
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
225 Chs

Of Lord and Prey. (Part 1)


After the scent of smoke and gunpowder, smelling the wonderful aroma of perfectly cooked meat is simply... Wonderful.

"Thank you so much! This looks amazing!"

Maybe I'n just trying to push it aside but I try to focus on the meal right infront of me. From the crisp layer to the well-cooked inside, and sprinkle of salt, spice, and sauce, alongside the side pieces. This meal looks like it came out of those expensive restaurants, thinking back I usually sneak a peaked once in a while to get myself hungry so I can eat those inedible meals May cooked.

"Hehe! Of course it is, it wouldn't be from a royal chefs if it wasn't. Now, dig in! It's a simple dish but it'll do!"

I nod and grab the fork shouting:

"Thank you!"

After washing, drying, and folded Yoo-Sui clothes, Ye-Ri brought me to the large dining room. Complete with a huge and long tables, windows, pillars, and rows of chairs. This place is much more grander than the one at Hwang-So's house, but I suppose that's granted when this is the royal palace. But it's just the two of us here and even more surprising is there's no guards around.

"Hehe! Feast, feast! As a royal getting this much is simple! Hahaha!"

Ye-Ri boast but knowing her antics and how she keep reacting to things I have a gut feeling she probably can't handle if I ask for another fill. As I was about to enjoy the meal alongside Ye-Ri, I can't help but notice that she's only eating some bland looking dish and I remembered what Juha said about what royals eat.

(You really are pretty kind if you're willing to share just to make someone you barely know feel better. I could follow her example).


The doors to the room slams open.

"There you are!"

Soo-Li barges in which prompts Ye-Ri to shout:

"Hold it right there! There's a limit to how much disrespectful you can become!"

Soo-Li bows his head replying:

"Ah, sorry, I didn't meant to bust the door open, it's just that this place is pretty big and I brake at the wrong time. But either way... Um Sova, Here! I'm sorry for making you down. My sisters told me that this would make girls feel better so, I hope you don't keep feeling down!"

He jumps and place a box of snacks beside my plate and I'm bewildered replying:

"Huh? N-No, wait! Um... Thanks?"

"Hehe, what is this? Look at our little Soo-Li. You actually done something courageous for once."

"S-Sis!? You were watching?! And when did you get back!?"

A tall girl in her late twenties appear. Wearing the Crimson armour the guards wear but it looks more sophisticated and complex, she walks over from the entrance to ruffle Soo-Li's hair.

"Of course, how could I not when someone's running across the halls that loudly. Look at you, did you finally found a girl other than Yoo-Sui Ssi?"

"Of course not! Yoo-Sui Unnie's the only one! Why are you even here anyways? Shouldn't you be at the main building?"

Towering over us as she is probably the same height as Sis Rubeca, her long black hair that split halfway reaching her knees sways above her waist as if it has a mind of its own. Most worrying though is the qi she hid very well inside, and that Purple eyes with black cracks on her sclera that she hides behind those tinted glasses. Her purple eyes looks down on Soo-Li as she smiles cheekily saying:

"Duh! Your track record with women isn't the best around. In fact, it's terrible. So I gotta keep watch so my lil dongsaeng don't make it even worst."

"Buzz off!"


The girl looks at me and seems to inspect every part of me before toggling her glasses saying:

"I see, so you're the infamous Sova Anmao I heard so much about. I have to admit you're quite strong for an Owlian. And more importantly, very pretty for someone with a scar on her face."

She licks her lips as she says that and I can't help but feel chills down my spine as I'm sure now,

(She's definitely up to something!)

I try to distance myself as it feels like her eyes could see pass my clothes. Before I could take a single step she appears beside me like how Clara moves with her smoke and holds my shoulder saying:

"What's wrong? Are you still unsatisfied?"

"I-I'm satisfied!"

"No need to be so modest. Say, why don't you spar with Soo-Li over there?"



Surprised by the sudden suggestion I can't help but feel I've been constricted by a snake as she leans closer saying:

"Take this chance to beat some sense into him is what I'm saying. Soo-Li is quite thick headed after all."

"Don't be ridiculous Soo-Nari Unnie! There's no way, I'm going to hurt her! Besides, I'm here to apologize."

"Who said about you fighting back, you're the one who's going to take the beating until she's satisfied. If not from her, maybe from me? Let's get training again."


Soo-Li backs away shaking and shouting:

"H-Hell no! You're worst than dad! Tch! Anyways! I already give you the gift, so enjoy it back at your room or share it with Yoo-Sui Unnie which if you were, say that it's hand made by me okay! Good bye now!"

(Really? Now, I'm really wondering if everyone here can cook?)

