka, no, they are very similar, so arrogant, no one in sight.

But what I was offended by the dislike of these two people is that These two are the real thing! One has opened the eyes of the ring since birth. Another person has one generation of his cells at birth. With a special bloodline limit ability It was enough to guess that these two in the future would become very powerful ninjas.

"That's it, you're the only one I look up to as a competitor." Uchiha Ryuka stared at Senju Sora, who was also staring back. Two pairs of eyes stared at each other unflinchingly.

"Senju Hana"

, at that moment, a young girl figure walked towards one of the circles that had been left out. Of course, this child is not. Senju children who was implanted with cells of the first generation into the body

. Reminds me of my little granddaughter who always clings to my late thirties, almost forties, begging for money to buy snacks. Ah, life is always changing. I don't know what that child is like. But I will never be able to return to that world.

When Hana walked into the band She used both hands to merge in. Instantly manifests a splitting spell. in that rhythm I suddenly felt strange. Turning abruptly towards the boy Uchiha Ryuka, he saw a perfect visionary ring with three commas. The ring of Ryuka spun around. Slowly

, stunned!

Suddenly, Hana's split figure appeared, but its condition, emaciated and deformed, was very funny. This caused the entire examination to burst out into laughter madly,

"Ha ha, look at the split figure sitting. Why does it look so funny?'


"Senju children. This person really made the family depressed."

A very loud gossip made Senju Hana's face glare at Sora who was sitting in the row. Sora's eyes were so cold that this girl lowered her head and clenched her fists just now, what exactly happened? It's fine when ironing the chakras. causing her meditation spell to be interrupted. The distraction caused the spell to go wrong,

probably only me and the few Chunin who noticed that Ryuga was using the Ring Eye. Staring at Senju Hana's eyes when using the splitting spell. That caused her to churn in her concentration, resulting in a spell error.

But those Chunin chose to ignore Ryuga's actions. Because he is a member of the Uchiha clan.

The exam continues Until one name was called out,

"Kurosaki Ichigo!"

I was sitting there sighing. "You have to be embarrassed by the public." And then stepped forward to a circle in front of Chunin who had called my name

. As soon as I appeared, all the students immediately burst into laughter. due to past deeds But I stood in a circle and stood still, unfazed. Of course, it's not that I'm so stubborn that I don't feel anything, just that I can't remember the heroism that the previous body's owner did in the past!

"Okay, let's get started!"

I merged the ins and unleashed the chakras in my body. and at that time It was as if the residual spirit of the former Ichigo's soul was still left behind. A soft whisper rang in my ear.

"Please...don't fail the exam...just pass the exam.....that's all I'm asking....."

"Ichigo who died?" I muttered and opened my eyes. Look, this is still the realm of the body's owner's soul. But this little chakra What are you going to do!

I gritted my teeth and pushed the chakras out of every cell in my body, both physical and mental energy, all thrust out to the last drop!

"Excuse me, please!" I prayed in my heart before speaking. "Separation spell!"


White smoke erupted beside him. I glanced to my side and saw another myself, emaciated, leather and bone, like a person who had been starving for three whole months. standing in the same pose as me

The worthwhile Chunin took a glance and said, "6 points, passed!"

"Great!" I smiled, as I had fulfilled the residual request of the old Ichigo. But play it out. Haha. I feel quite exhausted. I want to sit for an hour

"Wait a minute." It was then that Teacher Souji walked out of the group of parents.

"What's going on?" The proctor turned abruptly towards Teacher Souji.

"Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's schizophrenic, emaciated and wanting to die like this, just three points is enough," said Souji for a reason. Most of the students nodded their heads in agreement. Teacher Souji saw that and immediately continued, "Plus Ichigo. His chakra was small since birth. Look at this splitting spell. Still expelling the Chakra out of the body to be able to use the spell. I think if I let him be a ninja It's like sending him to die for nothing."


The examiner immediately turned to look at me.

Shit, this idiot teacher, why did he show up and interrupt me? I feel that this is definitely not a coincidence. But I can't really argue with the other party. because anyway What the other party said was true. I'm out of chakras while using a common spell only once If this is a fight I would have been killed as soon as I was exhausted

. And that's all there is Don't interfere with the exam. Because I am the one who has absolute authority to make decisions!" The examiner exclaimed. and looked at Teacher Soji

Teacher Souji frowned slightly, "Okay, but even if he passed the exam, but with his potential I think it's better not to let him be a ninja. and he is not fit to receive it." Finished pointing at the leaf-shaped headband that was the symbol of the Konoha Ninja.

proctor pondering Reminds me of the 5th Hokage's words and turns to look at me, shaking his head, since this is a sad truth. The chakras are much less than the standard. There is no use for ninjas. If sent to do missions and collide with the enemy. "Heh, you passed

the exam, but you still haven't got your forehead," said Chunin, who oversees the exam.

I silently looked at the examiner. I didn't utter a single word. just step out of the band and went back to sit in a row