
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A new morning has arrived.

I silently opened my eyes. Is this the second day I came to this world? But anyway, I got up to brush my teeth and take a shower. do everything normal as if something happened It is said that humans have excellent adaptive abilities.

I picked up some old clothes from the closet and put them on. which is a dull gray t-shirt and shorts Wear it over a black sweater with the symbol of Konoha in the middle of the back.

Today is the exam day, but I don't know what the teachers at school will take. So I prepared myself as much as possible. whether fighting exams or take a ninja spell exam Two of these things, if it's the part of the body split spell, shadow split, body transformation from these topics, I'm sure that I will definitely fail the exam. A little chakra like this isn't enough to use any spell? But if it's a combat exam I've had enough to learn some muay thai. Plus, the body that he possessed was extremely strong. Should be enough to win a round or two.

Arriving at the Ninja School Parents bring their children to school.

"Looks like this exam should be open to the parents. This is putting pressure on me." I frowned. Go into the school and go straight to your room.

"Alright everyone, today's exam the parents will come and see. do it full anyway Let's go to the outer courtyard," Souji told all the students. which these little children knew before then nodded their heads in response with a serious face . because there were parents to come and see So they felt a lot of pressure. If he could do it without his parents, he would lose his face.

There was only one hair that had a dull face. because I don't have a parent In other words, my parents in the world have died a long time ago. When I thought of the pictures of these little children with their parents laughing. It hurts my heart, I don't know how.

Arrived at the outdoor courtyard next to the school building Parents sit on chairs surrounded by a large circle. There were at least a few hundred students sitting in total.

"Today our exam will be on the topic of witchcraft. and will use a splitting spell This is a general level spell that all ninjas can use. And I'm in charge of the exam this time," said a ninja Radbjunin in his early thirties. and pointed to the three circles drawn by kunai The size is not very wide. enough for a six- or seven-year-old child to easily stand in the middle of the circle.

"Which student is called? walk me in circle Then use the splitting spell. The number of points is measured by the completeness of the student's draft. have a full score of ten A score of six or more is considered a pass. and will receive a headband that is the symbol of the Konoha Ninja Village Let everyone do their best!"

Everyone immediately cheered. Because the forehead band was something the ninja academy students wanted. because if there is It was as if he had become a ninja of Konoha!

"Okay, let's start the exam."

The exam begins as soon as the supervisor's voice is over. Three Chunins stood beside each circle. Then call the student's name. The summoned person went out and showed everyone the splitting spell:

"6 points pass"

"6 points pass"

"6 points pass"

. forehead But still no one had a perfect score of 10.

It was then when I heard Chunin call his surname Uchiha, I immediately turned around and saw a boy walking towards one of the circles. And merge In using a spell to separate the body

, Pung!

White smoke and the sound of the spell's expression A split figure whose appearance was not different from the real Uchiha boy appeared next to him.

The examiner glanced at him and felt a point of dissimilarity and called out

"8 points."

This result caused a lot of excitement in the exam, as this was 8 points. The others only got 6 points. But this Uchiha clan's children were not ordinary, even getting 8 points, causing the students and parents to gossip loudly.

"It really is like a Uchiha."


"This Uchiha family's bloodline. gave birth to a wonderful child It 's amazing."

I listened, before pondering, because of the name of this eight-point Uchiha boy, I don't know. Because after all, there shouldn't be any Naruto characters I know belong to the clan right now.

The children of the Uchiha clan were then called by their names. The score of a Uchiha child is not less than 8.

"Uchiha Chiba!"

A child suddenly stepped out. A familiar face made me stunned. Unexpectedly, this sweet boy like a girl was a member of the Uchiha family! I didn't even notice,

"Uchiha Ryuka."

At that moment, Chunin's voice called out the name of the Uchiha clan boy again. but unlike others When this name was mentioned Instead, everyone was even more excited than the first Uchiha child to get 8 points


"In the near future This kid will undoubtedly become the strongest ninja of this generation!"