
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Episode 20. An elf who repaid the favor. >


Aria who is stunned and amazed.

From her point of view, she couldn't help but be surprised.

One of the only two rings in the world was worn openly on Pelas' hand.

"How could this be...I didn't want to be surprised anymore..."

Pelas asked confidently.

"You already know the power of this ring, right?"

"It will not fall into the hands of those who do not deserve it..."

Pelas took it off his finger and threw it at Eria.

As if someone possessed something, Aria put it on her finger.

It seemed that it fit snugly, no different from the ring he had.

no, it was exactly the same.

It's perfect even if you turn it around close up.

Even the pattern engraved on the inside of the ring was the same.

Pelas grinned involuntarily.

'Will there be no flaws? By the way.'

* * *

Go back in time a bit.

Shortly after the expedition returned to Vatinova Castle.

The first thing Pelas did was to remove the ring from Aeria's hand.

He secretly took the ring and went into his room.

Alone, he took out the ring from his bosom and examined it.

"As expected. As I thought, it's the mark of the Black Moon."

Mark of the Black Moon.

It was not an item with special abilities.

It's just a quest item.

It was an item made for a quest that only required delivery of items.

But at the same time, it was also the only thing in this world.

It's such a rare ring, but the only ability it has is that the guys from the Shadow Union can't wear it?

'That's actually an ability that's only set up.'

Anyway, the token of the black moon was a kind of code that the protagonist of Winter War 2 shared with his fellow elf.

The playable character who was the protagonist of Winter Wars 2 would have died and been left in an underground dungeon.

The ring would have been there too.

And the fellow elf was now reigning as the king of the elves.

All of this was to come later in Winter War 3.

'In other words, except for me, the only people who know about that ring at this point are the King of the Elves and Aria.'

If he used this information well, he would be able to trick Aeria.

And if I could trick her, I would be able to complete the shrine's glove quest.

Elves have a long tradition.

The custom of repaying the favor at any cost if deeply favored.

It was a great grace just to have already saved his life.

With that alone, there would be no problem in officially taking over the shrine's gloves.

But Pelas decided to take a step further.

'If I can enter the elves' palace right now, things will really become easier...'

And in order to do so, the elf, Aria, needed an invitation.

It was not easy to meet elves in this world.

If not now, I don't know when we'll meet again.

Pellas intended to use this opportunity to make a connection with the elves.

For that purpose, what Fellas prepared was Apel.

Like the token of the black moon, quest items had an interesting characteristic.

It was impossible to take it out of the inventory.

It was a system created because if you take it out of your inventory and throw it on the floor, the item will disappear after a certain amount of time.

'But there are always fools.'

And one of those jerks, no, the top 1% was Pellas.

He tossed the Black Moon Token in his hand to the ground.

With my daughter!

The mark of the black moon rolling on the ground with a high-pitched sound.

Fellas looked at the scene and raised the corner of his mouth.

* * *

A system in which quest items cannot be retrieved from the inventory, created to prevent a situation in which the quest cannot be progressed.

However, numerous users around the world took out unfinished quest items from their inventory in various ways.

There were a lot of clever quest item disappearance videos on You Tube.

And what if the quest item is forcibly destroyed?

There was a situation where the game could no longer be played.

So, the management of Winter War 3 issued a patch to rectify the situation.

Afterwards, what the Winter War management team announced was a simple patch log made to solve the quest item disappearing bug.

[If an item for a quest is forcibly destroyed, it is automatically recreated in the inventory.]

However, the original new bug, the way to catch bugs.

When a quest item is destroyed after the patch is executed, a new bug has been created in which two copies are made instead of one regenerated item.

The quest item duplication bug was one of the first bugs discovered by Pelas, the top 1% idiot.

Fellas recalled that time and fell into memories for a while.

'Big. At that time, the community was completely upset. Some idiot made another bug.'

However, in this place that is no longer a game but a reality, the item did not disappear simply by throwing it on the floor.

However, if you think about it the other way around, from the point of view of Pellas living in reality, there were infinite ways to destroy items other than throwing them away.

The simplest thing Pelas came up with was to split the ring with a sword.

I've tried throwing it on the floor before, but it didn't disappear as easily as in the game.

But what if it gets destroyed?

Of course, if he failed, he would just blow the ring off, but Pelas was confident.

Because he had already used the bug himself several times.

He pulled out the appel and slammed it down with all his might at the token of the black moon lying on the floor.

Quaang! Quick!

A slightly cracked ring.

Once again, Pelas raised his sword high and slammed it down with all his might.

Quaang! Quick!

Now clearly visible gold.

If I hit it down one more time, it seemed like it would break quickly.

Quaang! Quick!

A mark of the black moon that has been split in two.

Pelas stood looking down at it.

In Winter War 3, items that were originally lost in the inventory mostly immediately respawned.

But now it was a reality, so there was no inventory.