Soo-Li runs away with his tail between the leg while Soo-Nari holds my face, she press her fingers on every part of my face before making me look up at her saying:

"Hah, you really have quite the beautiful face... Oh yes how rude of me, I haven't introduce myself. I'm Crimson Bone Soo-Nari, eldest daughter to Gum-Soo. So, don't hesitate to call me at my office if my idiot brother cause trouble again okay?"


Hearing her say that, I can't help but look at her teeth as she smiles and notice...

(It really is red! I can't tell which is worse, black or red... Or I wonder what blue teeth would look like? Or jade?)

She leans even closer to my ear whispering:

"(And don't hesitate to ask me for help as well. Yoo-Sui asked me to watch you close after all, especially between that precious little sister of hers so you don't get close)".

She finally lets me go and walk away, waving her hands saying:

"See ya- oh? Oh my! Princess Ye-Ri nim how long have you been sitting there!?"

Soo-Nari rushes over to kneel shouting:

"How rude of me! Please forgive me, I have failed as a Crimson Guard!"

Ye-Ri who's been quiet all that conversation panics and tries to push her up shouting:

"Oh, no not at all! It might be my fault for being so... Insignificant. Anyways! Since you're being called back early, please make yourself at home, hahaha!"

"I see... You usually have Uncle Kim-Daeho around so I never notice."

"Ah, Uncle, he's busy sorting the problem at our territory."

(Now I just feel bad for her).

"You truly are kind as they say. Please, don't hesitate to call or visit me. Even though no Crimson Guards wishes to accompany you, you may always rely on me, Since... I'm finally living at the same place as you. That's one list off the bucket list, so don't give up."

"Hehe, yup! Thank you, Soo-Nari Nim! I'll keep doing my best even if I have no talent."

Soo-Nari shakes her head saying:

"Oh, princess, if even I of all people didn't notice you even when you're literally right beside me, you definitely have talent for something. Now don't get into trouble."

She walks saying that, and I notice the sparkle and admiration on Ye-Ri's eyes toward her. Ye-Ri then rubs her chest saying:

"Wow... I wish I could be like her. If not, just to have her figure. That way, all the ladies will respect me even if I have no influence... But her words, so even I have talent huh?"

Seeing her do that I can't help but compare Soo-Nari and be impressed that Soo-Nari is bigger than Juha. In fact, she might be bigger than Sis Yuwei-

(Wait! What the hell am I thinking?!)

I shake my head and hit it a few time before asking:

"Say, who is she really? Do you know her well?"

"Of course! Every noble and inspiring officers knows her! If not for her beauty, it would be for being one of the Kingdom's strongest warrior even while she's blind!"

"She's blind!?"

(I'm pretty sure she can see with those eyes! And isn't the strongest warrior that Gum-Soo and Won-Yok?)

"Of course! Didn't you see those special glasses!? She's been cursed before she was born but she perservered! Her skills are already on par with Lord Gum-Soo, if not better. She's currently the Leader of the Crimson Guards and holder of the royal relic, Crimson Lily! They even said that if Yoo-Gisa choose to face her instead of Lord Gum-Soo back then, she might've win.

Can you even imagine if she isn't blind!? She might even beat Lord Jin-Yeon Nim! Even more amazing is the fact she reached a bone rank not seen for the past century until now, a Crimson Bone! There's only a few you can count on one hand to reach that peak throughout our noble history! I guess I do feel bad for her since this year was the only time she get to have a break and now she's being called back. I'm kinda angry at you but I can't blame you since you're just being used."

"I don't know what to say about that... Wait, I thought black Bone is the highest rank?"

"Hehe! That's untrue, the highest bone rank is Crimson which is called rank 0! People just say black because nobody expect you to reach Crimson, it's kind of a myth until Soo-Nari Nim appear. After all, where do you think the Crimson Guards are named after? That's why only the most prominent is drape in red! Heck that's why foreigners call us nobles the crimson fangs."

"She sure is amazing..."

I can't help but say that flatly as I knew...

(Really? Just on par with Gum-Soo? She may hide it well, but from all the powerful foes I fought and meet, I can sense she is much stronger than that beast-kin, and that purple eyes... She definitely knows how to use [Origin] as well, so she might be able to beat Jin-Yeon. And from what she whispered, I suppose Sis Yuwei must've done something to her to make her stronger...

And where did all this strong people come from!? Seriously! I'm wondering if I really can make a difference here if everyone is at least that strong! Is this what competition is? It's scary! But I can't give up if I need to achieve my goal! Especially after I talk big with Yoo-Sui and Sis).

Ye-Ri takes a bite of her meal saying:

"Munch... And besides, she's the few who actually cared for me. Heck, she's the only Crimson Guard that vouch to accompany me back then, but the other nobles don't want that and forced her to become the leader of the Crimson Guards instead. And she's also the main reason why I'm even considered a candidate for being a princess, other than being a noble."

