
Legendary sword Emperor

In a world where betrayal cuts deeper than any blade, Garmond, a once-legendary warrior, is brutally murdered by the treacherous Azazel. Forced to confront the agony of his wife's supposed betrayal in his final moments, Garmond is thrust into a realm of darkness and despair. But death is not the end for Garmond. In a twist of fate, he awakens to a new life, one where his beloved world has been irrevocably changed by the same demonic force that took everything from him. Now, with a newfound purpose and power, Garmond must navigate the treacherous landscapes of deceit and danger to uncover the truth behind his betrayal and the keys to defeating Azazel once and for all. The fate of all worlds hangs in the balance as Garmond embarks on a perilous journey that will test his courage, loyalty, and the limits of his own mortality.

The_Broken_Author · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Last meeting

Garmond watched as the large transformed claw, came down on him.

"Shit!" Garmond winced in pain, he was unable to dodge this one. He had unknowingly sprained his ankle while running around earlier, and it seemed to be taking effect now!

He seethed his teeth in anger, "Move! You stupid body " The frustration of his bodies weakness, getting to his head.

How was he meant to go against anybody if he was having a hard time fighting off a little kid, who had just managed to unlock the next stage of his human abilities?

A silhouette flashed past him. Soon standing between him and his opponent. Almost instantly a loud sound followed.

The slap was heard even before he could feel it. Pain spreading across his cheeks as soon as he came back to his senses

"I didn't remember saying, that unauthorized battles were accepted within these grounds. Or did I ?" The figure asked, his voice calm and steady.

Shifting his gaze to Nate and the others, who were still locked in their fierce battle, they feeling of unease from his gaze quickly made them halt in their step. Cold sweat could be seen, visibly trickling down their faces.

There was no pressure, aura, whatsoever coming off him!

But yet, his voice alone sent fear crippling through their body! Even Garmond who had his butt on the floor, was now dripping in cold sweat.

A feeling of relief mixed with a slight sense of anxiety hung in his shoulders. His hands shaking slightly as he pushed against the earth for support.

"He's fast!" That was the first thought that came to Garmond's mind upon seeing the figure.

The others didn't see it, but Garmond managed to catch a glimpse right before he came.

"Wasn't he standing near the infirmary just now?" He glanced back at the hospital, which was about two kilometers from where they were now.

"It's a normal thing for someone his level, if you think this is fast, wait till you see me at my peak. Or probably when you unlock the full power of the sword" Ariana's voice could be heard in the background, her voice beaming with a prideful confidence.

Even at his prime, it was near impossible for him to accomplish such a feat, without his armor. How? This put everything he found to be logical, to shame.

"I'm sorry, Sir Chris" He held his head down, apologizing. His hands still rubbing on his cheek to quell the stinging pain.

Ignoring the apology, he glanced back, at each of them. His eyes moving slowly from one person to the next, then he spoke, his voice calm and steady.

"Leave here, and I don't want to be seeing either you, nor any other person that's not training under me, near this portion of the land again. Am I gotten?!"

"Yes sir!"

They replied, quickly scurrying away like a bunch of scared rats.

"Where's Lilian and the other guy, I thought I told them to show you to your rooms?" He asked, his gaze now fixed on the two who were now left. Garmond and Nathan.

"They went off to go use the restroom, that's when those idiots came along" Garmond said, his tone sharp. Annoyance clearly visible in it.

Hearing him Chris heaved a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "One second with no eyes watching them, and they're out doing what they want" He said, his voice showing a slight hint of irritation.

"Your training starts tomorrow, I don't have time for all of this. If you need anything from the others it's best you go get them now. There's going to be a bit territorialism in this place soon. And I don't want my students getting involved in another scuffle" He waved his hands dismissively as he walked away with a silent whistle.

Nathan and Garmond stared at each other, their eyes locked for a second.

"What's with this guy?" Garmond couldn't help but ask. From the way he acted, one could tell that he wasn't the type to talk to people much.

Regardless, he did leave a good impression for Garmond and Nathan.

"Maybe learning under him wouldn't be so bad, I mean I'd love to be as fast as that" Garmond thought to himself.

He flinched slightly, the bruises he had gotten from the scuffle earlier, left him with a stinging pain. Plus, he had sat for so long already that a feeling of numbness could be felt on his already weak body.

"You know, for someone who still has a lot on his plate, you attract a lot of trouble" Ariana said, worry notable in her voice.

"I guess it's the curse of reincarnation " Garmond laughed at his own joke.

