
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Episode 21. comeback. >


"Allies need time to think, but I want to talk about paying you back for saving your life now."

At Aria's words, Pelas carefully hid the expression on his face again and turned around.

"Reciprocation? I didn't ask for that. It's okay."

Give it a little bounce here and there.

"It can't be like that. Unlike humans, we have a clear relationship with each other."

'I knew it would come out like that. Otherwise, she would have been upset.'

Inside, Pelas was on the verge of running around.

However, he desperately maintained his poker face.

Aria added another word towards the back of Pelas, who hadn't turned around yet.

"If you need anything, just tell me. Anything I can do in my line."

When she finished speaking, Pelas turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, if you dare say that..."

Felas pretended to be worried, then pointed to the shrine's glove beyond the area.

At that, Aria's eyes became the size of a bell.

"Ser, no way. Me, me?! I was the target?!"

Aria's face turned red in an instant and she stuttered.

And seeing that figure, Pelas said, 'What is he doing?' I was watching with that expression.

The elf's repayment was to the extent that there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

In the first part of the Winter War, there was a story where the main character and the elf became lovers because of that kindness.

But that wasn't all Pelas wanted.

Just one glove was enough.

Embarrassed, Aria came to her senses at the unresponsive Fellas and properly checked the fingertips he was pointing at.

Then she realized that Pelas was not pointing at her, but at the glove.

Realizing the truth, Aria's face turned red.

Pelas pretended not to see it and continued.

"Keuheum. Let's hit it with those gloves."

"Th-those gloves? Ah, those gloves are a bit like that, but..."

Although she calmed down a bit, Elia hesitated at the request for the shrine's gloves.

Pelas decided to throw the odds.

He shrugged his shoulders and replied as if he didn't know.

"Really? It must have been a valuable glove. Look at it. I don't need it. It's just... I didn't ask for anything in the first place."

He waved his hand and turned around again.

Still, on the inside, he was smiling.

'If it's not the shrine's gloves, I won't be interested, so what are you going to do? Out of the box.'

Pelas was confident.

one hundred percent.

From the beginning, the return of the elves was such a setting.

Giving up even their lives for great grace.

But would you regret the gloves for the grace that saved your life?

Moreover, the contents of the quest written on the shrine's gloves.

Judging from that, she was 'destined' to give someone the shrine's gloves.

All the circumstances were instilling confidence in Pelas.

He deliberately slowed down and walked away.

So that Aria can have time to think about it.

"for a moment!"

Fellas hesitated.

'yes. As expected?'

Pelas bit his lip slightly, fearing that a smile would grow as his prediction came true.

However, when he turned around, he had already completely hidden his expression and looked back with a completely expressionless face.

"Hmm? Why?"

Aeria stood up slightly and picked up the shrine's gloves.

"Nothing is more than enough to repay a life saved. It's just a glove, but if you want it, take it."


Shouting cheers only inwardly.

It was Pelas who was desperate to keep his inner feelings from showing on his face.

He nodded helplessly and took the glove.

While checking the letters in front of my eyes.

[Gloves of the Shrine]

-Fixes the probability physical ability to the maximum value.

! Quest: Recognized by the elves and granted gloves will add new abilities. (Quest not completed)

-If you clear the quest and synthesize, the synthesis success rate becomes 100%.

-If you do not clear the quest, the shrine's gloves will be destroyed when synthesized with a 100% chance.

tooth support.

A noise passing minutely through the shrine's armor status window.

It was the same pleasant noise as when making an appel.

[Gloves of the Shrine]

-Fixes the probability physical ability to the maximum value.

! Quest: Recognized by the elves and granted gloves will add new abilities. (Quest completed)

-If you clear the quest and synthesize, the synthesis success rate becomes 100%.

-If you do not clear the quest, the shrine's gloves will be destroyed when synthesized with a 100% chance.

Pelas said with a small, very small smile.

"Then let's consider this a cornerstone for our alliance and be grateful. I'm really going. Take care of yourself."

With that said, Pelas quickly left the room.

I'm afraid that my expression caught in my ears will be found out.

Aeria confirmed that the sound of his footsteps had gone away and laid her upper body back on the bed.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, she murmured.

"Hmm... You don't seem to be greedy, and you don't seem to have a bad mind. Besides, we have the same goal. Pelas Dimeo... you said that, right? He's the first interesting person I've seen in a hundred years."

Pelas's name was quietly etched into her heart.

Then, a moment ago, his own misunderstanding came to mind.

The misunderstanding that I thought you wanted me, not the gloves.

"No, no! That deserved it!"

While making excuses that no one would listen to, Ayria was just wearing a fuzzy blanket.

Meanwhile, back in his room, Pelas was screaming with his face buried in a pillow to stop the eruption of cheers.

"Ki Yee!!"

Of course, Havertz in the next room, who had no way of knowing about this situation, had a worried face today as well.

"Since yesterday, what the hell is the young master doing…"

* * *

A week passed quickly.

A week was not enough time just to sort out the aftereffects of the battle with the orcs.

They treated the wounded soldiers and sent follow-up troops to retrieve the loot.

Unfortunately, some of the loot had been lost in the meantime.

"We killed a total of 15 Orcs, but we only recovered 10 Orc axes as trophies. I'm sorry."

Barzan bowed his head to Pelas in front of the recovered loot.

Pelas rubbed his shoulder.

"It's okay. Ten is not a small number."

For ten orcs, the number reached thirty for gray wolves.