"Then what's stopping her for serving you now?"

"I'm the one who told her not to."


"Her talent and skills are much more needed elsewhere than to just guard me 24/7."

"I see, you're pretty selfless. Well, I suppose since you're around me, I'll be your guard."

"Hehe, I'll take you on that offer. Now finish your meal! Not everyone can just have a royal dish you know!"

"You know... Seeing your generosity and selflessness, I just can't take this. More like... I feel bad."

I push my meal back to her which shocks her as she shouts:

"What do you mean, you feel bad!? That's an insult you know! Returning my kind gesture is just disrespectful!"

Seeing her being angry, I pull the meal back and simply cut it in half saying:

"Then, you wouldn't mind if we simply share right? I heard from Juha that royals only eat tasty meals just once a day so seeing how this a tasty one, you must've hold back. I see you've been through a lot and I don't want to make your day harder."


Ye-Ri calms down and looks away replying:

"I'm not so pitiable, but I suppose if you're sharing, it would be rude of me not to accept."

I smiled and hand her half as I continue asking:

"Say, what do you usually do daily?"


"After I place the clothes back in the room I'll probably be free for a while so mind showing me your daily life?"

(Especially now that I know Soo-Nari is keeping a close eye on me).

"O-Oh! Absolutely! I'll show you the life of a royal!"

Ye-Ri place her feet upon the table and points upwards as she declares. I wipe my mouth replying:

"Ye-Ri, just know, you don't have to show off. Simply do your normal activities. I think you suffered enough from what I've seen."

She lowers her hand and slowly descend asking:

"R-Really? Unlike my Brother and sister in law who actually has real power and influence, I'm actually nothing but a show piece."

"Well, you like making art right? Can you show me the process? I do wish to learn from an expert."

"Huh? Oh... Um... That was actually just a show. I actually overhear the heiress to the Zhixi Corp is a patron of art when she first arrived 2 years ago so... Hey! Don't look at me like so!"

(Huh? Am I looking at her weird? But seeing how she spends 2 years of her life just to impress someone is commendable. I wonder if I can have her resolve? Wait, Sis Hua has been here for 2 years?)

Ye-Ri slumps over staring at her knees, sighing heavily saying:

"Haah, I really don't have much to say or do. And most of the thing I wish to do are not possible with my influence. I mean, what do they all expect of me when all my life I've only been following after the backs of grander people."

"Then isn't it prime time to make a name now? To make yourself one of the grand people?"

"Heh, that's what everyone said and you've seen the results. My competition is simply too... Extreme."

Ye-Ri's eyes dim and she shows an exhausted smile. Slowly she eats her meal and I try to cheer her up saying:

"Ah... Um... You did succeed in impressing Sis Hua didn't you?"

"Urgh! Don't remind me... I bet she's just saying that lightly. Come to think of it, I manage to get connections with some nobles in I.D.B back then but they got fired overnight, so my investment disappears immediately as well. I guess other than competition, I have bad luck too! How are you suppose to fight that!?"

(Hmm? Wait, is it those 2 officers from back then? I did remember Juha saying something about princess...)

"Um, I also admire your resilience. After all, it's not everyday you found anyone daring enough to keep fighting in the face of defeat so many times and keep their face high."

"Heh, I guess you have a useful face to accompany your glib tongue. I like how you're always honest with your words and face..."

"I don't know what that means."

Ye-Ri chomps down her meal and lightly taps her cheeks saying:

"Alrighty! Since we both suck, let's start from the bottom! To the aquarium!"

"Alright! Just let me finish this first..."


"Hmm... So the lowest level is the aquarium huh?"

"Nope, that would be the treasure room beneath the pond guardian's chambers. It's just that, we can't go there. Only the previous royal family but... That's another set of shenanigans to deal with! But other than that, look! There are many aquatic creatures here that our noble families take their names from."

Returning to a familiar and magical sight, the coming dawn has turn this once blue world to a beautiful shade of deep gold. The reflection of the water, the shadows the fish give as they swim, the shade beneath the plants in the depths... Breathtaking.

"I could just watch this all day."

(And I'm surprised it's already so late or... Is that because the burning city? We just had lunch after all).

"You can say that again! This tourist spot is the buzz and main attraction to the capital city before the Coalition War other than the previous royal palace, or the three colour lake and some more natural wonders... Sadly, our kingdom doesn't get to catch a break since we've been in conflict for 2 decades at this point."

Ye-Ri leans over the glass as fishes swim past her and she continue saying:

"I wonder what these fishes think? Do they have better lives since they don't know anything and get fed 3 times a day for just looking beautiful?"

