

He didn't know what awaited him when he drove down ti tg he city but definitely, he didn't expect to see a beautiful wolf who happened to be his mate

finsk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


The building which that was meant to be his school had a magnificent look and it stood tall and mighty, as they walked inside, he saw paintings being hung from the walls. The school was filled with lights from expensive chandeliers, they were also polished furnitures that sat at some corners with the hallways thoroughly neat and sparkly, the paintings were those of the types of wolves in there wolf form. It showed the LYCA ALPHA, LYCAN, ALPHA, OMEGA and lastly, the LEGENDARY WHITE WOLF which was also the luna. It explained in details about each one of them , he was captivated by it and immediately, somehow, it felt like he had known all about them before. After the walking through the hallways, they went into the principal's office. As soon as they stepped in, she welcomed them, sniffed Ajax then told him to stay in Serena Alan's class showing him what to expect. After walking a few steps, he arrived at a door which was golden and on it bore a wolf's head.

Immediately, he opened the door, everyone turned round see the newcomer looking up at him except a particular girl. Seeing him walk in, the girls looked at him with lust in their eyes. Finally, after reaching the front of the class, he stood with hands in pocket and the teacher who looked at him with a questioning look said "you must be ..." letting her words trail "Oh, sorry miss I am Ajax Franklin" he replied

"Good day Ajax, what type of wolf are you, can you please transform and show" ? The teacher asked yet Ajax didn't say or do anything for a long while until... "It seems he only got beauties, he ain't got no wolf" a boy from the back said and threw a paper at him. This angered Ajax and triggered his wolf, then he started to transform.

" it can't be..." The teacher gasped as Ajax' wolf walked to the back of the class where the boy who was gripping with fear was, scaring the boy almost to death, he turned back to his human form and with a deep voice threatened "don't try me loser, unless, I will rip you apart without any stress" saying so, he walked back to the front of the class where a stunned teacher and students where looking at had the same thought in their minds 'how can he be a lycalpha?' They wondered. 'None has existed since the last one was murdered 400 years who' yet strangely, that particular girl still wasn't fazed and did not care at all.

I am so sorry for not uploading anything. I had a lot of complications. So sorry guys

finskcreators' thoughts