According to Havertz's comment, hunting thirty gray wolves in a week was no small achievement.

Besides, in the first place, Pellas was not particularly hung up on the successor test.

Pelas went back as if it was no big deal.

Barzan shook his head as he looked at his back, not obsessed with the spoils.

"I can't understand how big the bowl is."

If the knights here in Vatinova had heard him at first, they would have been frightened.

But now the situation was different.

In fact, many knights were standing next to Barzan.

However, none of the knights were listening to Barzan's words strangely.

It was because the move Pelas showed was worth it.

In the short span of a week, Pelas had already established himself as a saint in the hearts of the knights of Vatinova.

"That's right. A person like that would be able to give his life as much as he wants."

Henderson was also not the type to hide his true feelings, so he openly agreed with Barzan's words.

Barzan glanced at him and smiled.

"You live and live and hear all those things from your mouth."

"Don't you always say it? I tend not to say anything wrong."

"Yeah. I'm trying to learn."

Barzan turned round and shouted loudly to the knights.

"Now. Tomorrow is the day when our Master Pelas will return to Count Dimeo's house! Let's make preparations so that we can go home comfortably!"


The voices of many knights came as clearly as one voice.

And according to Barjan's instructions, they began to prepare for the return of Pelas step by step.

* * *

dawn the next day.

Count DiMeo's knights were finishing preparations for departure on horseback.

When Pelas came out, they took a bow and lined up straight.

Next to them stood the Knights of Vatinova who had come out to meet them.

Even though they were just returning, their appearance was as tight as knights on the battlefield.

Pelas smiled at them.

"What did you all come out for? From the wind at dawn."

Barzan lowered his head and replied.

"Pellas-nim is stepping out, and it's already a pity that we can't escort you to Count Dimeo's house."

"It's okay. Don't use troops when it's useless, use only where necessary. All knights are the present and future of our kingdom."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Yes. Then let's go."

As Pelas mounted, Havertz and Robben also mounted.

Their appearance was different in many ways from when they came here.

The first was the majesty of Count Dimeo's knights.

They even felt like ragtags dressed only in armor.

But now, they looked like knights who had fought a life-or-death battle.

actually it was

And the loot cart that came with it at the back also looked different from the first one.

Finally, there is one thing that is the most different.

There was a newcomer to their ranks.

"No. Why do I have to join here too?"

It was none other than Aria.

Pelas answered her question by pointing to her thigh.

"Do you think that wound will be healed here? It will be fortunate if it does not fester."

Just as Pelas had said, her thighs were still leaking red blood over the bandages.

The pain seemed to be quite severe, seeing as the movement was uncomfortable.

"And did I catch or eat something?"

"No... that's not what I meant."

"Or that's it. Even if you treat me for free, I'm still complaining."

"Ehh... I don't know. Okay, let's go. Go."

At her decision, Pelas turned and smiled.

In fact, Pelas' real intention was different.

land of the elves.

Everything was a cornerstone to be invited there.

If only I could be formally invited, I could get a rare item.

To do so, he couldn't let go of Aria, the only link.

It was like that from the beginning, but in this world, the value of items was very, very high.

The stronger the stronger, the rarer the rarer.

The driving force that Pelas was able to live as a madman was his money-based tempo.

Before she could change her mind, Pelas quickly turned around and addressed the Knights of Count DiMeo.

"All troops, let's go."

Hearing his words, Roben shouted back and forth with a loud voice befitting his size.

"All troops! Let's go!!"

* * *

All information about Count DiMeo's family was designed to flow to Hans, the butler, first.

It was one of the systems that directly showed how much the current owner, Count Egor, trusted him.

Unsurprisingly, Hans was also the first to hear about Fellas' return.

Hearing the news of Pelas' return, Hans immediately headed for Egor's study.

"Count. Butler Hans wants to see you."

"Ask them to come in."


I'm sorry.

The door opened and Hans entered Egor's study.

Egor was sitting in a chair with reading glasses over his nose, looking through the papers he needed to sign.

He raised his eyes and looked at Hans.

"Whoa... I miss the days when I was riding a horse as a knight. I didn't become the head of the household to get caught up in a pile of papers like this."

"Thanks to that, all the family members of the county are living comfortably."

"Don't you miss those days too?"

"I do miss the days when I used to wield a sword with the Count from time to time."

"That's right. At that time, I wanted to put down the sword and go quickly."

"Haha. Anyway, didn't it turn out the way you wanted?"

"I didn't expect this to happen. Let's talk small talk. What's going on?"

"It is said that the big boy has just returned to the mansion."

Egor put down the papers and took off his reading glasses.

"Has it already been that time?"


"This is true. I don't know how much time goes by. Yes, did it seem to have some results?"

"Actually, that's... It looks like you worked a lot harder than I thought."


"They said he brought ten orc axes as trophies."

Egor's expression changed slightly.

"Ten sacks? Orc's axe?"

It was Egor who was well aware of the situation in Vatinova.

In any case, it was always at the forefront.

Eight knights led by Pelas.

They were also ordinary knights, not high-level ones, so the limits were clear.

And the number of knights in Batinova was not that great either.

Even if he took them out on an expedition, it would not be easy to achieve such results in a week.

Besides, how harsh was the terrain and weather in Vatinova.

Despite Hans' report, Egor was not easily convinced.

"Does that make sense?"

He jumped up from his seat and looked out the window.

Then, seeing the knights led by Pelas and returning, they couldn't help but be surprised.

'I don't think an orc's ax is important.'

< Episode 21. comeback. >end