
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Who Are You?

I've been running for a long time. I think those bastards gave up on catching me. To think that they brought me to the demonic forest to execute me .... I curse them !!! I have no choice, although my feet hurt, the only thing left is to run without stopping until I find a lair to spend the night and tomorrow I will continue on my way.

An hour before.

The three cars are heading to the Idren Mountains behind the demonic forest of Oxum. The set course was the Lennox family vacation estate. They could not take the national road, since the detectors and census takers had been placed to find both the star, the saint and the infiltrators. They chose to take a path considered suicidal by some to reach the farm. The farm was used in very rare occasions that could be counted on the fingers of one hand, for the rest of the family, remaining closed and abandoned with only 6 employees attending the 50-hectare complex. It was guarded by elementals and spirits to prevent the entry of unauthorized people, and there they go to safeguard Mabel from the public eye.

Two gentlemen were in the front car, one was driving the car where Mabel and Leticia were, and the last car was carrying two gentlemen and the captain. When they entered the demonic forest they had to stop after 500 meters, since from there they could not go by car due to the danger posed by the roads and they had to resume the journey on foot for 4 hours to reach their destination, guided by spirits of air. not to get lost.

Going from the capital to the Oxum forest took them more than half a day, so they had to hurry up before nightfall. They got out of the cars armed with backpacks, rifles, shotguns and pistols. They began their journey to the farm at a hurried pace. After several minutes, they entered a field full of lycoris radiata flowers, but the most unusual were the crows in the trees, which seemed to increase in number as they went. Leticia carried Mabel in her arms, then lowered her so that she could stretch her legs. An ominous feeling welled up in Mabel's chest, as she watched the situation strangely as she held tightly to her bag.

The knights halted their walk when they felt an unpleasant presence and stood guard against danger. They left Mabel standing in the middle of the flower field, as they walked away to look closely at the trees. Leticia heard the eerie squawks and flapping wings and she moved further away from Mabel without noticing her, when suddenly, the silhouette of a giant crow landed behind Mabel. They all turned to look and, horrified, contemplated the image of the girl who was about to be the victim of a demon.

They quickly pointed their weapons in Mabel's direction, who froze at the scene. The knights' faces were grim and they did not hesitate to shoot the black-feathered beast. Between the shots, the beast vanished into the flight of hundreds of crows causing a shocked Mabel to run in terror in the opposite direction of the established route. She was entering the demonic forest. Leticia screamed desperately and together with her knights began to chase her to bring her back before something happened to her young lady.

Mabel ran nonstop, stumbled every so often but got up again in utter despair. The escort group ran as fast as they could but were stopped by a black wall made of crows. A voice boomed from the circle of crows. It was the creature previously sighted.

-Go back the way you came, disappear from my territory if you don't want to die-

-Let us pass, demon! We must bring the girl back. You don't know who that girl is, she is ....-

-I know who that girl is and she will stay here- a dark-haired woman dressed in black feathers began to appear among the flight of the crows and stood in front of Leticia.

-I have eyes everywhere. Did they believe that the last stars could be hidden from my sight. Pathetic- she looked at Leticia with pity and took her by the chin -Tell your lord that I will take care of them so that no one else takes them. They do not want to belong to their world or perhaps they did not realize-

One of the knights was pointing his rifle at the woman and was stopped by the captain. Everyone was dumbfounded at the action of his superior.

-How to trust the Witch of the East, a woman who for centuries has refused to interact with the world and has dedicated herself to killing anyone who dares to enter her lands-Leticia gulped after facing the witch.

-Hahaha, those girls are different. They are special and your uniqueness sets them apart from you miserable mortals. As I said before, I will take care of the stars from here on. Get out !!! -

The group did not understand the woman's way of speaking in the plural. They interpreted it as the duality they witnessed that day, so they refused to ask.

- Our lord entrusted us with the life of the young lady and that we have been doing until now. There are people who want to take her away to hurt her. If we leave you in charge of the girl ... Do you swear to protect her? She cannot be seen by anyone.

-I don't have to swear anything to anyone. They will remain under my charge, if so concerned about what your lord will say, I will send him a message of her status and nothing more. If you are not satisfied, die.-

-It's okay. If she is the Witch of the East, I'm sure she will keep her word to avoid being taken. We only need proof that the lady is safe to feel more secure.-


-Can you comply with that? I'm begging you, we just want to know if she's okay. She ran out and her health is delicate, she could end up hurt- Leticia put her hands together trying to calm herself.

The witch extended her arm and a raven landed. As if she was receiving a command the crow flew away.

-They tell me that ... they are about to meet, it means that they are safe. Tonight I will send a message to your lord. Keep windows open. That's all I'll say, you can go where you came from and don't come back here- the woman turned and disappeared among the crows that dispersed towards the sky, freeing the way.

Leticia fell to her knees and began to cry. The knights glared at the ravens flying in the distance. They had failed to protect the young lady from her and now they must return to the mansion and report the terrible incident.

Mabel by her side had run so much that she was getting dark when she wanted to notice. She leaned against a tree and wiped her sweat with her wig. A crow looked at her from a tree shaking her head, pointing to a place. Mabel looked at what the bird was pointing and saw other crows in various trees pointing in the same direction. Without questioning the reason, she followed her prompts and headed to an uncertain place.

She came to a mossy rock pylon with a barely noticeable hole for her hiding place. She lit a flashlight to enter the cave, but she found that someone was already inside her sleeping.

She brightened the interior more to see who she was and noticed that he was a raggedy boy with very long blond hair. She thought that perhaps, he was the owner of the cave and decided to leave quickly scared by what could happen to her.

She suddenly heard a voice in her head and turned quickly.

[Who you are? How did you go inside? Eh !!! .... that ... that is my body .. like ... how do you look like me ...]

Mabel was stunned. She now knew who the child in front of her was and mentally responded, receiving a similar response.

[¡Maybelline !!!]

[Maybelline ???]