I follow her gaze unto the golden abyss and contemplate hearing her question...

(How did it all spiral to this? My desire to get my family together has somehow diluted with so many more events that drags me down. I know I can just rush ahead but... If I never make amends to my actions, I can never face them again. I suppose if knowing too much is a good thing?)

"Don't worry, Ye-Ri. I'll make sure this war will end soon."

Ye-Ri turns and scoff replying:

"Heh? What do you mean by that when we're both just useless by this point? You're nothing but the royal advisor's servant now and she's the one making the decisions alongside the King Maker, the Senior Prince and sister in law as well... Ah yes, the King too."

Step by step she walks away and continue saying:

"At least the good thing to come out for us is that we're both just spectators and won't get dragged into the fire. Come! After the aquarium, it's definitely the royal garden!"

"Oh? I wonder if it's like Hwang-So Ssi's garden? Are the plants here and there different?"

"Eeeh!? You've been to his garden before?! Amazing! Not many gets to enter his private residence you know! Well, more like not many wish to meet Demon Granny but yeah..."

"I see... I just somehow end up there after the promotion. Come to think of it, why do people even make gardens in their home I wonder? Are they growing crops?"

"Prfff! Sorry, that's one peasant thinking if not one. It's for status obviously!"

"Status? Like... Being popular?"

"Exactly! It is to show your wealth and prove to the world your achievements! Like this aquarium for example! If that garden doesn't exist, this aquarium wouldn't exist either!"

"That's kinda stupid- I mean, so worthless."

(Come to think of it... Sis Yuwei has that garden at the back and front but while the front burnt down, the back is unmaintained except for the tree at the centre. Unlike a show piece, Sis Fei keeps the garden as the last momento from their parents. Hmm, wonder how those twins are doing? Oh sweet chick peas, what's their names again? I've been hearing so much I forgot many from the past...)

"That's just the same! And don't daydream after insulting the royal family!"

"Oh, sorry..."

"Hmph! How uncouth, b-but I can respect your honesty. So do you still wanna see the garden?"

"Sure, I mean I got nothing else to do... Assuming Yoo-Sui won't suddenly call."

"Great, now on to the garden-"

"Please hold on for a moment."

" "Huh?" "

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, we turn to and I recognize that face...

(He's the guy when I was unconscious! And when did he get behind us!?)

Looking closer, he's a middle aged man with slightly long black hair reaching his shoulders, wearing a long black coat and the black suit with the U opening tight suit inside. He adjusts his coat's collar and clasp his hand before bowing down saying:

"Greetings princess Ye-Ri nim, and of course, Sova Anmao Ssi. I'm the Adventurer Guild Master of the Baratai Triangle, Han-Woo."

(Guild Master?)

Ye-Ri panics as she scramble before bowing head down shouting:

"T-T-T-The pleasure's all mine, Lord Han-Woo nim!"

Following his example I clasp my hand and bow my head replying:

"Pleasure to meet you too! So, you're the Guild master who helped me right? Thank you."

His green eyes glint when he raise his head replying:

"It's nothing much since it's a request from a friend. Now, would you follow me? I'm about to meet with the Royal Advisor and King for this very meeting. Since you'll be called, I believe it would be in our best interest as we arrive together."

"Huh? What?"

A bit confused by the invitation Ye-Ri takes a few steps back saying:

"Ahaha! If that's so then I guess you'll be busy, Sova. That's fine, come meet me back at my room then when you're done! Please take care of her, Lord Han-Woo nim!"

"Huh? W-Wait!"

Ye-Ri runs away afraid as I wonder what to do, and before I could think of an idea, Fuji walks beside me saying:

"I think this would be the perfect time we get to talk."

"Huh? U-Uh yea...?"

Standing side to side, Fuji's tall figure cast a long shadow over me... He seems much taller than when I saw him back then.

"No need to be so tense, we are in a lack of better terms, allies after all."


"Sigh... I wonder if you realize how much of an international trouble you cause?"

"Ah... Well... I did heard my actions cause the deaths of many."

"Many is an understatement. Sigh, luckily information has been restricted to only the Baratai Triangle so I hope you don't cause so much trouble. Especially to Master Taiga."


"Speaking truthfully I wonder how did someone like you even garner her favour? Not even her direct family are treated differently."


"Either way, come with me now, you'll be the main bulk of the discussion. If this goes well, we could stop the riots."

(Ah, this is all too sudden! Sis Rubeca... I wonder how you're doing now? I really wish I could spend more time with Ye-Ri now- no! Listening to him, this might help solve the crisis!)

"Suowa, yes?"

"H-Huh? Yea!"

