
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Teen
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30 Chs

Embeddable friendship. Get to know each of them better.

          We know about the "five", but we do not know anything about them or how they came to be right.....  Ella was the oldest of them all, followed by Bruno, Michelle, Ekaris and finally, Clinton. Long before then, they had respected the peace and serenity of the friendship, they never in any way breached what was meant for the other.

Michelle and Ella, were the first to come together as friends, they lived an admirable life of true friendship. Ella was cold hearted whereas, her friend was hot tempered ...so, they had a way of understanding their different nature. Later joined them was Ekaris, he was the immediate younger brother to Michelle. The three of them carried on the friendship for several years before Bruno and Clinton who were friends before later joined them. That was how their number increased to five.

CLINTON, an honorable fellow. He was a lucrative scholar and had the interest of the members at heart despite being the youngest. He was not the boisterous type or was he the quiet type either. He was a lovable being, but one thing about him was that he had no interest in whatever that has to do with love. He never believed in love. That notwithstanding, he was the most loved among them all. The only sexual life he had was with a girl named kate. And talking about sexual life, not the type Bruno and Enola engaged themselves in, it was something more like just normal friendship. The only romantic connection they once had was just holding of hands and hugging. Kate would always complain that he knew nothing when it comes to sex and romance, Clinton and his nature, he did not even care, he was just after his own happiness and money. That was how he lost kate to someone more romantic.

EKARIS, the quiet one. Very cunning, witty and smart too. He does not do anything on his own most times. You know how scavengers do, always moving from one point to another looking for what to inherit. A predator when it comes to taking what makes people happy. He had little or no romantic life.

ENOLA, the pretty diva. Looked very promising and with so much endowments. She was from the coast side. Coast side was actually a partitioned area or environment, very close to the ocean or sea. At the other side of the town, there was the Coast of Kris, that was the exact area Enola was born. People from the coastal regions were being regarded highly simply because of their direct relationship with countries that import or export necessary items. The reason why they had to relocate to their present location remained unknown. Though the dad, who works with the airports authority did not relocate with them. Enola's dad has worked with the authorities for several years as they were staying at kris and even after Enola and her mom relocated. The dad visited most often especially when he had days off. Enola resembled her mom in all ramifications. From the round face, to the exceptional hips and moderate height. The beauty was a topnotch and the fairness was just like the fanciful coloration of light displayed during the radiation of the ultraviolet rays of the sun on a plain surface. The beauty was indeed in the family line. No wonder she looked the way she did, all thanks to her mom.

BRUNO, the lady's man. In stature, he had a perfect body. Broad shoulders and oval face. He had what it takes to make a girl fall easily, but he was a flirt. With a voice of a melodious cantor, he threatens to force a smile on the beholders face.  Bruno graduated from school as a Management science student. He had greater regards when it comes to  matters surrounding money and besides, he had the more money among the five. Bruno's parents were still alive and were very healthy, each still attending to the businesses. The mom was a teacher whereas the dad was a business co-ordinator, maybe that was why he had to study management in school. He had two other siblings, they were girls. One was still an undergraduate whereas the last one was yet to enter.  There was a time Ekaris and Bruno almost had serious issues. The cause of the matter was that Ekaris wanted to mess around with his sister without his own knowledge. Ekaris was cunning and smart, like he was mischievious with his smartness. If it had been Clinton that wanted Bruno's sister, he would have not desisted because he was someone that was transparent and honest. He never hid to do anything or ever gone to the back to stab a friend. 

Ekaris secretly lured Nora, Bruno's sister, to start having a secret relationship with him. He hid everything from the peers, and Nora did likewise from her family. The first person among the entire group to notice was Clinton, who had a way of observing and relating. When he finally decided to relate the whole stuff to Bruno, not like he betrayed Ekaris, but the friends knew themselves well; maybe he just wanted to bring the awareness of Bruno to the whole situation. The Intel part of it was that, Ekaris do sneak to Bruno's house to meet Nora whenever no one else was at home. This kept on happening until Clinton related the secret to Bruno. Bruno confronted his sister first before taking any drastic measure, he issues a serious warning to her in other to avoid Ekaris. Ekaris was confronted too. So, that was how the secret relationship between Nora and Ekaris crumbled.  Does that mean Bruno was right then, or was he just acting out of guiltiness?. Those actions of Bruno on Ekaris life must have been the main reason why at some point in life, he felt this rage to scavange like a rampaging monster. Or maybe, he actually did found a way to settle his scores advantageously to his own ordinance.