
A contract

grrr! grr!

yes .... let them in and he hung up

in few seconds a man on black suit walked inside the office,

good afternoon Mr Howard

I'm Bryan not Howard

I'm sorry it was a slip of tongue he said having a sit, nice office sir he complimented

how can I help you

just like I heard of you the man said grinning, I'm Philip, Philip Carson I'm representing my company blue sky enterprise, umm actually my boss sent me here to sign a long term contract with your company... here's a file please do check if you're ok with our terms and conditions

not bad he said as he scanned through the file but he paused and looked and looked at Philip in surprise, this has nothing to do with the Howard's you're signing a deal with my company not theirs

I'm sorry sir, since you're the heir to the Howard's we all believe this is not a hard thing to do, we can cooperate together if you include the Howard's business into this then both parties would have alot of benefits...

scram! all you're saying is trash go to Howard's enterprise to sign a deal with them and don't try play me like I'm a fool.


scram! we won't have anything to do with blue sky whatsoever leave now, Philip picked up his files and arranged them leaving without a word.

grrrr! grrrr!

speak up

Mrs Howard is here

let her in, as soon as the words left his mouth a woman in her late forties walked into the office she had a light makeup that suit her v shaped face. Son she called and took a sit

you came visiting he said without looking at her, Bryan you won't look me in the eyes

what do you want mom

I want my son

.... don't start mom, your son is here ...

no.... I can't find Bryan 😫... I'm only seeing a managing director of this company where's my son...

mom mom please stop Bryan said getting up from his seat stop crying someone might be out there trying to get me blackmailed for this please stop

why...why did you tell your father you're no longer interested on being the heir...

mom, mom I've told you several times that with or without dad's property it doesn't change a thing, I'm wealthy, I own several companies and I'm just 26...

what about your name on the mud... you're slowly slowly going down can't you see that, why are you stubborn, why are you hurting yourself why are you hurting us

mom... if its about fame I've got one already Joshua can in...

don't! don't you dare repeat that.. how can you be so blind... Joshua is not your brother.. he's not

mom stop just stop it even if he's from a different mother he has my interest best in heart...

no no son you're mistaking... he's your step brother not your brother...you are so blinded by love that you don't know who's your brother... I'm not saying you should stop been friends with him no no I wouldn't spoil your relationship with him... he acts like he doesn't want the property too right, what about your sisters..they are your half right... you won't see what's coming son... you're so blinded she said getting up and leaving the office

this is really crazy... what's mom saying...

what's on your mind.....