
lets go to another world by uchiha clan

support me in patreon / paypal belamy20 patreon.com/user?u=47865997 Raijin, uchiha who awaken mangekyo sharingan with abilty teleport to another dimension, konoha village hate us, so lets go to another world support me in patreon / paypal belamy20 patreon.com/user?u=47865997

Ilham_Yamin · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 48: Act Freely

The situation in Konoha was ever-changing. The first thing Raijin did upon returning was to submit his mission at the mission center.

Earning his last bit of money from Konoha made him feel much better.

Raijin glanced around Konoha and noticed that ever since he entered the village,

countless people had been lingering around him, constantly monitoring his movements.

It was a pity they weren't outside the village. If they were, he would definitely teach Hiruzen a lesson.

He would let him know that the Uchiha clan wasn't so easy to keep an eye on.

Especially not an important figure like him.

But now, within Konoha, without a justifiable reason,

Raijin couldn't casually attack these ANBU.

He could only let them loiter around him.

At least they had some sense.

They stopped at the entrance of the Uchiha clan's compound.

They didn't dare to step foot inside.

The Third Hokage and Danzo must be anxious now.

Just how many people had they stationed around his house?

Making such a big fuss!

It was just a Mangekyō Sharingan.

Did they have to be so excited?

But Raijin was a bit puzzled. Why hadn't Danzo come to him yet to demand the Mangekyō Sharingan?

"Lord Raijin, since you're back, shouldn't we initiate our plan?"

Elder Setsuna announced and slowly walked in.

But after experiencing a severe injury, he looked much older now.

Even though he was old before, he always walked with a straight back.

But now, he looked like he was on the verge of death.

"We can start planning. Inform the heads of each clan that there will be a competition among the younger generation of the Uchiha clan in a week."

"Tell Uchiha Fugaku in advance, be firm, and don't let him interfere with our plans."

"Also, have Uchiha Mikoto come and foster relationships with the noblewomen from the other Konoha clans."

Raijin saw Elder Setsuna and didn't waste any time, giving him instructions directly.

The preparations were almost complete; they could leave Konoha.

And he also had to initiate his kidnapping plan.

"What about Uchiha Fugaku?"

Setsuna forced a smile on his face.

"A clan doesn't need two voices. As the former clan head,"

"it's best if he dies in the past. He doesn't need to see the new future of the Uchiha clan."

Raijin said coldly.

Although Uchiha Fugaku was a powerful Mangekyō Sharingan user,

and having his support would make things much easier for Raijin in the future,

Raijin didn't need this weakling by his side, second-guessing him.

"No problem, I'll personally deliver the invitations."

"As for those individuals, I'll capture them myself."

Uchiha Setsuna nodded and then coughed a couple of times.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But seeing Raijin's indifferent expression,

the light in his eyes dimmed for a moment before recovering.

"By the way, have you found the people to restrain those clan heads?"

Raijin remembered this matter.

"No problem, they're all old geezers like me."

"They couldn't help the Uchiha clan before, and now they want to burn themselves out at the end."

"I've already spoken to them. They'll show up on their own when the time comes."

Uchiha Setsuna nodded with certainty. 

Chapter 48: Act Freely

Nothing could delay Raijin's plans now.

The future of the Uchiha clan rested on his shoulders.

They had placed all their bets on him.

"Since there are no problems, then go ahead."

"You don't need to worry about the Hokage's side for now."

"When the time comes, let them do whatever they want, without restraint."

Raijin's lips curled into a slight smile, his excitement evident.

They had been plotting in Konoha for two months.

It was finally time for them to show their strength.

How could Raijin not be excited?


Elder Setsuna left.

The Uchiha radicals were filled with excitement.

Could they kill people openly in public like last time?

Obviously not. If they dared to kill,

they should be prepared to be executed by the ANBU on the spot.

But living unrestrained, without being restricted by Konoha, was still possible.

The Uchiha's combat faction cheered.

Many even took to the streets!

They clashed with the people of Konoha.

But they were all minor conflicts.

A few punches to the face, or a beating.

No one was seriously injured.

A few Uchiha were taken to the police station for a lecture.

And then they were released!

Nothing happened!

This completely reassured them.

They truly began to act recklessly in Konoha.

Shops that had previously targeted the Uchiha clan

were overturned without a word.

There were no less than ten brawls at the former Uchiha clan grounds.

Even some members of the Sarutobi clan were ambushed and beaten up as soon as they left their homes.

Because they couldn't see who their attackers were, they were beaten for no reason.

Konoha descended into chaos.

But it was all minor incidents!

No one was even injured.

At most, they had some bruises on their faces.

They were taken to the police station, given a verbal warning,

and then released by Raijin's people.

For an entire day, Konoha was in a state of pandemonium.

It wasn't until Uchiha Fugaku personally took to the streets to apprehend people

that their actions became less reckless.

But they still continued to cause trouble for other clans.

The chaos in Konoha had its benefits.

While Konoha was in disarray, Nonō and Kabuto successfully infiltrated the village.

They had once been Konoha spies and were intimately familiar with the village.

It was like returning home, a simple task.

"Urushi, are you really willing to leave Konoha with us?"

Nonō looked at the boy in front of her in surprise.

The boy didn't look very old, but he had a gentle smile on his face.

It looked somewhat similar to Nonō's smile.

He didn't have particularly strong abilities and was just an ordinary genin in Konoha.

But the moment Nonō approached him, Urushi agreed without hesitation.

If the orphanage didn't have Nonō as the headmistress, it wouldn't be a complete orphanage.

"If Kabuto goes with you, he'll probably be a burden."

"I want to make up for some of Kabuto's shortcomings and try my best to help you."

Urushi scratched his head and smiled.

He saw Kabuto standing behind them.

Although Nonō had shown him the photo Danzo sent,

he had always doubted its authenticity.

Now, seeing this Kabuto, he understood it was a conspiracy.

"Urushi, I'm not a burden to the headmistress."

Kabuto pushed his glasses up slightly and said helplessly.

This guy used to act like his older brother in the orphanage.

He didn't expect him to haven't changed at all after so long.


It was nice.

He wondered if the others still remembered him.

If they had forgotten,

Kabuto felt they could become friends again.

(End of Chapter)