
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Application and Rejection

With cautious steps, Grayfia reached the edge of the lake and sat beside it. She gazed at her reflection mirrored on the calm surface of the water, while her mind wandered far. The peaceful atmosphere and the beauty of nature around her made her feel calm and appreciated.

Here was where she could forget all the burdens and duties as a demon, and just enjoy the stunning beauty of nature surrounding her. In this silence, she found the peace and tranquility she desperately needed to refresh her mind and prepare herself for the challenges ahead.

Grayfia sensed someone's presence behind her as soft footsteps touched the ground near her. She wasn't surprised, as she sensed the familiar aura approaching. When she heard the man's voice, she turned slowly to see Sirzechs, the leader of the Gremory Clan, standing behind her.

"In moments like these, I enjoy the silence and the peace of nature," Grayfia replied calmly, her gaze fixed on Sirzechs with genuine concern. "And you, Sirzechs? What brings you here?"

Before Sirzechs could reveal his feelings to Grayfia, both Lady Lucifuge and Young Master Gremory looked incredibly charming in their finest attire.

Grayfia wore a beautiful silver dress that accentuated her gracefulness. The gown draped her body elegantly, radiating captivating beauty. Her long hair flowed beautifully, creating a perfect contrast with her silver dress, and her eyes shone with grace and wisdom.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs looked dashing in his finest suit. His black suit gave off a handsome and authoritative impression, while the white shirt underneath added an elegant and neat touch. Although he felt nervous inside, his appearance still exuded confidence and typical elegance.

Both stood before each other, showcasing their grace and charisma, creating a captivating aura around them. However, behind their magnificent appearances, there were complex and tense feelings, ready to explode at any moment.

Sirzechs took a deep breath as he prepared himself to express his feelings to Grayfia. His heart was pounding, and although he had carefully planned his words, the nervousness still haunted him. When he finally uttered those words, they came out slightly trembling and confused, not as strong as he had hoped. With trembling hands, he took out a beautiful ring box from his pocket, slowly revealing the glittering ring before Lady Lucifuge.

"Grayfia," he said with a slightly faltering voice, "I've harbored these feelings for you all this time. I... I want to be a part of your life, someone you can rely on and love. I want... I want to propose to you, Grayfia. I want you to be my wife."

However, before Sirzechs could continue, Grayfia gently cut him off. Her expression showed embarrassment and confusion as she looked down, unable to meet Sirzechs' gaze directly.

"Sirzechs, I appreciate your feelings very much," Grayfia said softly, "but, my heart... my heart has fallen for someone else."

Sirzechs felt as if the world around him was crumbling upon hearing those words. Feelings of despair crept into his heart, and he felt the devastation within him. All his hopes shattered in an instant, and he couldn't contain the pain that engulfed him.

He wanted to cry, scream, or even run away from the situation. But he forced himself to remain calm, even as his heart shattered into tiny pieces. He felt as if he had lost everything, and it made him feel so fragile and wounded.

However, despite his broken heart, Sirzechs didn't show any sadness or anger. He simply looked at Grayfia with an empty expression, trying to hide how broken his heart was behind the mask of his simplicity.

With a heavy heart, Young Master Gremory lowered his hand holding the ring box.

"Fine... I understand," he said with a gentle but deeply disappointed voice. Then, he lifted his head to look directly at Grayfia with eyes full of questions.

"But, is that person Petra?" he continued, trying to seek certainty from Grayfia about her true feelings. In his gaze, a strong hope was reflected, although his heart was still filled with unspoken pain and disappointment.

Grayfia felt discomfort enveloping her as Sirzechs asked about Petra. She felt like she could no longer hide her feelings, especially when she looked at Sirzechs' face carefully.

Slowly, she shook her head, but her eyes couldn't hide the awkwardness clearly radiating from within. A faint smile appeared on her lips, but there was no courage to look directly at Sirzechs.

"I'm sorry, Sirzechs," Grayfia replied weakly, "it's not Petra."

Although her words brought clarity, her awkward and blushing face provided undeniable clues about her true feelings. Sirzechs could see the emotional turmoil hidden behind Grayfia's thin smile, and it only made him more hurt.

In his heart, Sirzechs felt pain. Although he hoped that Grayfia would say otherwise, reality was far from his expectations. The pain pierced his heart, and he felt as if he had lost everything in an instant. But he couldn't blame Grayfia for her feelings. He could only look at her with eyes filled with unspoken sadness, trying to hold back the devastation within him.

After a few moments of painful silence, Sirzechs finally nodded slowly. He tried to hide his pain behind a layer of false calmness, but he knew he had to face this bitter reality.

"Alright," he said with a fragile voice, "I understand."

With heavy steps, Sirzechs left Grayfia at the edge of the lake, his heart shattered into tiny pieces by the rejection he experienced. Although he tried to hide his pain, it couldn't be concealed from himself. What he felt now was only emptiness and unbearable emptiness.


Grayfia watched Sirzechs' retreating back with mixed feelings inside her. Although she had tried to express her honesty to Sirzechs, she still felt cut by the guilt weighing on her mind.

In the silence that enveloped her, she let herself be swept away in her own whirlwind of thoughts. Her mind was filled with unanswered questions and mixed feelings.

She felt guilty for hurting Sirzechs, an old friend and ally. Although she knew she couldn't fake her feelings, she felt like she had disappointed Sirzechs by not responding to his sincere love and proposal.

However, behind the guilt, there was also confusion and anxiety. Grayfia wondered if her decision was the right one, and if she had made a big mistake by not accepting Sirzechs' proposal. She felt torn between her heart, which loved someone else, and her duty to maintain the relationship that had been built between the Gremory and Lucifuge families.

But behind all that, there was also a sense of relief. Although difficult, she felt relieved that her honesty had paved the way for clarity between them. Despite the painful situation, Grayfia knew that she had done the right thing by honestly expressing her feelings to Sirzechs.

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

From the Author "Stay strong even when big waves hit you😁"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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