He speaks in runician as I replied in kind and he then continue saying:

"I suppose we never really met in person. Or more like I never met you when you're aware. That previous greeting was a bit tense so, let me start again, my honorary name here may be Han-Woo but my real name is Luo Fuji. Since you're my boss' precious family, you can just call me Luo."

"O-Oh, I'm Suowa Anmao. I think I'm gonna stick with honorifics or full name."

"Whatever suits you better."

Walking side by side in the aquarium, I wonder why no one is leading him if he's a guest but since we're alone...

"So, when you say boss do you mean Sis Rubeca? If so, can you please tell me how she is doing?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm not prestigious enough to work directly under her. But, my boss is and I'm sure you know him, Jordan T. Ashfield. Or we call him Master Jordan."

"Gruncle! Is he here? In this peninsula?"

"G-Gruncle? Kek... Haha... Sorry, I can't believe someone actually calls him that. But yes, he is. Though please keep it a secret that I tell you that. He likes to keep his act of being in the shadows quite literally."

"Ah, right, the edgy stuff."

"Prfff! Yes... The edgy- haha... Stuff..."

(Hmm maybe he's not so bad if Gruncle trust him).


Wondering where he is going to meet as we went pass the throne room, the crimson guards line up to form a way deeper. The deeper we go, the less windows there are, and the less windows the more doors. Until...

Amidst the dim lit hallway filled with crimson guards, one door opens to lit a certain someone. She's none other than Yoo-Sui with Soo-Nari standing beside her. Yoo-Sui looks at me saying:

"Ah, perfect timing. With this we have all we need, come right in Lord Han-Woo nim."

She clasp her hand, bowing down to him and makes way, he push me forward to enter and I see the room. A comfy living room with sets of snacks and drinks at the side while the centre is a place to gather with long couches and even longer tables. Giving this place a golden shine are the wall windows that shows the burning city, and behind the windows are people I know.

Other than the King, Zenon who's arm and body is still in casts, Yoo-Gisa, San-Min, and Juha are waiting for us. They look at me with furrowed brows, but before I could ask, the Guild leader nudge me to sit at a place facing everyone before he takes a sit beside me.

(Wait, aren't we all those that dungeon dived? Only Miria is missing now. Oh, and Juha, I quite miss her, usually she would be by my side since I got to the city now I feel kind of lonely).

The crimson guards left only a few inside before Yoo-Sui and Soo-Nari closes the door and stands behind the king... Everyone has a tense look in their face and from their demeanor, I can tell they're bottling their words from spilling.

As a shivering servant pours a tea for the guild master, she quickly bows and rush to the corner as he takes a whiff and breaks the silence with,

"This is quite nice, thank you, King Yok-Kim nim."

The King who's sweating like a sinner in church raise his hand replying:

"I'm happy you would personally answer our call to dispel this huge misunderstanding, Lord Han-Woo nim."

(Hmm, I wonder what standing does a guild master has that everyone is shivering? I mean, he seems to get along and act casual with Clara and Ji-Hyun. Or is it because he has some magic or something? His green eyes shine a lot like Zenon's purple eyes).

"No, I have to thank you for taking time when you're in... Quite the predicament."

His gaze leers over the window as he speaks politely. Placing down his cup he tightens his gloves and continue saying:

"This is relating to the reputation of the whole adventurer guilds after all. Now, I heard many interesting things along my travel here, but I'm sure as a fair person, listening to both side of the story is simply expected. So, let me start first and admit what's facts so far..."

Luo fuji looks at me and place down a gem to the table saying:

"Under my orders and jurisdiction, I have given permission to the 3... Well, now 2 prodigies to explore the newly found dungeon, sponsored by the esteemed lady Wang Xuyin. And to her generosity, she allows all of you to bring your friends as well."

San-Min hearing that grips his fist so hard that I can hear it from here.

"But there are Hunters who bribed their way in while some special individual thought sneaking inside would be a pristine idea. Now would mind filling in the blanks? What happened inside the dungeon?"

"Forgive my rudeness Lord Han-Woo nim, but with all due respect, we already told you about them in the letters! It's all those people in blue that ruined everything, but most of all... The Phoenix Sector is with them! As much as I hate those nobles and Geom's conquest, they don't deserve to be punished for crimes they did not commit!"

"Alright, but what of those hunters?"

Zenon looks at me and continue saying:

"Somehow we became allies thanks to Sova's eloquence. They're innocent as far as we know."

"I see..."

Luo Fuji takes out a notebook and starts writing, and I'm starting to piece it all and realize,

(This is all act isn't it? Everyone who works for Sis Yuwei or Sis Rubeca definitely knows what transpired inside!)

"We have also acquired testimonies from Lady Miria of the Crimson Carps and it seems your words are the same... Very well. Now, would you please tell the event that transpired inside when you start exploring?"

