
League of Destiny

"Justice and revenge are necessary means to restore order. The only one who should be forgiven is he who begs for mercy on his knees." Lady Adelaide Maurin is the Duchess' daughter. That is, after the incident that took place five years ago, stole her title. She wasn't granted much respect by her peers due to her being restricted of her previous title, the crown princess of Mathilda. It all changes for the better once she realises what her destiny is. She has to weigh two options: let her loved ones assist her in the journey to right what has been wronged, or to secretly flee and complete the mission by herself. Will she have what it takes to reclaim the throne and correct all wrongdoings? Or will she be sentenced to prison for life?

Lizzie_Writing88 · História
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 5

For some reason, Adelaide couldn't shake off this odd sense of tranquillity. The kind of calm someone feels before something terrible happens. In times like these, she was used to keeping her thoughts to herself.

But with her uneven breathing and uneasiness, it was hard to do so. This was one of the many reasons she wished not to go to bed.

She supposed telling someone would help soothe the pain.


"So you're telling me you have panic attacks?" Filippa questioned, concerned about her friend's mental health. "Yes, but I have no idea why," Adelaide told. "My condolences," Filippa comforted, hugging her. "The worst part is that I can't shake off the feeling that it has something to do with the king," Adelaide gritted through her teeth.

What could he have possibly done? Filippa already knew Adelaide despised her father for what he did all those years ago. She could only hope Adelaide wasn't planning anything dangerous.

"I do hope you're not thinking of overthrowing him," Filippa said, a stern look crossed on her features as she crossed her arms. "Oh, then you're mistaken. I will certainly take revenge," Adelaide nonchalantly stated, staring into the distance.


A certain raven-head was suffering from a headache. If only there wasn't this much negativity in the air. By the looks of it, Adelaide and Filippa were arguing about something he didn't care for. It just hurt him that they had to be a cause of pain for him.

He sighed, biding his time until the teacher notified the students that classes were over for today. Now, he was particularly excited about the party they were holding in school tomorrow. It meant that he'd feel more happiness. Yet, once the party ended, all the emotions would become depressing.

If only he could tell someone how he truly felt.