
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

The plan for the trip.

               Normally, within every year, Bruno and friends usually make out time to go on a short trip. Wait, before I continue, let's give these group of friends a name. "The paragons" will be fine, it's our joint decision to give them the name though.

So, that year, the Paragons decided to go to the woods for their normal yearly trip. The trips usually last for three to four days. So, before the trip, certain preparation were being made by different individual. Each had to take up the role he or she could handle; the food aspect, the sports aspect, the organizing of the tents, the security aspect and host of others. It was Ella and Bruno that assessed the location and found it worthy for the trip. 

It was on a very cold and whispering evening that the both of them set out for the mission of finding a suitable site for the trip. All the Paragons met right in front of Bruno's house before they set out. Bruno drove all the way from the environs to the entrance of the woods. With the evening being cold and whispering, the sounds of the birds and the swirling of the plant leaves made the woods even more quiet. Also added to the fact that the woods is closely situated not far from the bank of the river. The ground was as cold as that of the winter period. The breeze which changes the atmosphere of the whole area and the course of the wind making the trees dance a wholesome dance of the body in any direction the wind desires. 

From Ella's facial representation, she appeared to be scared and at the same time, trying to hide it. Bruno was even enjoying the whole scenario as per the desire of what he had wanted. Probably, he must have seen a lot of movies where certain things happen, friends go on different trips at different places. He was even the one that suggested the woods, as emanated from the advice her love gave her. Enola loved going to the woods, river areas and weird sites, as if she was an adventurer or a hunter. She was the one that persuaded Bruno to convince the Paragons about going to the woods for the trip, owing to the fact that she would follow them. 

The night that they discussed about this very issue was unknown to anyone. Enola's mother was out that day when Enola invited Bruno over. They chatted and had fun. Actually, the discussion was done on the bed. Bruno now acting like a man, unlike the first time, he was bold enough to behold Enola and lure her to bed....it was after the canal knowledge that Bruno brought up the topic still putting to her that they were looking for a location yet. Enola used that very opportunity to space out her time and grab the euphoria. Though, the idea wasn't bad according to Bruno because he saw it as an opportunity to have a quiet time with his beloved outside the four walls or any hidden place. We never know what they are up to at the moment. Like I said earlier, no one knew about this.....that doesn't mean that no one suspected.

Have you known who the person was? Someone very officially known for preying, someone so smartly dangerous. Actually, when Bruno was relating to the Paragons about the trip to the woods, in as much as everyone of them was surprised, they still liked and welcomed the idea without further reasoning. Trust Ekaris, he already had thousand and one thoughts about how Bruno came up with the weird suggestion. His suspicion wasn't open, he kept it to himself but deep inside, he had no doubt that Enola had something to do with this. It became clearer to him when Bruno told them that Enola was coming with them. No body objected including Ekaris but his thought has been satisfied. Whether any other person thought anything, it wasn't necessary, let's focus on what Ekaris thought which we just did.

"This is so scary to me but at the same time, the environment is calm and serene", Ella finally opened up.

"Well, you didn't lie. I love what I see here my dear. This year gonna be the best ever", he concluded and smiled.

The smile could only justify one thing; he had hidden plans. A hidden agenda we never know anything about. I know it might have something to do with Enola..... that would have been Ekaris thought if he was the one that went with Bruno. 

They got to place more spacious and cleaner, even and both came to the conclusion that the spot would be the best for them all. Most of us see movies with this kind of settings, and are often too scary. But theirs wasn't that scary, the woods were always protected and guided because many atimes, people do come there for a therapy session or to have a cool moment with friends. One outstanding thing about this woods was that it had a lot of fruits on the branches. Assorted fruit of different kinds.  At least, the arena would be able to provide it's occupants at the moment with certain level of vitamins.

It was evening like I said, so, they didn't stay long in the woods, they made their choice so fast in order not to allow the darkness fall on them. It was also much easy because Bruno came with Ella.....if it was any other person apart from Clinton, that might cause them to waste unnecessary time and delay. They left afterwards and arrived home. The next day, the rest of the Paragons knew about the site and what it came with. Before that next day came, Bruno had already discussed with his beloved, the undying soul of his affection. 

His tone on the phone was very low, he sounded like someone that feared being heard by another.

"Hi diva, what's up", the low voice of Bruno came.

"Babe, I'm good...how was it? She whispered.

I was complaining about the low tone of Bruno whereas, Enola's own was more like a whisper. As if someone was at the door trying to hear her voice but she tries everything possible to cloth the voice. Like someone that was talking to his God in silence, the two lovebirds discussed at length about the site survey. The talk from there entered to something rather more erotic, the words were becoming too silly for them and obviously, they lost control of what they were discussing.

"I feel like fucking you right now babe", Enola finally confessed.

"You just read my mind, but we are not yet living together or are we in the hotel room", he said in a voice of wishful regret.

They dabbled into another session of discussion that made them laugh at some point.

"Enola, sleep it's late already".....,the mother shouted when she noticed her voice was loosing control. Though, she wasn't eavesdropping before.

"My love, mum is on my neck, let's meet on the day of the trip...I have to go know", she informed Bruno with a voice that showed that she never wanted to. 

At the moment, they baded each other a soft goodnight and gave an end to the arousing discussion they were having.