
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

The lustful kiss.

          Smiling so immensely like the sky had a glimmering shine on his face and making his facial expressions so predictable like someone that has seen what he was looking for earlier. He picked up his phone and called the empress of his heart.

"Good morning my love, trust you slept well?" He inquired.

Oh!, The love of his life was all positive to whatever he said that morning. 

"I think I found a place", he finally hit it.

"Really, So, where is this place?" She questioned in anticipation of a satisfying answer.

"Well, I will be the one to take you there, it's not really far from here.....just chill, you would love it babe", he tried convincing her.

  Everything they discussed were positive to their prior agreement. They chose Saturday night for the dinner at the hotel. They started making plans to make the whole event a remarkable one. Bruno on his own side, had already gone to check out the hotel, their foods and their lodging too. Everything was too exquisite to what he wanted ,so,they were lodging for the night.

Although days refused to speed up, the thought of them seeing each other was more daring than the hotness of the sun reaching out on earth dwellers in a rough afternoon. They had to keep being patient and looking forward for a day of fun, love and ecstasy.  Bruno was in his house one evening when a knock came through the door, it was Ekaris, he was alone. 

"This one you came alone, hope all is well?" This question came out of curiosity because, Ekaris has never visited him all by himself.

Something must have led to something in this case, Bruno thought as well but decided to hear him out first. They had a long discussion about Enola, as inquisitive as he was, he kept on asking from one question to the other. Out of good mind and friendship spirit, Bruno satisfied all his queries. He went on to the extent of disclosing about the dinner date with her at the hotel. Intrinsically, he was owned by jealousy, what he also wanted was now becoming another man's whole. He chuckled , as if everything was alright. He had learnt everything he needed to know that was going on between the two lovers. I guess he was planning for a perfect time to attack and possibly defend himself too. 

          Finally, the lovebirds can now execute the long prepared plans. In a gorgeous gown with a matching footwear, she appeared like a goddess in the battlefield slaying the enemies with her beauty, a beauty capable of hanging breathe. The lady's man on his side, always knew how to come out in stylish outfit, he was not left out, the both lovers looked exceptionally awesome like they were brought together by a match maker. Their arrival at The Queen's Hotel was like the setting in a Cinema, everyone focuses on one direction, so was their own case. They walked into the hotel with their dazzling and gorgeous looks to the admiration of most people who saw them. They had their meals and drinks just like normal people do. They also had a long talk with laughs, smiles and admirations. Dancing did not come in as an option for them, so they hurried and went to their room. Bruno had his shower first and that was so suspicious though. Enola had to take her time in the bathroom to freshen up.  

The bathroom door slammed open, stepping out was the shimmering of the reflective effect of light given to the sun by the moon. As Bruno turned towards the bathroom door, his eyes were in awe. What he saw went through the whole part of his body, just like the relative effect of an electric shock. His body could not behold what his eyes saw and in quick reaction to that, the whole body became strong and hard. The Delilah aware of her doings knew that she had captured everything about Bruno. She came close enough, looked to his eyes and whispered,

"thought you said you wanna see me naked and you are already freezing".

It was then Bruno made stronger moves. He allowed his hands to make any movement of its choice, so, the hand in connection with the mind had everything sorted out because where the mind goes, the hand testifies. The naughty mind of Bruno had gone round Enola's body, then was the moment for the hand to exhibit same. With a warm hug from behind, Enola felt as if someone was about to grasp her breath. His hands rubbed round her hips, raising them up from the rib side rubbing through the back towards the shoulders, then moving slowly down to the mammary glands. Squeezing the mamma, compelled her to outburst into the uncontrollable feeling of sexual urge. An immediate flip over occurred, which brought the two lovers facing each other. No one would be served with such glaring lips that would reject. Being in this situation, Bruno plugged his lips to hers, it was so beautiful like the heavens were falling. The kiss went too deep that they almost sucked out their tongues. Everything was in set, taking place one after the other. 

Enola found herself lying helplessly on the bed to the satisfiable desires of Bruno and hers. They had a great night, a night of lustful kiss and lustful sex. To them, it was so beautiful, they were celebrating their love. Of course they felt tired, Bruno being a short time man when it has to do with relationship was very opposite when it comes to satisfying of pleasurable desires. 

Ekaris, who was not able to sleep that night owning to the fact that he knew of the hotel dinner. And probably, he knew that they were spending the night at the hotel too, and worst of it all, they would sleep together. Those thoughts kept him awake all night. He already imagined what their night at the hotel would look like. He knew his friend very well, he does not spare any opportunity at all. Definitely, Ekaris knew that something must have gone down. At certain point, he was filled with rage and thought of how to end everything to his own favor. He felt Bruno was flirting as usual, and he thought it wise to save the girl from pending heart break. He thought of way and could not find anything reasonable. He decided to try and corrupt Enola's mind towards Bruno. How he intended doing that, no one knows. Would have Bruno known that as he was having fun, someone is planning to crumble everything point of which the fun would come. But was he really planning to dump her or maybe she was playing all along.