Thanks to this, it didn't regenerate right away, and Pelas held his breath and quietly stared at the shattered symbol of the black moon.

I was confident until I made a plan and started, but I started to worry a little.

If it doesn't regenerate like this...

'Then I'll just say I've never seen a ring like that before.'

That time when I was preparing my last excuse.

The mark of the black moon began to glow slightly.

It was an effect I had never seen before in the game.

Fellas made a sound without even realizing it


What happened next was even more strange.

As if the clock had been turned backwards, the remains of the black moon token were returning to their original places.

A token of the black moon that fits like a jigsaw puzzle.

By the time the mysterious light disappeared, the mark of the black moon, which had been restored to normal, was standing on the floor.

"Because I knew it would happen!"

Pelas smiled broadly and held up the black moon badge.

A ring that looks as neat as the first state.

Unfortunately, however, it did not seem to have been duplicated in two copies.

But no problem.

Knowing that the system was working as expected, it was just a matter of continuing to destroy it until it was replicated.

Because one day there will be two.

"Now, shall we start working in earnest?"

Pelas rolled up his arms and grabbed Arpels.

That night.

All night long there was a constant banging sound in Pelas's room.

To the point where Havertz, who was staying in the next room, was a little worried.

"What do you want the young master to do..."

And Pelas involuntarily.

[Strength stat has increased.]

[Strength stat has increased.]

[Strength stat has increased.]

strength has improved

* * *

again at this point.

Pelas smiled triumphantly as he recalled the hardships of last night.

In the end, he was the one who succeeded in copying the black moon badge over and over again.

That hardship was now shining through.

Aeria, who had been unable to take her eyes off the ring for a while, looked at Pelas in disbelief.

"You. Where did you get this from?"

"I told you. I got it from a benefactor."

"Benefactor? How can you believe that? Could it have been taken by force?"

"Well. The person in my memory wasn't that kind of a person."


At Pelas' words, Aria had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

As an elf living for a long time, she actually knew the owner of that ring.

As Pelas said, although he was human, he was not weak.

And that, too, was well known to Pelas.

It was a character that was the main character of Winter Wars 2.

Leonil, who had just started the story of Winter War 3, was beyond imagination, but the protagonist of Winter War 2, an already completed character, could not be weak.

After all, he had also played Winter War 2 in his previous life.

It was worse not to know.

Pelas is now ready to deliver the finishing blow.

"And, if I were with them, I would have just killed you in the cave.

Even in Aria's opinion, that was definitely the correct answer.

They were the minions of the Shadow Union who rushed to kill him.

They were the ones who risked their lives to drive a dagger through her leg.

But do you dare to bring back the life of a person who has killed everyone?

Not to mention, she had already finished collecting information about them to some extent.

From the perspective of the Shadow Union, it would have been a matter of creating a variable while leaving the safe method aside.

In fact, she was aware of it too.

That the situation of Pelas is much more solid than his own doubts.

Besides, the voices of Pelas remained in her memory.

"... Focus on recovery as much as possible..."

"...Take care so that the wound doesn't get worse..."

"...How long do you think it will take to recover your sanity?..."

It was she who realized that the voices that worried about her were Pellas.

Of course, from Pelas' point of view, it was to break the shrine's gloves quest.

Airia, who had no way of knowing that, began to slowly withdraw her doubts.

'Certainly there's no room for doubt anymore.'

Plus, a ring identical to yours.

It was that that decisively shook Aria's heart.

In addition, the elves also needed a reliable helper now.

Aeria pretended not to win and asked Pelas.

"What do you want? From me."

"I need help."


"Exactly, it's an alliance. An alliance you can trust and entrust your back to."

"It's not a bad idea, but..."

"Yes. As you know, they may be a much more dangerous group than we think."

It wasn't even dangerous.

In fact, they were just dangerous enough to be called terrorists.

However, in the current situation, if you knew that much detail, it would look more strange that way, so it was Pelas who adjusted the level appropriately.

At his words, Aria also began to come over.

"That's what I agree with."

She couldn't deny it because she had just come out of the Shadow Union to investigate.

Even in Aria's eyes, the Shadow Union was dangerous.

It was the same with trying to kill even a little bit of information exposure.

"...Let's think about it."

Even though she said that, Pelas could see that her mind had already crossed her mind.

thought Pelas.

From here on, taking a step back would seem more trustworthy than pushing ahead.

"I want you to think positively. Then take care of yourself. I'm going to leave."


Pelas rose from his chair.

And he turned around to get out.

"wait for a sec."

At that time, Aria calls him.

"Allies need time to think, but I want to talk about paying you back for saving your life now."

It was as expected.

A custom of the elves to repay kindness.

The moment I had been waiting for had finally arrived.

The moment to clear the shrine's glove quest.

Pelas smiled quietly with his back turned.

< Episode 20. An elf who repaid the favor. >end