Juha nods saying:

"Of course, I can easily recall something that eventful."

As Juha starts to retell of our expedition, from time, date, condition, and the enemies we faced. From the conversations, and eventually Jana or Si-Hye's betrayal, the blue people's ambush, and Ye-Hua's death alongside the appearance of one of the bandit duo (Moriz), finally my kidnapping by him... Juha's eyes wander to me as she then continue saying:

"There seem to be more mysteries to this case than what meets the eyes, so if you would please cooperate more we can solve this issues plaguing this war-torn peninsula."


Luo Fuji takes another sip as he seem to really enjoy the drink before replying:

"I'll take that into consideration but as you know, time is of the essence. So, Sova Ssi, Why don't you tell your side of the Story? What happened after you get kidnapped?"

All eyes are now on me but I'm not fazed as I now try to analyze and think of an appropriate answer to all this. I look towards the pillar of smoke across the azure skies of ice and snow to remind myself my words now may cause the deaths of many.

"This may be too much for you but, you are the only one who seem to see more than what Jin-Juha Ssi has explained. So won't you explain all you know?"


He smiles ear to ear replying:

"Of course."


Taking in the cold air to my lungs, I realize...

(I suck at lying. And I know they would definitely see through me so...)

Remembering Sis Yuwei's words of how my entire being is a lie. I grasp the gift Soo-Li gave me and let out a loud,


I point towards the guild leader saying:

"I'm sure you know everything already since you work with Gruncle!"

A crack form in his smile as he squint his eyes, I then point towards Yoo-Sui shouting:

"They know everything of course since she was there wearing the imitation armour! And she is the one who beat me up! And then pull the rug under all of you!"

I point toward Juha who seems flabbergasted while a nerve pop from Yoo-Sui, I then stand and continue saying:

"Those people in blue who definitely is hiding somewhere are the Orange or Ohgranye or however you spell their name, and they're like some super secret organization of some ancient clan or something in this peninsula as the previous War-God you all fear is part of them."

I then turn toward San-Min saying:

"Ye-Hua may be dead but her soul is free from the Goddess of the lake so you need not have fear since she will definitely be reborn. Si-Jana is actually Si-Hye and she is the little sister to her alongside being Sis Yuwei's... What do you call a God's... Apostle? And then there's this whole fiasco!"

I walk near Yoo-Gisa who's standing near the window with discomfort saying:

"You! You're just dancing in the palms of Sis Yuwei! This whole thing is a big magic trick! Like I said, your Sis is a traitor, more like everyone you know is a traitor and you're bound to die if you keep going on! Haa... Haa... Haa..."

I take a quick breather as I look back to see everyone looking at me like I lost my mind. But I continue with,

"Just be straight forward, you all don't like each other, and everyone don't agree with each other. So why can't you just say that? Is that so hard!? People are now dying because of your own bull schnitzel out there! Be honest so things can start moving!"

(Right, make the message clear, that way everyone will know your true intentions).

Luo Fuji drops his note and pen to,

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Gruncle.... Prfff, Haha... HAHAHAHA! Oh, this is too much!"


"But I suppose you have to be at least that crazy to be acknowledged... Yes, I think Sova Ssi says one thing that I can agree on. I'll be completely direct with each and every one of you lowly subjects of Heaven now so we can move quickly. This whole mess is a problem stemmed from incompetent rulers who can't plan for the long term, fools who can't govern their own land, and most importantly, halfwits who can't control their people. I'm not only talking about you, but this entire god-damned peninsula."



He gazes to the king which spooks him and the few crimson guard starts shaking as their armours clamour.

"I doubt you have the capability to solve this when you can't even solve your decade old problems even now. What the hell are those younger generation thinking of letting vassals like you existing? They should've wipe the peninsula clean and change history by this point."

He stands taking the gem he placed and continue saying:

"As I said before, time is of the essence and I need to solve this quick when the yearly invasion is about to start."

Pocketing the gem he looks over the window saying:

"So, I couldn't care less for those Owlian immigrants, they can burn and their ashes buried in a shallow grave if you're so generous or be bait for the monster king vessels that will soon arrive in new year. As for my duty as the Guild Leader of the Baratai Triangle, I'm here to clear Sova's involvement with you twats and take... Her out of your jurisdiction. Unlike those souls with no future, Sova's a gem for everyone to see like Jin-Yeon and our favourite Zenon."

(Ah right! The yearly monster invasion, I almost forgot).

He walks over to me pocketing the gem and hold my shoulder with an eerie grin saying:

"So, effectively as of now, you will be freed of... that royal advisor's control and with the agreement of multiple guild leaders across the adventurer guilds, your adventuring license shall be renewed. Is that honest statement good enough for you?"

