
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urban
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50 Chs


That day Suraj came home together with Leylah, he ordered dinner for them since there were tired and couldn't fix something quickly for dinner.

They went back home in the same car and he noticed Leylah was in a bad mood. She didn't talk to him all through the drive back home.

Its been a while he saw Leylah in such foul mood,she was always smiling and talking happily. She is a cheerful person but today she is the complete opposite.

He endured the whole silent drive home and as soon as they got to their room,he asked "My love,is something wrong?".

But Leylah didn't reply,she didn't even look at him. She just picked her pajama and went into the bathroom banging the door loudly.

Suraj opened his mouth in surprise as her behaviour was surprising. " what in God's name is the problem now?"

Suraj waited for her to come out of the bathroom and when she did, he went straight to her and hugged her from the back. "What's wrong my angel? Tell me. Did I do something wrong? Or did someone upset you? Just tell me and your husband will take care of it....mm." Suraj cajoled her,he can't stand her been upset like this.

Leylah got out of his embrace and turned to face him. She had to raise her head to look into his eyes because of his height. "Why did you hide it from me?"she asked simply folding her arms together.

Suraj was caught unawares by her question. He didn't need to think much about her question before he knew what she was talking about.

He knows there was only one thing he was hiding from her and that's about Zara. She was the special patient he was giving psychotherapy.

Zara's disorder has deteriorated and it was because he ignored her for too long. He balmed himself and felt guilty but When he realised that Zara didn't want to remain good friends but she wanted something more. She wanted him to make her his woman.

The last time she had asked to meet with him after he got back from the honey moon trip with Leylah. She professed her love to him and told him how much she loved him.

But he refused her and made it clear to her that he doesn't love her. He told her he can't be more than a friend to her. She became furious and probably led herself into depression, that's how her disorder became serious.

He didn't see her again until few days ago when she had called him severally. When he didn't answer any of her calls,she sent him a text message promising to kill herself if he doesn't come to see her.

The case was a serious one and he had to call for the emergency team. Zara refused to go to the hospital and insisted that she will only receive treatment at home,that too only when Suraj was around. So if he doesn't come,she won't take the antipsychotic medication or even go through psychotherapy.

Even though Suraj knew it was going to be trouble for him and Leylah,he obliged to her request reluctantly. He is a doctor and he has to put saving a life first before anything. He made sure to keep it a secret from Leylah and just continued to indulged Zara until she got better.

But now he was surprised, 'how did she find out? Or is she talking about something else? but that is the only thing I've hidden from Leylah' Suraj wondered in his mind.

He didn't want to hide it again from her, so he decided to tell her everything. And if that was not what she was talking about then,he still wanted to tell her now and clear his conscience.

"My love am sorry,I swear I didn't mean to hide it from you. I.....I just didn't want you to be upset when you found out" Suraj tried to explain and hoped Leylah understands him.

Leylah didn't say anything but just looked at him with puzzled eyes. "And so you lied to me?.....babe,she doesn't just have a delusional disorder,she's showing signs of De clérambault's syndrome" Leylah shouted in exasperation.

"No...no,no love....." He said and tried to hold Leylah's hands but she flinged his hands away and moved back glaring at him.

Suraj sighed deeply before he said "Zara confessed that she loved me,not as a friend anymore but she wants me to marry her".

"What!?"Leylah asked stunned.


"And what did you tell her,did ....you accept..."

"Of course not my love" Suraj said quickly and he saw Leylah calm down a little. He felt relieved.

"But then,you know her condition right now?" He said and Leylah nodded her head frantically wanting him to get to the end of the story.

"She threatened to harm herself if I don't go see her and will only take her medication and go through therapy when am around".

"I couldn't just ignore her threats because she isn't well and can actually go through with her threat. We haven't diagnosed her with erotomania yet and we want to stop it from progressing to that stage." Suraj said praying silently in his mind that Leylah understands him.

Leylah looked at him with an unbelievable expression,he couldn't read her expression for a while. The next minute her expression turned soft and she hugged him. "Oh my poor baby,why didn't you tell me about it? I've always knew she was a manipulative woman" Leylah said as she hugged him tightly.

Suraj felt his heart at ease and he smiled widely as he hugged her back when he heard her words. His wife is the best,she didn't drag the issue and trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't lie to her. He was so glad to have her in his life.

"I didn't want to upset my beautiful wife" he said as he buried his face in her nape.

"Awww my darling hubby. I love you so much"

"I love you more,wifey".

The next day,Leylah advised Suraj to convince Zara to come to the hospital. "she should get admitted in the hospital like every other sick patient".

"I can't be at ease with a lunatic around her husband,what if she tries to harm my sweet husband?" Leylah whined as she proposed the idea to Suraj.

"I have my wife to protect me always,so I don't need to be scared" Suraj said smiling lovingly at his wife.

"But I think you are right,I'll try my best to make her get admitted in the hospital. I'll talk to her grandma about it even though her grandma doesn't have much influence on her".

The next day,Suraj finally convinced Zara to get admitted in the hospital. He told her that if she stayed at home,she won't be seeing him as often as she would if she were at the hospital.

