
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Welcome To My Funeral

This morning was very strange. The marquis showed up at 6 am, after not showing up for more than three days. He was dressed in a black suit and the first thing he does is hug me and tell me that they already found a way to solve the matter. After stroking my head he got up, he said he would miss me and left. He must have gone crazy? ..... Don't tell me that he is planning to do something to me?

The door was opened again and a couple of maids and this Leticia dressed in black entered. She got me out of bed and took me to the bathroom to wash up. She cut my hair more; she dressed me like a male child, and put makeup on me and put on a brown wig that covered my eyes. Another deranged one more? What are they planning now? The room was empty; the maids had ransacked the place in less than an hour. What have they done with everything? They will surely sell it or keep it.Thieves.

-Don't worry, we'll be leaving soon-

[Ehhhh, what the fuck is this woman saying, how are we leaving? Where? What's going on? Why the costume?]

We went out into the hall and it was empty. Everyone seemed to have gone elsewhere. Anyone would say the place was abandoned. Seeing my chance to flee, I ran out when Leticia went to look for something in the Marquis's office. My travel bag, I will not leave it crazy, there is my future. I got back to the room and grabbed my purse hidden in the fireplace. Hearing that woman's hurried footsteps; I left the room and ran in the opposite direction.

I was so surprised that I didn't know what to do. There were many people dressed in black entering the mansion. They weren't just dressed in black, they were in mourning.

[Are they the relatives of all the dead people? How kind the marquis to give his house to the mass wakes ... or so I would like to believe. Something smells bad]

-What he does here, no one should see her miss-

Leticia grabbed my shoulder and later carried me to where the marquis and Seth were talking with other nobles.

-Please miss, pretend you're sleeping. I beg you; no one should see her-

She began to pat me on the back and once in front of the marquis she offered her condolences. The marquis thanked her for the detail and the people around her just nodded. Leticia was holding me tightly and she went to the door. A woman in a very low-cut dress approached to speak to her, her comment was between unpleasant and surprising.

-Good day Leticia, remember me? I am Countess Lucia Mols, my condolences on the early departure of Lady Maybelline. I know you were her personal maid; you must have suffered a lot taking care of such an excellent lady. I know you must be very hurt but remember there are many houses like many children in the world.-

[This "countess" is a cheeky bitch, the sarcasm and mockery of her is very clear in her words, wait ... like that early departure? Is this my funeral? That means no! I must escape!]

When I began to move in Leticia's arms, the countess exchanged glances with me.

-Oh! ¿And this child? You should fix that hair because it covers your eyes, little one. So you can't see anything-

When this bitch brought her hands closer, I pushed them aside. You don't touch me, you damn crazy.

-The boy is my son Bell. Please excuse it, Countess Mols, my son is very shy and hates being touched.

-So he's your son? Fine, but teach him manners. He will not be able to go out into society being so little educated-

-I'll keep it in mind ma'am-

The bitch wagged her tail and left offended. I hope that she deflates the balloons in her breasts so that she takes away the pretentiousness. In order to enjoy my offense, I stuck my tongue out at her and sent that crazy old woman to hell when she looked at me again.

-Miss, where did you learn that? Don't do it again-

We went outside and the funeral procession was preparing to leave after noon. They killed me and I don't know why but you have to take advantage of it to escape. Leticia got me off and told me to wait while she looked for the car to leave. People kept coming and it seemed unreal. The curiosity I felt was enormous, I had never participated in such a great and noble funeral. The mourners were hypocrites and those who gave condolences were even more so. Maybelline was well known for being an annoying, arrogant, capricious and unpleasant girl, who come today to offer condolences was synonymous with seeking a political position or having a presence in front of the marquis.

Flock of cheeks. But my joy was not going to last, I was constantly turning to see people getting out of the cars, when I realized that a blond boy with green eyes was standing staring at me and came over to speak to me.

-Hi, I haven't seen you before. I introduce myself, I'm Xavier Fisher. Are you the son of a relative of the Marquis? You seem to have trouble seeing with so much hair on your face-

Damn, the guy I didn't want to meet is in front of me. I grabbed my bag tightly and didn't notice that it had the family crest embroidered on it. When he wanted to move my bangs, his hand was stopped by Seth, who looked very upset.

-What are you doing Xavier? They didn't teach you not to touch people as you please. What an idiot you must be to not see that the child does not want you to approach him-

-I thought he was one of your relatives. Besides, that's no way to treat me. I am the sole heir to the Duchy Fisher-

-And you remember that this is my house and it is my sister's funeral. Have a little respect-

Both were about to kill each other in a staring war and Leticia came to stop them. She scooped me up and started to carry me to the car.

-Excuse me, Young Master Seth and Young Master Xavier, but we must withdraw. I'm very sorry about all this, I hope the situation improves so that we can return soon.-

-I'm sorry too Letty, I hope this is solved quickly. Thanks for everything-

-Leticia is leaving. Seth, don't tell me your father fired her from here. As expected of Marquis Lennox-

-What did you say?-

The discussion did not end even when we had already left. I'm not interested in it anyway. We got in the car and we stayed inside for a while waiting for someone. Before long Seth came in to say goodbye. He just hinted that one day this would all end so he could come back. "I'm not going to come back here" is the only thing he thought about when he spoke to me, but then he took a box out of his coat and wished me happy birthday. He patted my head and got out of the car. This house is a madhouse. First they want to kill me, and then they tell me that they worry and after a while they threaten again in an endless cycle.

The car started and we left for an unknown destination.