
New Duties

Keiko inside the Royal palace starts explaining the entire incident and Aizen's involvement in it along with his plans for him in the future.

Keiko's main goal was to get a new system in place to help soul society deal with Yhwach when the time comes as he had very special plans for him. Thus Keiko started manipulating the truth adding on the involvement and helping hand of Yhwach's followers who have supported Aizen from behind the scene, Ichibe and other also believe him regarding Yhwach involvement due to two reasons, one simply because they thought that a single man can't plan and execute everything alone, second being Keiko himself, he had using this incident also proved himself as a loyal and trustful in eyes of everyone.

Ichibe and others started debating what next should be done in preparation for Yhwach if he truly was involved behind the incident. With everyone presenting their Ideas, Kirio asked Keiko regarding his vision, Keiko smilingly started explaining that they should use soul society as a shield under the command of Captain-commander Yamamoto, they should start working on making each captain more powerful so to create a safe ally and also a mean to decrease their opponent's powers. Keiko also started describing Hogyoku and the possibilities it would open if completely unlocked, thus suggesting a complete change in the leadership.

Ichibe and others too thought that using soul society as a shield and cancel out the power of enemies is an efficient method thus after discussing a bit asked Keiko if he had any idea about how to bring about the new changes. Keiko started the plan by pointing out that currently center 46 is nothing but a graveyard thus all the authority and power are within soul kings hands, he can introduce a completely new system with someone among the Royal guard as Adviser or something along the line using which we the royal guard will be able to, directly and indirectly, control soul society and use it when it is deemed necessary.

Ichibe and others pounded on these ideas, with finally Ichibe adjoining the meeting to think more about the idea and the approach to be taken.

Ichibe after the meeting was over told Keiko to come and meet him.

Keiko knowing what Ichibe wanted to discuss with him, decided to first go and visit Oetsu Nimaiya. His purpose was to put in a request of meeting each spirit in their real form. Oetsu had already taught Keiko how to forge a Zanpakuto didn't saw any harm in taking Keiko agreed. Keiko with a good mind left to meet Ichibe.

Ichibe wanted to discuss the details regarding his new system idea, Keiko knowing that Ochibe might be suspecting him of doing something behind the scene if he chose not to go to soul society still recommended Semjumaru Shutara for the adviser while stating that she was well versed in training other with her experience with first division, and further explained to Ochibe that his plan is depended upon making the Soul society as in Gotei 13 more stronger then it is right now when one squad captain Zaraki Kenpachi doesn't even know the name of his sword thus Semjumaru being the perfect candidate for the job.

Leaving Ichibe alone in his thoughts Keiko left to meet Oetsu who completed his preparation, started their journey to visit each spirit of Zanpakuto who lived in the wild. There were tens and thousands of spirits of all Zanpakuto along with each having their unique powers and nature. Oetsu and Keiko visited them with Keiko being introduced as the new blacksmith of forging Zanpakuto. With Oetsu's recommendation and will Keiko became familiar with spirit easily.

Meanwhile, Ichibe decided to seek the opinion of the soul king who simply stated to go along with the plan thus with the blessing of the soul king Ichibe along with Kirio and Senjumaru decided to visit the Soul society himself and look at the situation closely while the center 46 was still a headless body.

Ichibe met with Yamamoto who described the situation in his own words and explained the whole debacle. Seeing the reports to be true, Ichibe asked Yamamoto to gather all his captain together to assure Keiko's assessment over them. Kirio went separately and looked into the research and other aspects of both Aizen and Hogyoku understanding the situation more clearly for herself while Senjumaru looked into the new center 46 which will be formed and who will be selected.

Ichibe after meeting the captains knew that Keiko's assessment was clear and just, soul society has depleted since the last thousand years and right now if Yhwach returns now as Keiko suspects then even the royal palace will be harmed badly decided to follow along with Keiko's plan along with his suggestion thus Senjumaru was introduced as the new advisor of the Gotei 13 which will oversee that every squad have enough strength. Ichibe knew that Keiko was planning on doing something else which is why he didn't want to take the advisor role himself, placed him directly under the command of Senjumaru thus bringing both clarities to the goal of increasing the power of Gotei 13 and also keeping Keiko under watchful observation of Senjumaru to make sure he stays out of trouble.

In the name of Soul king, Ichibe introduced the direct involvement of Royal guards into Soul society stating that 3 of its captains have deflected while one can't even use his bankai thus disappointing soul king to no limit thus this step has been taken to ensure the quality over quantity within Gotei 13. Yamamoto knowing that with Soul king's name he can't ignore or fight off this command felt that someone was manipulating the whole field again decided to meet and discuss privately with Ichibe to confirm his suspicion regarding a certain ever-smiling friendliest monster's involvement.

Meanwhile message of Keiko also being selected to serve again in soul society was delivered to Royal guards and Gotei 13 captains too. Oetsu and Keiko too received the message cutting their trip short and coming back.

With Ichibe directly in command, Keiko didn't argue against the order, he started hatching his plans especially regarding Ichigo and Orihmei who have now been simply handed to him under the pretense of training.