Zara agreed immediately without any hesitation,when she heard his reason. She would agree to anything if it will make her to get close to Suraj.

Leylah made it her duty to check on all Zara's test results,she even pestered the therapist for information on Zara's health.

She was scared that Zara's disorder has already progressed to erotomania but Suraj didn't want to agree and believes he could do something to change it.

One afternoon,Leylah mustered up courage and visited zara in her room at the hospital. She just wanted to confirm her suspicion.

When Zara saw her enter her room,she frowned. She was watching TV and eating some freshly picked mangoes.

" what are you doing here?" She asked and returned her attention to the TV.

Leylah wasn't surprised by her attitude 'this person is not normal' she thought inwardly and a smile crept up on her face.

Zara didn't hear her say anything so she looked at her and saw Leylah smiling slightly. "What!?" Zara shouted. 'What's so funny that she is smiling this way?'.

Leylah shook her head slightly and thought 'this girl needs to be admitted in a mental asylum'

"You should stop your scheming and just leave Suraj,'my husband',alone". Leylah did the air quotations for her.

"Just when will you start to live with the fact that he can't be yours? Hmm....Zara?" Leylah asked with a serious expression on her face.

"I don't think I'll ever have to accept that because its not possible" Zara said as a matter of fact.

"Suraj will be mine soon,he will become my husband soon. He can't see me hurt and can't live without me. And that's how I am too".

" We can't be separated no matter how hard you try,faith will always run its course" Zara said confidently and Leylah was dumbfounded.

"Suraj is with my grandma now,they are probably discussing how we will get married".

"I cannot get over this sickness of mine,it can't be cured until I have Suraj with me. And for that to be possible,we need to get married".

" I get better whenever he is around me even without taking my medications". Leylah shuddered at her words and Zara's lips curled upwards as a sinister smile appeared on her face.

"What the hell are you on about you psychopath?" Leylah bellowed. as she couldn't believe all the insane words coming out of Zara's mouth. 'This girl is really sick'

Zara laughed lightly when she saw Leylah's sudden annoyed expression. "Don't get all worked up yet. Wait till I marry him and kick you out of his life" Zara said and started laughing hysterically.

Leylah couldn't believe her ridiculous words,she confirmed that her suspicions were right. Zara really has erotomania,but it terrified her now that an erotomaniac will be around her and her husband. "Shut up.....you bloody erotomaniac....You are so..... pathetic" Leylah told her and left the room in a hurry. she couldn't bear the sight of Zara anymore.

She went straight to Suraj's office. when she entered the office,she saw him talking with Zara's grandma. His eyes looked troubled and he had a conflicting expression on his face.

'What! Is what Zara said true? Why does he have that expression in his face? What are they talking about? ' Leylah thought inwardly still standing at the entrance.

Zara's grandma stood up and came to meet her,she held Leylah's hands and said to her in a trembling voice "my daughter.....help my grand daughter please. Don't let her loose her life like this" the woman said and breathed heavily before she left.

Leylah looked at Suraj and asked terrified, her voice breaking. a drop of tear made its way to her cheek. "what is she talking about Suraj? Why is she asking me to help her grand daughter? Did you agree to marry her...." Leylah didn't complete her words when Suraj closed the distance between them and kissed her passionately.

He was about to loose his mind and he could only find solace from his wife. She is the only one who could calm his troubled heart.

When he separated from Leylah's lips,there were both panting as there were breathless from the kiss. Suraj looked at Leylah and said, "Am a doctor and I need to put saving a person's life first before anything"

" But I cannot be with any other woman except you my love. Any other woman is undesirable except my Leylah" he said and hugged her tightly,his heart relishing in the comfort of her presence.

Later that day,at home,when they were about going to bed. Leylah called out, "baby" and wrapped her arms around him snuggling more into his chest.

"Mm" Suraj answered looking at her face lovingly in his arms.

"I think we should take Zara to an asylum. Since the treatment here seems not to be working and I feels like she is only getting worse" Leylah said suggestively.

"My love we've talked about this earlier,I've tried to convince her but Zara wouldn't agree to it"

"You haven't tried enough. Convince her just like you did when you brought her to the hospital. And if she still refuses,then.....then we should send her there by force"

"What? You want to use force now? We would be bringing trouble to ourselves if we do that. Why are you so troubled about Zara? Huh?"

"We are trying our best and she will get better soon InshaAllah(God's willing). So just calm down okay?".

"No I can't calm down. I can't do that when I know there's a manipulative,mentally deranged and psychopathic person, out there to get my husband". Leylah said as she was starting to get frustrated.

"You are been over dramatic as usual" Suraj dismissed scathingly.

Leylah got even more frustrated when she heard his reply. She got out of his embrace and moved to the other side of the bed. She dragged the blanket dramatically and went to sleep.

Suraj was baffled. Why was she letting this issue infuriate her so much? He already told her he would never take another wife,let alone have anything to do with Zara.

He just want her to get better but Leylah feels Zara will never get better and that annoyed him. He also turned to the other side of the bed and forced himself to sleep. 'My wife is such a drama queen'.