
Legal Bride [Forced Matrimony]

When an ambitious, hardworking and independent medical nurse, Triana Jefferson, was forced into a holy matrimony with mega-multi billionaire, an ex-actor and CEO of petrol, gas and Sugar refineries, Leonardo Calloway. Chaos bursted out between these two people as they couldn’t unite for a very longtime in the flash union. What happens when Triana’s world began to fall apart as she became Leonardo’s punching bag and sex machine while he dates his longtime girlfriend, a multimillionaire renowned actress, Anne Marie, unknowing to the Calloway’s and Jefferson’s family, and unknowing to Triana who later had three kids for him that he was going to marry Anne Marie in secret?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

13| You've been bought

I horried into the reception like a woman who just lost her sanity. The people in the reception startled as soon as I rushed in with force.


Well, I leave the question for them to answer.

I won't lie. I'm not in my right and complete senses right now. It's my husband in the sick bed right now. He's unconscious by now, I guess because it's not a joke according to the anonymous person that called me.

I had to leave my duties at work and rush down to this place because of him. Despite all the dramas happening between us, I still value him for the sake of my kids. I don't want them to become fatherless at an early stage of life.

If I can't do anything to save Leo's life, I'll lost him for good. And that wasn't what I told him before he inserted the ring on my finger.

The nurses roaming about with files and equipments with them, stopped by with confused expression as they all stare at me. I was always putting on my nursing uniform. So, I won't look neutral to them.

While some may think I work here, others would assume I don't, from the way I'm behaving now.

The only thing I took along with me is my car key. I left my bag in the car. I don't think I remembered to seal the doors closed with my car key's security code but whatever. That's not more important than the life of the father of my kids.

I managed to reach the receptionist's cabin.

"How may I help you, ma'am?" The blonde hair lady asked me.

"My husband, he is here, he was shot and rushed in here hours ago, I need to see him, am his wife—" The words rushed out of my mouth without fullstop and hesitation.

"Calm down, ma'am." She tried to soothe me. A blue pen on the booklet? She picked it up and fixed her glasses. That was when I realized I forgot mine somewhere. Maybe at work or in the car. Hope I didn't misplaced that too? "Your name and your husband's?"

Without waiting for her to end her last sentence, I jumped into conclusion. "Triana Calloway. My husband's name is Leonardo Calloway." My fingers tapping the cabinet's top, impatiently.

Silent invaded the whole place. I shifted my eyes at both side as I observe if there are still humans around me.

Yes, they were.

Older people, younger ones and toddlers, all sat in the reception, gazing at me like am a newbie in the clinic.

"Okay." She shut the booklet after scanning through. Facing me, she said, "Seems like the person who called you, informed you late, Mrs. Calloway. It's approximately three hours since the incident happened. Your husband has been taken from the theatre to the private ward. His families where here hours ago and all gone. But nevertheless, you can still meet him. Just take the elevator to the seventh floor. The first room by your left."

"Thanks." Within a flash of light, I rushed out of the reception, taking the elevator immediately two people came out of it.


When the elevator dropped me at the seventh floor, I dashed out to the hallway. It's so quiet and neat. The florescent lights on the ceilings kept its reflection on the smooth tiled floor.

I turned my neck left and right. Oh, she said left, first door by my left. Yup! I got it.

When I got close to the door....I heard little noise and voices like groans and moans.

I was first of all confused by my ears. Though I haven't cleaned my ears for months now, it doesn't mean whatever I hear or heard, deceives me.

I began to pant, simultaneously. Why do my heart rate seem like I just had a marathon?

The voices am hearing...one familiar and the other...? Not familiar.

Am I sure am not trying to enter there wrong room?

He is admitted from the theatre to a private ward and as I can see boldly with my eyes, it is boldly written with white on a green background, tagged on the door's top. PRIVATE WARD.

Another mysterious breath escaped my nostrils, then, I gathered confidence to hold the doorknob and pushed it open.

My eyes expanded from the size God almighty had created it to be after the thing that greeted me. My eyes just witnessed something my mouth couldn't explain.

A woman sat on top of my Leo, busy giving him the hardest sex I've never witnessed in a pornography. It seems like him too is enjoying the feedback as his hands held her tight on the waist, thrusting her to go further without stopping point.

