
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Of Lord and Prey. (Prologue)

Seeing the 3 colour river flow across the aqueducts rivers, and ponds creating a beautiful sight to see... That's if only I can actually enjoy it,


Explosions, Destruction, and Pandemonium spread beyond the palace walls as fire rise across the horizon. Worried for my own safety and the others, I can't help but wonder what's happening below for all I hear are cries too muffled for my hearing and pillars of smoke everywhere I see, and not even the falling snow can thaw the flames. But what surprise me even more is...

"Oh, did the Owlians here decided to revolt too? They must've use the opportunity when the army marched last night. Say, shouldn't you watch over the laundry?"

Ye-Ri have no care for the carnage as she reminds me of my chores.


I've been told to ignore the chaos and do the chores I volunteered. Luckily, I'm permitted to use the washing machine after I was taught by one of the servants here. Ye-Ri happily sits near the entrance saying:

"Heh, I guess I'm at least in a better situation by being ignored. No need to be part of some huge conspiracy or anything close to that mess."

Ye-Ri who's accompanying me for some reason takes a jab but I don't mind as I reply with,

"I'm still grateful you're willing to accompany me. But isn't that worrying?"

"Nah, you should see what happened at the Siege of the capital during the Coalition War. This is like watching some a splashing circus."

"I don't know what that is but I suppose if you say its okay..."

Given an idiom I can't relate I look back at the chaos beyond and notice even the guards atop the royal castle doesn't seem bother either as they're drinking some hot drink while playing cards.

(The people here sure has some nerves of steel).

Watching the washing machine spins I try to ignore the chaos beyond and think of something else...

(Yoo-Ah... I wonder if she's okay? Luckily she's not in the capital currently and Yoo-Sui said she's with Granny Kim-Yoo but... Yoo-Sui doesn't let Yoo-Ah meet me despite what she said. I would be sent somewhere she can't visit or even if she did, she would do it when Yoo-Ah's not available or sleeping.

I heard she's being sent to help and train again with that baker Yi-Il for making Yoo-Sui work for the Kingdom... So this is a form of corruption huh?)

"Oh? Sova? Whoa, did the Owlians revolted here too? I'm surprised there's still that many left to mount this much."

Hearing a unfamiliar voice I turn to the caller and see a familiar face.

"Soo-Li Ssi?"

"Hmph! At least you remember my name. Good!"

He carry in a large basket of clothes as I he then asks:

"I heard your situation a bit. Hehe, I guess serve you right for trying to hurt Yoo-Sui Unnie."

"You better not be deceived! Yoo-Sui is evil! Evil I tell you!"

"Don't you bad mouth her! She's just being strict is all probably. I would've taken your role anytime, any day, anywhere, if I get to sleep in the same room as her. Even if it's just the corner."

Soo-Li becomes defensive as he folds his arms and speak his thoughts. Then I remember,

(Right, this guy is deeply smitten over her. Maybe I should consider switching places with him if he doesn't mind all that abuse).


Soo-Li turn to look at Ye-Ri saying:

"Didn't notice you there. Who are you suppose to be?"

"Wha! I'm a princess of the new Golae family! How could you not know me!"

(I guess there's a whole slew of problems for her as well).

Soo-Li tilts, scratching his head replying:

"Eh? There's another princess other than Mi-Ok Unnie?"

"Grrr! To the chopping blocks with you! Who are you anyways and why are even in the palace!? Are you a new servant!?"

Ye-Ri stomps her feet in anger as she yells and point at him demanding an answer but Soo-Li picks his ears annoyed answering:

"Me? I'm Soo-Li, 1st and only son of Gum-Soo... Well, even if I say that I'm still the youngest. That's why I'm still stuck with chores."

He rubs the back of his neck and continue saying:

"But, I suppose since they said the clothes I wash always comes out better than me Ma, I can't say not to them. And I don't think I can trust the servants here with our clothes just yet. Noble clothes and street clothes like us are different after all."

Her finger limps as she lowers her arm asking:

"Huh? G-Gum-Soo? As in the King's Sword-"

"Duh! Who else is stupid enough to use my dad's name here. With how dangerous outside the city has become, and since my dad works here again and Soo-Nari Unnie already working here, we've been granted residence by Mi-Ok Unnie."

"Soo-Nari nim!? O-Oh... Um... Hah! Anyways! Now you know who I am, show some respect!"

"Sure, sure. Maybe Mi-Ok Unnie is just different but noble ladies can be annoying at times."


Something seems to snap inside Ye-Ri as Soo-Li continues to use the washing machine here and asks:

"What about you?


"Who's clothes are you washing- wait... Could it be..."

"This? Yea, this is Yoo-Sui's clothes of course."

He leans closer, seeing his eyes peer inside and out of the machine replying:

"Y-Yoo-Sui Unnie's clothes! D-Does that mean there's... There's her...."

"Her what?"

That's when I notice Ye-Ri's looks at him with disgust and taking multiple steps to distance herself that Soo-Li backs away and starts arranging the clothes by colour shouting:

"N-Nothing! Anyways..."


