

He didn't know what awaited him when he drove down ti tg he city but definitely, he didn't expect to see a beautiful wolf who happened to be his mate

finsk · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Alfred stood up looking very surprised "No way, it can't be. It is not possible, you're a...a . YOU'RE A LYCALPHA!!" He exclaimed. "A lycan and an alpha? How- but their race- they are the most strongest of the wolf pack yet their race have been nonexistent for the past 40000 years, they also had other powers like seeing visions and doing telekenisis. You have very great power Ajax. That's wonderful"he added.

Not knowing what to say Ajax mumbled a thanks and bent his head. Alfred then decided on leaving him there for his complete change then coming back to fetch him later on in the morning for his new day in school

Morning finally came and Alfred went up to wake Ajax only to find him awake waiting for him. He removed the chain from around his body then led him back to his room, after being sure he was okay, he left him alone shutting the door firmly behind him as he was making his way out. Meanwhile Ajax went into the bathroom and stripped naked applying shampoo on his hair, he had used a bubble soap rubbing gently, it had been quite a while since he last took comfort in bathing and he couldn't let the opportunity slip through his fingers deciding to take advantage of time. He scrubbed thoroughly not leaving a speck of dirt at all. After his nice bath, stood at the front of the mirror gently combing his long beautiful hair pooling it down to his shoulders. His hair stopped right on his shouldetd, he looked intently at the reflection of himself on the mirror a little surprised by what he saw. Sure when young people praised him for his looks and told him what a fine looking boy he was complimenting and pecking now and again, but he couldn't believe what he saw of himself, he was no longer the cute young boy whom everyone praised, he was handsome. The kind like a best movie star who could get all type of girls with a snap of the fingers kind of handsome, even more with his deep beautiful dark blue eyes that could suck or drown anyone in them and his silvery hair that turned golden standing bright in the sun almost like that of the sun itself and the masculine face accompanied by the perfect jawline. Any girl would die to get a hold of him. He could make the most stonehearted girl fall for him hard!

Looking at himself, he couldn't help but think he inherited his mother's features than he did his father but he was surely not complaining. After combing his hair, he applied moisturiser all over himself, finishing with that, he grabbed a black shirt and trousers and put it on, then he wore his white sneakers and kept his headphone around his neck with his phone in hand before leaving his room and heading downstairs. He could have used the elevator but he decided against it rather he took the stairs, as soon as he was finished with his breakfast, he got into the limo holding his backpack, sitting in the back seat while his driver drove him with Alfred sitting at the front beside the driver.

When they reached the huge building that was to be Ajax's new school, Alfred came down to help Ajax get off, when he did, they went inside and Ajax was mesmerised.

I know you all have waited long enough and i am sorry i took this long but pls stay with me. More chapters to come. lol

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