This is not film tricks or cinematographics. My eyes saw it bountifully.



Sweet mother of Jesus!

Is this a hotel or an hospital? Because I can't process what am seeing right now. My husband and a woman, fucking themselves hard on the hospital bed? Was this why they kept him in a private ward? To do whatever he likes?

Moreover, the woman doesn't seem like a nurse or someone that works here. She's like this avatar in a model's magazine cover. I think I've only seen her on TV reality shows and quite few movies, I guess.

"Fuck!" She quickly stopped riding on him when she noticed my presence.

Meanwhile, Leonardo pinned her on him, signaling her not to move an inch as he gave me deadly eyes. "What are you doing here? Who invited you to spoil my fun, bitch?!"

Fun? Really?

God, I try not to laugh. Instead, I'll kick his words back to him, as the fiercest urge of murdering him cold-blooded flows through my veins.

My head turned red as I lash out my anger on him. The woman moved aside to wear her clothes from the floor as I speak, while Leo shamefully covered his ERECTED ROD with the bedsheet.

"I was there, busy working my ass out in my father's hospital when I heard you were shot this morning. I couldn't focus on work but had to come all the way here in 50 miles to see you and your healths doing. Only to come in here and see you pants down with another woman. Who the hell is she?" Am getting bold these days. So help me God, if Leo gets up to meet me here, I'll have my head broken to pieces. "Am talking to you Leonardo, who the hell is this thing? This little piece of shit?! This.....brat!"

The woman kept darting her eyes at me, sneering at me from head to toe.

"This good for nothing—"

"Enough!" He interjected before I could flush out the words. He sat up, breathing heavily in anger. "Just one more word from you, Triana and I'll take off this drip from me and wipe the madness out of your brain cells."

I smirk, having the nerve to push him with my words when I had the opportunity. Perhaps, he's still weak to move but strong to fuck. "Leonardo, I swear on the God that created you and I. You'll do no shit!"

His brows corked and I repeated. "You'll do nothing. Oh, you thought perhaps today is like one of the bad old days when I'll let you pounce on me and tear me apart like a raw meat? You're just nothing. Read my lips Leonardo Calloway, you're nothing." I can see his fists clenching tightly and his jaw too. "And for your information, if you dare to lay a finger on me again till you die, I swear, I'll report you to the state command officers."

"What a threat." He laughed, brushing his nose's tip. "You think that would work on me or our relationship, Triana?" His words sounds so powerful like he got a backup or something. "For your information, whatever I do to you or what is to be done has nothing to do with the law, constitution or whatever thing I don't care to know. You're my wife and my wife you'll always be."

I place my both hands on my waist, my brow screw upwards, "Ah? Is that so? Well, let me tell you," I gritted my teeth at him. "Whatever thing that's following you will soon run out of fuel, bastard!"

"Huh? What did you just called my man?" The woman left where she was seated and came to my direction with a very dirty slap.

My face twisted to the ground. The blurriness I was experiencing because of my lack of glasses all disappeared.

I heard Leo chuckling in the background.

I never allowed myself to slack behind. Never. My mother didn't told me a woman should watch her fellow woman overtake her.

I turned my face upwards and gave her a double slap of what she gave to me. It sounded like a loud bang in the room. One slap on my chin? Two slaps on her chins. That's how a woman should roll.

She rolled and fell flat on the floor.

That's what my mother calls SLAP AND FALL.

The only difference was that she didn't spill around before landing.

I was shocked to my greatest surprise, Leonardo got up from the bed, tied the bedsheet around his waist like a towel and came after me for touching the woman.

"How dare you?" His murderous red eyes darted into mine, causing my heart to fall from place. Sinking into my stomach. "How dare you touch my fiancée? My Anne-Marie?"


Before I could process the entire word, a quick hot slap has sent me kissing the cold tiled ground.

He sat on me and was ready to give me punches like before but when I grabbed his dick underneath the bedsheet, he groaned in pain and let go of me.

I stood up, breathing heavily like I just came out of a war front.

I blame myself for coming here to check on him. I was only playing my duty as a responsible wife material.

I picked up my bag from the floor and dashed out at once.

While I was on my heels running as far as I could, I heard him yelled. "You can run but can't hide, Triana Jefferson. You've been bought already and the fund is unreturnable!"

Now, I think I need to speak with my biological father.

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