
Is escape ever possible

Light shone in through the gaps in the leaves as James and Josie sat down at a table. They were in a large field with a single oak tree that granted shade from the bright light above. Josie had just been explaining to James where she had come from.

"So you come from a planet called Asuria? And you came here to escape from the war that's currently being fought?" asked James, trying to make sense of what he'd just been told. Josie nodded and looked down.

"I was a warrior, one of the strongest of the fire elementals. We were fighting on planet quotoras and we were gaining ground faster than ever before. But then the darkness nation showed up unexpectedly. They had a weapon like any other and wiped out nearly everyone on the planet...everyone but me. Our orders were to focus all attacks on the weapon and destroy it before it fired. I used the opportunity when everyone was distracted to make a run for my ship. However, during my escape the force of the weapon disabled my ship and I was sent hurtling aimlessly through space. After 2 weeks, I was able to restore power and turn my ship towards this planet." explained Josie, walking up to the tree and putting her hand on it.

"Well, that clears a lot of things up but I still have there questions. How did you get inside my head, where are we, and why this planet?"

"To be honest, I don't know how I got in your head. Last thing I remember is the ship blowing up. And as for the question of where we are, this is your mind. This tree is a representation of you. The more you grow, the more this tree grows and the area around us."

"Huh, cool. But still, why this planet?"

"Earth is the next target. It won't be long before scouts land here and see how easily conquering it will be."

"What happens if they do find Earth easy to conquer?"

"The entire population will be killed and the planet will become a new battle ground."

"WHAT!? Can we do anything to stop them?"

"If we take out the scout, they'll believe it would be risky to attack and won't deploy any forces. However, the scouts sent are normally quite strong and I won't be able to fight them while stuck in here."

"Ok. How do I get out of my mind?"

"Think it! It's your mind so use your imagination. How about you imagine a door that leads out."

James began to image a door that lead out of his mind but it was no use. He thought with all his might yet it was no good. It was only until Josie gave him some advice that he was able to do it. He opened it and all he could see in it was pure blinding white.

"I guess this is goodbye." said James

"No, when you leave I can see what you see. Plus I can still talk to you so if I think of a way to deal with the scout I'll let you know" explained Josie as she sat down and waved for James to leave. He stepped through the door way and awoke in his bed.

Previously he had been able to make it home before his mother had woken up but he had cut his arm while jumping through the fence. Somehow it had already completely healed and there was no scar. He then got some sizzors and made a small cut on his finger. It disappeared almost instantly and left no scar or anything. The more he experimented, the more amazing abilities he discovered. Apart from quick healing, he found he also had heightened reflexes and his strength had also increased.

That night, James had planned to ask Josie if she knew why these things had happened. He closed his eyes and opened them to find he was in the field again. But it was different. Flowers had started to grow as far as the eye could see and the tree had nearly doubled in size. But it was the small house that drew his attention.

He walked up to it and knocked on the door. He heard a loud thud and bottles clicking and then the door opened to reveal Josie.

"Heeyyyy, what are you doing here!? Oh yeah, this is your mind. hahaha, silly me" exclaimed Josie who was very drunk. She then grabbed James by the shirt, pulled him in, and sat him down on a sofa. She then grabbed a bottle from the small, wooden table and downed the contents.

"Josie, are you drunk?" asked James.

"Whaaattt, nooooo. What makes you think that!?" replied Josie sweeping the other bottles off the table and hiding the bottle in her hand behind her back.

"How did you get all this beer?"

"What beer? I don't see any beer here?"

"Fine, whatever. Where did this house come from?"

"It appeared after you left so I claimed it as my own. I am gonna need a place to stay."

"I guess..."

"So what brings yoouu to my humble abode?"

"I wanted to ask about how my cuts and stuff heal really quickly."

"Oh, yeeaahh. I guess you and I share my abilities like strength and fast healing. Maybe even my ability to control fire! Naaa, I doubt it."

"Wait, what did you just say?!"

"I can control fire. Like make fireballs and stuff. Hehe, fireballs."

"Do you think you could teach me!?"

"I guess. But first I need to vomit."