"Wait, what!?"

(Is this for me?)

He holds both my shoulder and stare me in the eyes with a glowing fiery eyes replying:

"Sorry, let me rephrase that, I'm gonna take you out of this shit show so you can actually be somewhere much better than this mess. Somewhere you can be respected and where people treats you like a person, even when you're an Owlian. That's what a proper employer should do when their employee has been treated unfairly no?"


(Wait, is that his intention from the start? Wait, is this what Sis Yuwei planned? Or is this what Sis Rubeca planned? Or maybe Gruncle? And seeing his eyes is he exuding huge amount of magic?)

I look past him to see the tableware and many utilities are floating in the air, including our seat and the tables at the side. Yoo-Sui's closing her eyes while Soo-Nari giggles in the corner. Now, I'm completely turn over the tables as I'm even more confused by this outcome. But...

"Luo Fuji Ssi, let me tell you something about myself."


I call his real name and brush off his hands away from my shoulder saying:

"I am a MAN of my own actions! I admit that this whole fudge up is not my plans but it's still partly my actions that cause all this! I may also not like the treatment I have now but I'm staying here so that I can fix my mistakes. So if you really care about me, then postpone your transfer and let me stay until I'm done here."

"Haha, you do know that's how they trap you right? But, if that's what you want I suppose I'll follow your wishes."

He tightens his gloves and turns around looking at the people across our seat saying:

"While you may be rulers of this land, I do hope you realize there are depths beyond the abyss is what you say here right?"

He looks at Yoo-Gisa and the continue saying:

"Oh, and just a quick heads up, Young Special Rank. Your so called guild master is fired as of now and all hunter activity inside the Baratai Triangle will be prohibited by international United Nations mandate until further notice. Of course, those who doesn't like those laws may simply leave, quit, or be dealt accordingly. Worry not, this ban will only last until new year, so 3 weeks. And for the sake of fairness, all adventurers as well except for those who are already outside the map."

(Adventurers as well?)

"W-What!? That is-"

"All Hunters in this triangle have been deem corrupted and is in need of a massive restructuring according to the 8 years investigation by the United Nations representatives. While all responsibilities for all the atrocities individual hunters have done is forgiven, the Guild master will be the one to take all the blame so you can thank him and his daughter. So next, time try not to interfere with Adventurer's business. In other words, KNOW YOUR PLACE!"


"Hargh! You... Aren't they supposed to be your brother and niece?"

Yoo-Gisa fell to his knees clenching his chest while the window behind me cracks and the crimson guards try to pull their weapons, Soo-Nari stops them. Luo Fuji shakes his head replying:

"I'm ashamed to be even related to them. They're a pathethic group who neglected their jobs so much that even a B rank monster manage to roam free for this long is a major violation already, not to mention you that pioneers had to called inland is a huge shame."

He walks over and looks down at Yoo-Gisa saying:

"The only reason the punishment isn't so severe is simply that you have quite the exemplary record until your recent stunt. This is your last chance, so drill that to your head or I'll be force to become the head of the Hunters Guild in the Baratai Triangle as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for the upcoming yearly invasion."





Luo Fuji walks away and when the servants who waits near the door see him gets closer, they trembles and fall over panicking which cause the king to sweat even more as I wonder if someone pour a bucket over him. He looks back saying:

"It seems even your servants can't do their job properly... Following Sova's request, I'll be leaving HER here to my dismay. So, watch your actions, and if any stupid shit like this happens again, I know where to look for."

He grabs the knob and before twisting it, he looks up saying:

"As a benevolent Greater God from Heaven, I will be the one to sort out this Owlian revolt mess. So, get your shit together and fix your mistakes. Whoever is the winner of this outcome will be deemed the ruler of this peninsula. I suppose, good luck, you're all gonna need it. And of course, this proposal is shared with the western kingdoms as well. If by the time you're still fighting yourself when the summons are given, heaven will rain down their wrath, don't forget why you are even allowed to live so close to it."

*Click* *clang* *Smash* *Shatter* *Crash*

As he leave the room, all the floating objects come crashing down in a spectacular manner as I realize...

(I made it worse didn't I? Haah... Words are hard).

And seeing how Yoo-Sui has been quiet all this time, I can only remember what Yuwei said how she is still weak in the grand scheme of things. While Yoo-Sui might move a kingdom, Luo Fuji can move nations. Not only that, he's strong enough to make a Special Rank like Yoo-Gisa fell on his knees just like that, I wonder what is the threshold I will have to climb?

(No don't get discouraged! I'm not gonna abandon Sis. I know I can just ask him to help me to the Theocracy but I give Sis my word and I'm not gonna swallow it).

