
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


Their relationship rapidly improved for good and they were living their lives like a happy married couple. The couple couldn't ask for anything more.

The gossiping about her relationship with Ibraheem and and now her marriage with Suraj, soon died down. The staff at the hospital started to treat them normally like before.

Ibraheem has also started making voluntary movements in response to a command,he was now more alert than before.

Hope shined in the hearts of his family and they were thankful and grateful to God that he was finally recovering even though he hasn't uttered a word yet.

Leylah was still not allowed to see him but she still sends him flowers through the nurses who attended to him.

Leylah made plans to meet up with Nabeela at Lunch that day,she cleared up and prepared to leave. She went to inform Suraj but was told he wasn't in the hospital.

'Where did he go? He didn't tell me he was going out'. She wondered inwardly.

She called his phone and he told her that he was out doing a psychotherapy for a special patient. Leylah felt relieved and went ahead to meet up with Nabeela.

She had a long chat with Nabeela and they also talked about her boss at work. He was still making advances at Nabeela but haven't asked her out yet,and she was starting to get frustrated already.

Leylah implored her to be patient and thought maybe he was taking his time because of his failed marriage.

"He probably had a bad experience from his last relationship that's why he is holding back and taking his time now". Leylah said trying to assure Nabeela.

And after some time,they left the restaurant and parted ways.

Leylah got to the hospital and went back to seeing her patients. She checked on Suraj a bit later and he wasn't still back. She felt uneasy.

Lately,Suraj has been going out of the hospital quite a lot and arrives home late too. He always gives her the same excuse of the psychotherapy for a special patient,every time.

She was beginning to get tired of hearing the same stories everyday and didn't like the fact that they don't spend Much time together.

The next day during breakfast,she asked Suraj about the patient he was taking care of but he didn't answer her straightly and shrugged her question off. Leylah felt his actions were weird and she didn't like the fact that he didn't want to tell her about it.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Leylah questioned him.

Suraj choked on the tea "wh...what? you think am hiding something from you?" Suraj asked looking at her in disbelief.

"yes. if not,why aren't you telling me about this so called special patient that is taking your time and making you spend less with me?"Leylah said furiously. she can't believe she is getting jealous over some special patient she didn't even know.

She believed and trusted Suraj and she knew he would never hide anything from her. But she is the curious type and wants to know everything that happens around her.

"honestly,my wife is the most adorable thing on earth when she's jealous". Suraj said ignoring her question and instead started teasing her.

"who says am jealous? Don't be fooled my darling husband" Leylah said defensively trying to sound convincing that she isn't jealous.

Suraj chuckled, "Come here" he said and brought Leylah to sit on his laps.

"Your are the love of my life,the only woman of my dreams and the mother of my unborn children. you are my essence." he said as he started planting kisses on her face playfully.

Although Leylah believed Suraj's words but he didn't really deny that he was or wasn't hiding something from her.

She didn't linger on the matter again and decided to ask the doctor who he goes out with,to see the so called special patient.

Leylah giggled in his laps and held his neck looking at him with so much adoration in her eyes. " how many children do you want us to have?" She blurted out.

"Wow! Seems like my wife can't wait huh?" Suraj teased and Leylah blushed.

"Uh....let's say.....Four or five"

"What?"Leylah asked in disbelief

"Yeah,three girls and two boys or just two boys and two girls....I will love and treasure them till I die".He said and kissed her small nose.

"No way! I don't want to have that many. Do you want to kill me?" Leylah exaggerated.

"Really?you think there are many?"


"Okay so how many do you want us to have?"

"Uh mm,just one",Leylah said and burst into laugher when she saw Suraj's surprised face.

They finished breakfast and left for the hospital together in the same car.

"But seriously my love,do you really mean what you said earlier" Suraj asked as they were in the hall way of the hospital heading to their office.

"What?" Leylah looked at him confused.

"About you wanting to have only one kid. what about two? you want our child to be lonely without siblings?"

"Who says our child will be lonely? he or she will have a mother,father,beautiful and caring grand mothers. a grandfather who will adore her or him and a sweet aunty".

"so tell me....why will our child be lonely?" Leylah said as she stopped in front of Suraj's door. she stood on her tip toes and left a peck on his lips.

She turned and was just about to head to her office,when he pulled her back swiftly. She had her back on his door and was trapped between the door and his body.

"what do you think you are doing babe? we are at the hospital,behave". Leylah warned.

"I want to hold my wife for a few more minutes. i already miss you" Suraj said in a low and sensual voice.

He leaned in and lowered his face with hers,their lips almost touching. Leylah felt Suraj's hot breath on her face and her face turned red and her breath became frantic.

Suraj moved his lips to her earlobe and nibbled on it. Leylah bit her lips to prevent her from moaning,she closed her eyes and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt.

"Let's have two please,I would love a boy and a girl. I want to have a male version of you and our little girl should look just like you too" Suraj whispered his lips still fanning her ear.

"Uhm hmm" Leylah struggled to say,she could not find her words as her mind was fuzzy.

"words baby,I want to hear your words" Suraj said teasing her.

"Okay" Leylah said breathlessly.

Suraj chuckled and moved his torturous lips from her ear, "Breath my love,you could faint this way". Suraj teased her further then he released her from his tight embrace.

Leylah was embarrassed and hid her face on his chest. hitting his chest lightly and Suraj laughed. His wife is so cute when she is shy.

"Doctor zainab,please can I have some moment of your time?" Leylah asked politely as she entered the office.

Leylah decided to find out who this 'special patient' was as soon as she had a free time at the hospital.

Doctor zainab is the doctor that Suraj goes out of the hospital with to administer psychotherapy to the so called 'special patient'.

"Oh!let's see....." Doctor zainab said as she checked the time on her wrist watch.

"okay I still have time here. Come in Doctor maleek" doctor zainab said as she gestured to Leylah to take a seat with a slight smile on her face.

They weren't close and didn't have any close relationship together. They just work in the same hospital and are in the same department in the hospital.

So Leylah just went straight to the point but still she was very polite and respectful.

"I wanted to know about the patient you go out to offer psychotherapy to with Doc.Alkaseem" Leylah went straight to the point.

The doctor looked at Leylah in surprise, 'why is she asking me such a question?'

Everyone knows Leylah and Suraj are married and she thought she could have asked her husband about it already or her husband would have told her.

Leylah saw the surprised look on her face then she clarified.

"He told me about the patient's situation and asked me to check on her today on his behalf because he is feeling rather unwell. so I need to have her full information before anything" Leylah lied.

"Oh! Is that so?" She looked at Leylah with disbelief. Suraj had asked that the patient's condition should be kept secret between them and that he doesn't want people knowing about it.

But now his wife was saying that her husband has asked her to check the patient. 'But she wouldn't have known about the patient if he didnt tell her and why will she lie too'? Doctor zainab wondered.

But seeing Leylah's calm expression,she came to a decision and decided to give Leylah the patient's information.

"Okay let me check...here,this is her file" Doctor zainab said as she searched for the patient's file and passed it to Leylah.

Leylah was glad that she was convinced with her story and quickly opened the file. But what she saw shocked her and her expression stiffened.