
Legendary sword Emperor

In a world where betrayal cuts deeper than any blade, Garmond, a once-legendary warrior, is brutally murdered by the treacherous Azazel. Forced to confront the agony of his wife's supposed betrayal in his final moments, Garmond is thrust into a realm of darkness and despair. But death is not the end for Garmond. In a twist of fate, he awakens to a new life, one where his beloved world has been irrevocably changed by the same demonic force that took everything from him. Now, with a newfound purpose and power, Garmond must navigate the treacherous landscapes of deceit and danger to uncover the truth behind his betrayal and the keys to defeating Azazel once and for all. The fate of all worlds hangs in the balance as Garmond embarks on a perilous journey that will test his courage, loyalty, and the limits of his own mortality.

The_Broken_Author · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


As they were being led by Lilian, who still appeared to be angered by Garmond's behavior earlier, Hendrix kept ranting and talking from time to time as they passed several buildings in the school.

It was only recently that Garmond could really tell how large the school was. It was shocking to say the least.

'So much space, for only twenty five people?' 

It seemed more like waste to him. As large as the school was it could probably serve as a city on its own, yet, they wasted for some stupid program.

"Seems like this Azazel guy isn't as smart as I thought he was" he thought to himself.

"Hey what's that!" Hendrix voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He could see the latter pointing his hands towards a certain direction and Garmond trailed his eyes towards that direction as well.

It was a large thick forest, held up by a thin blue veil, like some kind of magical barrier of the sort.

"That's the hunting grounds. Like the lady in the cafeteria said, here, you don't eat for free, you kill to eat. That's where you hunt captured beast and harvest their core." Lilian casually explained, despite still being angry.

She didn't see the need to hide such information as she was aware that they would eventually know.

"That's nice, I get to eat more by hunting, you know being a hunter really pays off in this type of condition." Hendrix said, trying to gather all the attention, but looking at all his teammates he figured no one had his time.

"None of you are fun" He muttered under his breath, as he reluctantly decided to keep quiet.

"Hey, sorry I'll have to head out for a sec, I want to use the bathroom " Lilian suddenly said.

"Yeah me too," frowny who had been quiet since their meeting said as well.

"Huh, I was thinking of telling you to take them to their rooms" She said perplexed, it had fallen out of her expectations.

"Never mind then, you two will just have to wait a bit for us, we'll be back" She said as they both left the two.

"What a way to leave us stranded"  Hendrix said, looking towards his companion, Garmond who also appeared to be the boring type.

"Why did I have to be so unlucky" He thought to himself sulking.

Just as soon as the other two left, another group came from the side and with his keen senses, more like thanks to Ariana, Garmond quickly noticed.

It was the bully from the cafeteria! Honestly, Garmond was finding it hard to believe a slender figure such as the idiot, would be playing bully in the school.

"Hey, the two of you!" He called out to the two of them and Hendrix quickly turned in his direction, Garmond however, ignored the voice as though he heard nothing at all.

"I'm talking to you, you bastard " The boy said fuming in anger. Because of Garmond he had been embarrassed in the cafeteria and he couldn't do anything.

"Even if I can't touch her, I might as well lash out on this one" He thought within himself as his aura spiked out of his body.

As he felt the aura coming off the boys body, Garmond could only think of one word 'Show off' he knew the guy was only using it to show off.

Unknown to him, even from the first time they had met Garmond already knew that the latter was already at the Adept level! And he had prepared quite well for him.

"Uhm, sorry, I've got a little ear problem, I couldn't hear you the first time" he needled, apparently trying to agitate the latter all the more.

"Young children should know we've played these games long time ago" Garmond thought to himself, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't need anyone to tell him that the guy was going to come after him, it was already clear from their first meeting.

He figured the boy wasn't strong enough to face off against Lilian, so he would only come after him as he appeared to be weaker.

"You common peasant" He snapped as he launched a power filled punch towards Garmond.

With ease he swiftly evaded the punch, even stunning the latter. Even though he didn't have as much speed when compared to his previous body, dodging attacks, especially when it was coming from an inexperienced kid, was like a work in the park for him.

"Huh, he dodged my attack?! It was probably just a struck of luck" He thought to himself, and with more force threw another punch towards Garmond who once again dodged.

"Are you having a hard time, landing a punch on a peasant?" Garmond cocked his head mockingly, with a grin on his face.

He so much loved the irritated look on the latter's face. He might've lacked the strength but his speed made up for it, he was even somewhat bewildered, that Gary's body could give out such output in speed.

All he had to do was evade the latter's attack till he got tired, meanwhile also annoying him in the process.

But the task soon seemed to be more harder than he had expected as a wave of aura burst out from the boy.

His body taking a huge transformation, furs visible on his skin, his figure becoming almost twice as large as he once was.

"Now does he still look like a kid to you" Ariana asked seeing Garmond's dumbstruck face.

Things had just taken a different turn and Garmond didn't like it one bit.

"Hey, didn't you tell me that host could only use the magical energy to enhance their physical prowess, what's with the transformation" He asked confusedly.

"Well, some certain host can use the energy to perform some changes on certain part of their body, at the end of the day, it all increases their physical prowess. Just see it more like abilities "

"Why are you telling me this now?" Garmond was becoming anxious, fighting with a kid was easy, but not when the kid was armed.

It was like carrying a child with a knife, who apparently wants to kill you and then your told to dodge only, when it's clear you can't.

That was the type of situation Garmond found himself in at the moment. The boy clawed at him, his sharp claws tearing through the air.

In quick response Garmond crossed his hands over his chest to avoid the fatal hit. The claws tore through his flesh with ease, drawing out fresh blood.

The contentment could be seen in the boys ferocious eyes. He had finally managed to deal a hit on Garmond.

Garmond had fallen on his back, and he had to think quickly. He was in a tight spot, who knew the boy would just transform into a monster out of the blue.

The sharp sound of the claw tearing through the air as it came down on Garmond was heard.

 Skillfully, Garmond rolled over dodging the strike albeit barely. The claw had torn through his new uniform, even grazing him slightly.

"I actually just got these things today" Garmond complained, seeing how his cloth had been thorn.

"I think you should be focusing on the fight and not on your thorn clothes" Ariana reminded. She could see the boy coming with another strike.

Garmond flung his knife towards the incoming hand In a swift motion. The knife dug into the boys flesh like it was a cake, red blood splattering out in all direction.

The boy howled in pain as the knife digged into his skin. The intensive pain seared through his body and with it, his anger didn't subside, rather it increased.

"You I'll kill you," His words could barely come out off his mouth, with the transformation that had taken place, it sounded more like a growling beast more than anything.

Seeing that things were going out of hand Hendrix decided to intervene, but as he took a step forward the boys friends soon came along blocking his path.

"Oh well, it's been a while since I had to fight real people" Hendrix said with a smile on his face, which looked to be quite deadly. He pulled out his two short blades from behind his coat.

"They always come in handy" He said to himself as he readied himself.

Garmond looked in the direction, a new fight had ensued and it was because of him.

 "Nate, I'm sorry for dragging you into this, but it seems nothing comes free in this world"

"Hey, you're actually quite mean, you still kept that in mind till now?" Ariana asked somewhat shocked by the latter's behavior, "I never expected this from you"

"What?! You don't expect me to give out free food for nothing in return" Garmond retorted, as he dodged another attack from the boy.

He had already run out of a lot of blood. With his malnourished body, he was soon becoming slower and slower. Eventually he was caught in a tight corner and was too slow to dodge.

"Now I've got you!"

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