I look back at Yoo-Gisa who's hurt hearing him whisper,

"(So that's Han-Woo... He never appears and always too high to even see, but why does he seem fond of that fake? And Gruncle?)"

He looks back at me with scorn as I realize he must've been filled with question, not only him but everyone in the room as well. Juha, who's shoulder are shaking, Zenon who's leaning back to shoulder the King that's unconscious now with his eyes still open. Yoo-Sui walks over to me and I realize my fate, I hang ny head saying:

"I'm sure you hate me but, do your worst, I'm ready!"

Shutting my eyes and awaiting my fate, I felt someone patting my head saying:

"No, this is good enough. You heard him right, everyone?"


(Wait, is she finally calling me a he now?)

Yoo-Sui turn to face everyone shouting:

"He said the winner of this conflict will be master of this peninsula. So, basically we got the green light, and we have no need to worry for any reprecussion that comes from doing whatever it is to the west or even the north. Simply put, we got the permission, so this is a huge boon in the long run. Plus, he even said to deal with the Owlian revolts internationally, let's not put his gift to waste."


"Can we even trust his words? Isn't he merely a guild master?"

Juha asks as she stares at the door and the terrified servants still hugging their knees. Yoo-Sui nods replying:

"Yes, that's true but you also have to know that is simply a side job he use to benefit his main one."

"Hmm? You can have more jobs for being a guild master? Isn't that like a full time job?"

Zenon chimes in and Yoo-Sui easily respond with,

"Yes, just like how you can be a prince and adventurer at the same time, Zenon. But either way, if you do some digging you should know he is the Head Secretary of Defense for the Baratai treaty. He has authority over the entire Trinya sea and the coast surrounding the Monster King Island. With his orders he can muster a force of tens of millions to guard against the yearly monster invasion."

"Oooh! Wait, he's the guy in charge of the yearly Monster invasion!?"

"Yes, and what do you know, our kingdom has a coast that borders the Trinya sea so we are part of the Baratai treaty as well. So from now on, let's tread carefully. But thanks to Sova, we now know his intentions."

(Wow, Gruncle has someone like that under him? Amazing... Wait, he's the secretary of whatever it is? Didn't Colomel Song-Iseon said something like that?)

Yoo-Sui still pats my head and refuse to let go, and even as I move away she would drag me back clenching my head.

(I have a bad feeling she's gonna do something bad when we return to our room).

"As for Sova here (As for this little sorry excuse of a man)..."



Yoo-Sui grasp my head with her strong grip as she looks down on me and continue saying:

"I think SHE needs some much needed rest. I suppose knowing your actions cause such a huge problem is very stressful..."

"(What do you think you're trying to do, you sorry sacking pile of shit!? I'll let you know I have learned all of my dad's killing moves, and I have over 1000 execution kills. And those numbers have tripled by then as I'm the top in the twin peninsula. You are nothing to me but another target. I will wipe you the fuck off if you try that again, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away saying that shit with an innocent face? Think again, fuck boy. I'll demonstrate all of it when we get back, you may be my superior but that doesn't mean you're exempt from any liability)."

Seeing her kind response indifferent from what her lips utter, I felt my life shortening. Zenon nods along as he lay the king down saying:

"Ah, so you finally know..."

(Yea, that I'm fudged. And how in the world did her lips say that much compared to what she just speak!? Did nobody see that!?)

San-Min on the other hand approach us asking:

"But how much of what she say is true? Well, we can discount you being a traitor false but what of the group in blue? Tell us more, especially about Si-Hye!"

"We can leave that for later. More importantly is finishing this fight, we got an ultimatum from the Greater Gods, now we must finish it or like he said, history will be rewritten."




Looking at the unconscious King, Yoo-Sui waves at the guards saying:

"The king has done his best, take him to his chambers."

"Y-Yes, we obey!"

As they all carry the King away, I look at Zenon and Juha for help but Yoo-Sui holds me close saying:

"Now, you all heard the deadline, in 3 weeks time we need to at least win this civil war. As long as we can muster our people for the yearly defense we would still be allowed to keep our kingdom. Now, let's rest and hope Supreme Commander Won-Yok will be done by tommorow."

"Um, Yoo-Sui Ssi?"


"What is it, Sova? (What is your last wish?)"

"Ow, ow, can I please at least spend time with Juha?"



They lock eyes with each other before Yoo-Sui nods replying:

"Alright, but after your rest. (Alright, after I demonstrate my techniques)."

(I wonder if I can lodge a complaint? And is she really that trustworthy that they can just dismiss my words?)

Happy New Year!!! And thank you so much for reading! Releasing late cause ima been enjoying the weekend.

P.S Switch is getting quite the nice catalog of games.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts