
The future Lucifer is infected with corruption

With a broken heart, Sirzechs walked away, floating in the air with the movement of his two devil wings. His steps felt heavy, as if the burden of sadness pressed down on his shoulders with an unbearable force.

The wind whispered around him, igniting the embers of despair within him. The cold air pierced his bones, reminding him of the chill of emptiness haunting his heart. Each gust of wind seemed to scatter the pain within him, shattering his heart even more.

Although he tried to strengthen his heart, the disappointment and heartache still flowed through him like an unstoppable current. Every beat of his wings felt like a blow to his wounded chest, spreading unbearable pain throughout his body.

In the silent dark sky, he flew away from Lucifuge's territory, leaving behind a city full of bitter memories. The endless sky resembled a mirror of the emptiness that dominated his heart. He felt disconnected from everything, including himself.

Though he tried to overcome his pain, he knew that the journey to healing would be long and winding. He was driven by the desire to rid himself of the haunting pain, but he also felt trapped in an endless labyrinth of emotions.

Sirzechs flew higher, trying to avoid the painful memories. However, the shadows of the rejection he had just experienced continued to haunt him like an unshakable ghost. Every movement, every gust of wind, all reminded him of that rejection, causing him to plunge deeper into despair.

The farther he flew, the clearer the memory of that rejection haunted his mind. Grayfia's shy face, the unforgettable blush, all were etched in his memory so sharply, leaving behind wounds that grew deeper within him.

His mind was filled with unanswered questions. Why couldn't Grayfia love him? What had he done wrong? Was there any chance for them in the future? However, in his confusion, there were no satisfying answers, only a growing void within him.

The unbearable pain began to creep within him. Sirzechs felt his emotional instability increasing, until finally, he felt he had lost control of his trembling body. He lamented his inevitable fate, trapped in a whirlwind of uncontrollable emotions.

With his suddenly paralyzed wings, Sirzechs fell from the sky, descending towards the ground at a frightening speed. His body crashed hard upon touching the ground, mercilessly feeling the sting of physical pain. Yet, the deeper pain of broken bones and physical wounds was overshadowed by the unspeakable suffering within.

His heart felt shattered, haunted by the rejection he had just experienced. His desire to fly back to his home was replaced by the urge to hide, to conceal the unbearable pain that haunted him.

As his body crawled on the ground, despair overwhelmed Sirzechs with full force. Tears streamed down from his reddened eyes, soaking the dirty earth beneath him. He cried in uncontrollable despair, mourning the loss that was so painful.

For him, the world he had just left felt as if it had collapsed into meaningless fragments. All hopes and dreams he had harbored shattered before his eyes, leaving him stranded amidst emptiness and void.

Sirzechs felt the destruction within him as if the whole world had suddenly turned pitch black. In raging despair, he felt as if there were no escape from the pain that filled his heart. In the mournful silence, the roar of anguish pierced the air, echoing in the empty chaos of his mind.


The roar was not just a physical sound, but also an expression of deep pain. It was the voice of desperation heard from the depths of a shattered soul, filling the air with immeasurable agony. Each such roar felt like a stab to the heart, revealing the indescribable sadness that permeated him.

'Oh Satan!, why is the suffering of your descendants so painful! This is more painful than seeing those children being slaughtered! What kind of heartache is this!' he thought, lamenting his inevitable fate, trapped in an uncontrollable whirlwind of emotions.

Sirzechs crawled on the ground, his painful groans mingling with the trembling of his body. Tears flowed heavily, soaking the ground with overflowing sadness from eyes filled with suffering. Although he tried to restrain himself, the cries of his sadness crept out of his throat, filling the surrounding emptiness with unstoppable despair.

The heartbroken man's roar didn't sound like a normal voice. It was a desperate cry, seeking answers to unanswerable questions, seeking understanding in inevitable destruction. It was the voice of someone who had lost everything, and didn't know what to do anymore.

[What do you want?]

The voice suddenly swept through the silent night, breaking the darkness of the dark forest. Sirzechs, still frozen in disappointment and confusion, lifted his head slowly. Tears still wet in his eyes, blurring his vision as he tried to locate the source of that mysterious voice.

With hesitant steps, he looked around, trying to penetrate the darkness that enveloped the forest. Yet, all he could see were towering trees surrounding him, merging into the eerie shadows.

"Who's there?" he murmured, his voice trembling with confusion and wonder. He hoped the voice could provide answers to his doubts, but the forest only answered with a frightening silence, with no presence visible behind the dark shadows of the night.

In the darkness, Sirzechs felt increasingly isolated, swallowed by the biting loneliness. The voice that had sounded before seemed like a haunting ghost, making him feel even more plunged into the abyss of despair.

"Who are you?!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the silent trees. However, only the rustling of the wind answered him, leaving him in a frightening silence.

In the dark forest, Sirzechs continued to grope among the trees that covered him like an unsolved mystery. He felt increasingly trapped by the darkness, when suddenly, a familiar voice began to be heard again, this time much closer.

[Listen to me, Sirzechs,] the voice whispered, echoing through the trembling trees with the night wind. His voice was no longer accompanied by a harsh rasp, but with a dazzling clarity.