He looks over the carnage beyond the castle walls and become silent. I look beside him asking:

"Are you worried as well?"

"Me? Nah!"

"Really? I mean, isn't this supposed to be worrying?"

"What do you mean? Look at that distance, this is like asking is I should be worried about a burning building from 3 towns over. I know it's terrible but what can you do about it? You're not a soldier and they already have a plan for this, so getting involved will just worsen the situation."

(Shouldn't the fact we can see the destruction from that far be the main problem?)

Soo-Li chose his machine and continue saying:

"Luckily, Elder Hon-Kwon, that shut-in General, and Elder Hwang-So is here to deal with them, it'll be done by night fall. Still, talking about revolts, you do realize this is all because of you right?"

"Huh? What do you mean this is my fault!?"

"Did no one tell you anything after you woke up? You're one of the main reason those Owlians are revolting as we speak."

He points over the pillar of smokes and I point at myself replying:

"M-Me! I don't remember doing anything to forego that! But I did hear Owlian and revolts going around after waking up..."

And I point at towards the mayhem and continue saying:

"And... I guess they don't really tell me anything much other than that we're fighting the Colonel."

(Damn nuggets, what did Abe or Colonel planned behind the scenes? And wait, is it related to what the King said back at the Conference?)

"Really!? To put it in longer terms, it would be... You got yourself a great reputation for being one of the most talented Adventurer in centuries especially for being an Owlian. There's also how you're recommended by Jin-Yeon Ajooma too. And with that kind of fame people got high expectations of you on what you'll become. I heard a lot from the vagrants that they bet you'll become the first Owlian Void Explorer as well. But..."

"I don't like where this is going."

"You won't, imagine the surprise when people founded out that your first mission as an Adventurer got sabotaged and then kidnapped by the nobles in the kingdom you're staying. And this all happened when people didn't know you were even going, and they thought you're still in coma after the promotion. So, not only did they missed out on a parade and mental support they could give you on your departure, and then when they found out where you are, you have been forced into servitude by making you wear a brainwashing armour that's made specifically on Owlians.

And not only that, a bunch of rumours flow like how the perpetrator conspired with the Hated Libera Missionaries, how the Royal family is involved, and you're betrayed by the guild itself since they do it when Jin-Yeon Unnie is exploring, The Guild Master is busy surveying the Monster King island, and killing the other genius talent as well who befriended you by conspiring with the other Genius..."

He starts picking clothes as he speaks and then looks at the burning city scape beyond saying:

"By doing all that crazy mess, they made a clear message to the Owlians in the entire Northern Heavenly Realm, that they have no future here."


"I'm sorry what?"

Another large pillar rise blocking the sun. Soon, Ash and cinders, embers and tiny kindles slowly replace the beautiful pale snow.

(What kind of story is that? What the hell happened when I was kidnapped?)

Seeing the ash he starts working faster replying:

"I suppose seeing their rising star crashed and turned into a puppet for the corrupt nobility is the last drop that break the rock for the Owlians in the Peninsula. You at least heard how there's Owlian revolts across the Peninsula right? I heard it even spread across the southern forest where you had your promotion and even the Western Peninsula is dealing with Owlian revolts left and right.

Recently, one kingdom got razed to the ground by some infamous leftover army from a gigantic war of some sort that fled here. But basically, there's Owlians revolting everywhere- gosh, the smoke! Don't forget to dry the clothes inside or just ask the shamans to dry them immediately."

(What kind of story did they told about me? Or is this what Juha said about that Elder guy weave stories about? What kind of mess have I caused!?)

Soo-Li who's been telling me all this while stuffing clothes in and pouring some soap continue saying:

"But I can't blame you. I mean if someone told me that I unintentionally caused the death of millions after just waking up, I probably would just go back to sleep thinking this is all a horrible nightmare. And I'm sure we all know that stories spread down there are lies, but that doesn't stop people from assuming the worse is true does it? People just need all they wanted to hear, like what Soo-Nari Unnie said."


(Now I understand why Juha said we're the bad guys. And why they're not really telling me what's happening around).

I curl to a ball as I ponder about the consequence of all my actions so far while the pillar of smoke darken the morning sky.

(Maybe I said too much to Yoo-Sui that night. Now I just sound irresponsible and avoiding responsibility).

"I'm sorry but can we talk about something else? Hearing this all just confuses and made me... Sad."

Soo-Li turns to look at me as he hear my words and panics. He rush towards me waving his arm in confusion saying:

"Um... Well, I guess try not to think too much of it okay? Urgh, stupid Soo-Li. You did it again!"

He punch himself in the head before saying:

"About what happened at the Inn... Just know you can count on me- Uh... Dammit, what am I suppose to say now!?"

Ye-Ri approach and pats my back saying:

"Now, now, Sova. No need to be so discouraged. After you're done here I'll ask someone to cook you some royal dishes to cheer you up a bit. At least to stay away from the disgusting excuse of a person."

"Hey I'm Justin telling the truth, okay! But... Argh, dammit! Um... How the hell do you fix this!"

I turn around t othe wall replying:

"Well, at least thanks to letting me know, Soo-Li Ssi. And yeah... That would be nice, thank you, Ye-Ri..."

"Argh! Wait, don't cry!"

(Cry? Do I look that sad?)

I wipe my eyes to see if there's tears but Ye-Ri shields me shouting:

"Back off! You'll just make this worse! Leave her alone now!"

(I should probably go ask Yoo-Sui about this when she's free... Better yet, I wonder if I can meet any of my own kin? And isn't Zenon's partner also Owlian? Maybe I can ask her about this? I've been hearing but I never really meet any of my kin so far... In fact, the last Owlian I met other than her would be... Abe? I wonder how she sees all this?)


"Sup, bitch! Are you done with the western policies?"

Abe the ever so carefree barge in Yoo-Sui's office as she carelessly tumbles to her couch. Yoo-Sui the owner of this room rubs her forehead in annoyance replying:

"Yes, and please don't just barge in places like this. I still have an act to keep."

"Aw~ don't be such a sour carp is what they say right? You're the only person other than Sova where I can actually enjoy luxury here. Haah~ nothing reminds me of home than the smell of gunpowder and blood outside. So, how did your so called "Put Sova in his place" plan turned out? Sova may not looked like it but he's smarter than we gave him credit for."


"It backfired."

"Hehe, thought so-"

*Knock* *knock* *Click*

"Sui~! I heard you worked here now! Took you long enough."

"Aw, shiet!"

A lady taller than the door opens it before anyone can answer. Toggling her deeply tinted glasses as she crouch to enter and looks at Abe saying:

"No need to be so alarmed Owlian, I'm part of this secret group or whatever."

With a crimson half-plate armour more sophisticated then the rest of the Crimson Guards, she sits beside the resting Abe which cause her to hang her mouth open as she is simply astonished by what's she sees.


"It's fucking real! Both above and below! I know magic exist but... This is simply unbelievable! Even magic can't replicate the texture."

*Squish* *Fondle*

"Woah... This is just marvelous... I thought the Empress was just exceptional but this is... Mwehehehe~"

Groping the open part of the armour, the blind lady push Abe's hand down easily before she just pull Abe to rest her head on her lap. Pushing her chest just near enough so the tip of her nose barely touch before saying:

"Now, now, I never seen the Empress before. But, I guess judging from your reaction I must be better. And of course, I am pretty proud of these pair. It's thanks to these that not even the queen dares to touch me. Still, what a particular rat-kin to grope a girl she just met, is this how they do it from where you live? Now I'm interested to visit."

Seeing her wicked smile that reveal her crimson fangs, Abe's eyes sparkle seeing her, replying with:

"I think I just found my soulmate."

Yoo-Sui pulls out a thick file case and a blueprint case from thin air saying:

"Haah, stop playing around you two. Nari don't encourage that sort of behavior even if she's a girl, and Abe nim, just grab the plans and get out. This is not a place for inappropriate actions."

"Uoooh! I'm glad as I was born as a woman, if I'm a man I would've been dead all over. Alrighty! I'm super motivated right now! See ya girls when you're done with this civil war. This Kingdom is filled with magnum opuses!"

Abe jumps from her seat and grabs the documents before she simply vanish. With the room becoming more quiet, the blind lady leans back on the couch which its backrest place can't even reach half her body height. Performing a bridge to look Yoo-Sui upsidedown. She smiles saying:

"I wonder if that group is filled with eccentric people like her? If I remember correctly, there's that Sova girl who cause all that mess. Whatever it is, Yoo-Ah's pretty close to her right?"

"Don't talk about that... Actually let's talk about it. I have a favour to ask."

"Oh? What's this? You of all people?"

"That Sova BOY, if you meet HIM, make sure HE doesn't come close to my Sister at all."

"Still overprotective I see. You know she doesn't have much friends her age because of you, right? But okay, I'm curious of this Sova person as well."

Seeing Nari planting her head to the ground as she daydreams, Yoo-Sui continues her work saying:

"And... Welcome back."

"Yep, I'm back from vacation, baby! And let's set thing clear since I'm bow your senior in age and work-"


Nari twist and turn to grab Yoo-Sui's table as her leg cling to the couch replying:

"But I haven't said anything. Fine listen, this is about that item you want. I finally found it from that person, have a look."

Nari places something on the table and soon Yoo-Sui smiles saying:

"Yes, this will make things much more easier."

"Really? I say it's more of a risk than reward. I mean there must be a reason why I need to take it over her dead body. Even worse, your brother now houses her daughter, I can only imagine their face when they know the truth."

Yoo-Sui picks the thing up and pet's it dangle at her fingers as she replies,

"If you can kill her that easily, what makes my brother a risk? Besides, this is optional from the Empress as a side quest of sorts."

"Then, I do hope I get my rewards- hmm?"

Nari jumps to her feet and her armour shift and close any gaps turning into full-plate before she turns around towards the door saying:

"Those steps, I hear my cute lil dongsaeng running with... A little package!? Is it a present? If so, why isn't he coming this way? Interesting... See you later than, Sui!"