
3 Not qualified

Sir you have a call, the house keeper called the attention of busy Bryan

He inhaled deeply as he picked it. Hello

Come home the voice said and hung up,

Picking up his coat he made his way to the door holding his car key, as he drives on his Mercedes he dared not stop to get something or elses he was ready to face the crowd with their booing, the last time he went out to a store to get something he was greatly disgraced by the people shopping there sine then, he only sent his housekeeper or assistant to get him stuffs that he need

He stopped at a black and gold painted gigantic gate as he horned at the gate, it rolled open and he drove in

You called me he said as he stepped in

Sit the man sitting face back ordered,

Dad go straight to the point Bryan said running out of patience, the man stood up gently supporting himself with a stick as he walked to face the standing Bryan, you could be so patient to wait and listen to Sarah's lies, but you're so impatient to listen to what I have to say, is this what a woman has turned you to, he started walking round Bryan making every step cold and deadly, Bryan seem not to be affected by his act but the servants around kept their head down

He signaled them to leave and he took his seat on a rock chair there was deadly silence for a moment and Mr Howard finally spoke up

You seemed unconcerned about the various activities going on recently, but it so disturbing to the members of this family... what are you thinking Bryan, even if you have enough money to shelter the world you're still part of this family, and if this family is taken to the mud you are down on earth too, your non concern about this issue has made everyone believe that you're not qualified for the position of inheriting this whole property.....

But I'm not your only son alive, you've got Joshua you even have pretty daughters too, I did not ask for a share of your property, I've got my own company and investment, I don't care dad

Mr Howard stood up in rage as he completed the last statement, then you're not qualified to be the heir to this family..

Fine dad fine... can't you see this is all a set up that crazy lady needs something it....

An apology, that's all she needs, look son i might be a brutal man but I know what my sons are capable of, I'm not accusing you that you did any of the rubbish she talked about but you have to apologize to her publicly so that everything can die

Apologize my foot Bryan said angrily do you think she'll go so far just for an apology, that is an excuse, she's wanting something that she's not saying and I won't bring myself down to apologize to that...

Shut up! Can you listen to yourself, what else would she want... your property, everybody knows how wealthy she is stop fooling around and do what's right, or what else do you have to say.... why did you skip those interviews to justify your self... it was none of your business right, its now your name on the mud, and i can't have one son bringing shame to my name NEVER! If you don't clean up these mess then I'll have no option than to cut you out of this family


I'm done talking with you he said leaving the shocked Bryan