Sirzechs froze, unable to believe what he heard. "Who are you?" he whispered, but he already knew the answer.

[You know who I am,] the voice whispered again, this time even closer. [I am a part of you that you have rejected all this time. I am your darkest desire, the darkness within your soul waiting to be unleashed.]

In the raging inner battle, Sirzechs felt himself increasingly trapped between light and darkness. The voice of his evil alter ego tempted and seduced, trying to win the battle within his mind. However, amidst the inevitable conflict, Sirzechs found strength in his despair.

"No...," he whispered breathlessly, rejecting vehemently the existence of his evil alter ego. Yet, the voice remained unshaken.

[Trust me, Sirzechs,] it whispered again, this time with a dangerous lure. [You know what you must do. You must seek revenge, take what should rightfully be yours. Only then will you find peace.]

Sirzechs murmured in despair, trapped in an endless inner battle. However, despite the growing darkness, he refused to surrender to his dark desires. With a strong determination, he tried to find light amidst the darkness enveloping his mind.

"No... I can't!" he shouted loudly, trying to drive away the evil voice that tempted him.

[Kekeke~ Come on, will you be strong when you see the woman you've always desired and loved with someone else? Will you endure, seeing them walk together under the oath of binding?] His alter ego continued to persuade, using the deadliest weapon: the indescribable pain in his heart.

Swayed by the temptation, Sirzechs briefly saw Grayfia in his imagination walking with someone else, under the red carpet and in front of the binding oath. Meanwhile, the young master Gremory could only watch with bitterness as the happiness felt increasingly distant.

"Ah... No, I won't be able to bear seeing that!" he exclaimed with a voice that trembled, accompanied by a sense of despair that filled every fiber of his being.

[Just accept it, Sirzechs... That's what will happen if you just accept all of this! Remember who you are! You're not human, you're a demon! A demon who will not give in to their desires!]

The voice of his alter ego echoed in his head, stirring up the dark emotions buried within him. Sirzechs felt the grip of that dark power growing stronger, trying to tear his soul apart.

But in the mournful silence, he found hidden strength within himself. With firm determination, he refused to let the darkness completely control him. Despite the suffering and despair engulfing him, he tried to rise from his knees, determined to fight the temptation that threatened to extinguish the remaining light within him.

In the shrouded silence, Sirzechs fought hard against his dark alter ego. Sweat poured from his face, and his eyes radiated a strong determination, though buffeted by the temptations attacking him from within.

"Silence, you will not control me!" Sirzechs shouted with a trembling voice, trying to reject the presence of his dark alter ego. However, the voice only confused him further, creating an inevitable inner struggle.

Yet, the dark power grew stronger, threatening to seize control of him completely. Sirzechs felt his body trembling, and slowly but surely, he felt the dark power beginning to take over.

However, the dark power grew stronger, threatening to seize control of him completely. Sirzechs felt his body trembling, and slowly but surely, he felt the dark power beginning to take over.

[Enough, I know what you want. Besides, I am you,] the voice whispered within him with a hoarse and echoing voice.

Sirzechs stared into the emptiness before him, his heart filled with despair. "You will not win!" he whispered loudly, trying to maintain control over himself. However, each of his resistance felt futile, as the darkness grew stronger.

At that moment, all colors began to fade around him. His bright red hair turned into pitch black, and his once emerald green eyes now turned into fiery red, emitting a dark and frightening aura.

"Silence! I will not let you control me!" Sirzechs shouted in desperation, but his voice sounded like an empty cry in the creeping darkness around him.

In desperation, Sirzechs tried to restrain himself, but it was too late. His alter ego succeeded in taking over, and Sirzechs felt himself losing control of his body. With a broken heart, he realized that he had lost the battle within himself.

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Sirzechs strengthened himself for the next mission forced upon him by his alter ego. With steady steps, he began the quest to find Petra, with dark and deadly intentions in his mind.

/////////////////Author Note/////////////////

I don't remember how many times I left notes, but I just wanted to say thank you for making it this far. Dear readers, to be honest, I have so many activities that I always forget to continue my other stories, and end up abandoning them.

And also in this fanfic, if I'm late then it's a sign that I have a lot of work to do, especially now that I'm at the end of semester 6, and the lecturer demands to immediately make a research proposal which immediately makes me confused.

OK, enough of my complaints. And I want to convey that I am a final semester student.

I also get questions like 'This was created via gpt chat' or 'You used translet' And my answer is yes. I use both, the reason is as I said above, I have a lot of work. But I think using AI is also a good thing because it is very helpful even though many things don't match my expectations. And the presentation I use to create stories is 70% original and 20% AI. Do you know why we as writers cannot display 100% of the stories written by Ai. Based on experience, many sentences don't fit and end strangely but with modifications I can get a lot of help. And there is also the question about bad grammar, all I can answer to that question is that I just use the transletter without checking the grammar again. Once again because, I have a lot of work and making this story is just a side thing.

Damn, it seems like I talk a lot. Well, I'm just answering your concerns too and expressing my complaints too.


Once again I thank you all for your loyalty by always waiting for the next chapter of this fanfic. And as a spoiler, when the original canon story starts, there will be a change of Mc.

Yes, that's all. Peace from Ponpon! 😘

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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