He winced, as Nathan pulled him back up to his feet.

"It's getting late, we'd better go find our rooms, before we are left to sleep out." Nathan said with a light chuckle. The thought of sleeping out, he somewhat found to be amusing.

"You can wait for the other two, I'd like to take a quick walk around the place" Garmond replied grimly, his adventurous spirit taking charge.

'Actually, I just need a little time to think' Garmond thought. His eyes looking at a distance. The sun settling slowly behind the large steel walls of the compound.

"Alright then," Nathan ran off as well, heading out for his own exploration. Hanging around with the likes of Garmond, apparently wasn't the best for him.

Garmond quietly walked through the hall ways, his footsteps echoing softly on the polished floor.

Suddenly, his eyes met the figure who appeared to be alone. Sitting on the brightly polished wooden chair. Her bright blue eyes, lost in deep thoughts.

"Devine? What are you doing out here"

She jolted slightly at the mention of her own name, she had travelled far too deep in her thoughts that she had failed to notice Garmond's figure earlier on.

"Oh...Garmond" She stuttered slightly, quickly washing away her worried expression, with a bright smile.

"I just came out to receive a little fresh air" She said, and a brief silence followed thick with unspoken words.

"You know, it's good to have a little time to rethink sometimes " Garmond broke the silence with his words, advancing towards her and sitting calmly by her side.

"Yeah..." Her voice trailed out, pondering slightly on if she could shoulder her worries with the latter.

"Gary, can I ask you a question?" She asked, after a few seconds of silence.

A strange feeling of unease settled in, what could she possibly want to ask?

After a little thought, he replied "Of course, ask away."

"Gary, have you ever felt the need to become stronger?" She asked, her eyes staring calmly into the darkness, as though trying to pierce it.

His thoughts momentarily drifted, "The hell, I'm feeling it right now already!"

He took a deep breath then said, "Yes, it's normal. Sometimes you just have something you want to do, but you don't have sufficient power to do it. It's quite the annoying feeling"

She shot a glance at him, the feeling that appeared somewhat strange to her, was normal for someone else, how so? However, she didn't want to bother asking.

She had already held out for too long, her eyes started streaming with held back tears, stunning Garmond, '...I mean she looked perfectly fine just a second ago, what's with the tears'

He didn't know the right way to react to her actions, he was completely caught off guard by her sudden tears.

"I was there, I almost watched you die.... I was there ....They took Trevor down...Yet I couldn't do anything...Why is this world so cruel?" Her lips trembled and more tears streaming down.

Garmond felt a huge weight bore down on his shoulders, he wanted to tell her to stop crying. He wanted to tell her that he would deal with everything himself. But how could he? When he barely had enough strength to defeat anyone at his current level.

He understood her feelings very well. At some point he was similar, and that was why returning to such a pathetic body, although it was still that of his son, irritated him to the fullest.

"I knew I should've made him start his training earlier" Garmond thought, gritting his teeth slightly.

"Don't worry.. . I will show them all, I'll become so strong, that even the emperor himself will fear me" Her downpour of emotions surged. From the frustration to resentment then anger!

Her resolve shocking even Garmond, she clenched her fist so tight, that she drew her own blood. The strong scent of blood filled the air. Garmond looked down for a moment, then reached out, his hands hugging onto her soft palms.

"Devine, Just know that'll be the stronger one" Garmond said, silence filling the atmosphere.

He could've sworn he heard the sound of Ariana face slapping. "You're such an idiot" Her voice a mix of annoyance and anger.

Devine had a flustered look on her face, even her tears seemed to come to an abrupt end. That wasn't exactly what she'd expected to hear. The heat of the moment was already filling the air right before he made that statement, she expected something more.... Let's say romantic.

Her loud laughter filled the air, in contrast to Ariana's thought. Apparently she didn't react to it like Ariana expected.

"Let's see then, this will probably be the last time we'll be talking. So make sure you don't fall behind after making such a promise. It'll be a shame. Cause I won't be slacking" Devine replied back, a smug look visible.

"Sure, let's see who becomes the strongest, I can't see myself failing to a girl" Garmond replied back, with a puffer chest.

"Less talk, more action" Devine stood up from the bench. Her expression brighter than before.

She walked away, her heels making clank sounds as they struck the polished floor. She paused momentarily, stealing a glance at Garmond once again, a cheeky smile on her face.

"Thank you, Gary" Her blue eyes sparkled brightly in the darkness as he watched a gracious figure fade into the darkness.

"I must say, she's cute"

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