
Chapter 14 - Its Now or Never

''Elo Elo Elo, I've heard that some damsel needs my immediate assistance.''

Oh, how Phil always loves to make a grand entrance. I could feel the warmth of Zachs' hand grasping mine as Phil approached.

''You must be Phil right?''

''Yea, do I know you?''

''I'm Zach, and if you think for a split second that you are gotta do Chlo dirty again, you got another thing coming right at ya mate''

I could feel the butterflies dancing happily in my stomach as anger and rage raced across Phils' face.

''Whatever, so 'Chlo', are we all set to go?''

''Sure, were you guys able to track down the address to where the signal was coming from?'

''Yeah, It was coming from that old coffee factory back on Elm Street behind that grocery store.''

''Isn't it that place the same place where reports of that missing girl named Sydney Blake was murdered and never found?''

''I bet they were some tall tales sorority girls love to blab about in their social clutters.''

I'm so disgusted. I mean, Is that how he thinks of girls. 'Social clutters'. One of these days, his daddy is gonna have to enforce a restraint order against me because I would love to get a good old pound right in his crooked jawline.

''Take a fucking hike mate, it's 2020, learn to catch up with the times.''

''Looks like someone needs to learn some manners''

''Enough boys, let's get on with the mission.''

Sometimes I wonder, how I stumbled on a boy so adorable!


Walking down this quiet street sent all kinds of freaky vibes. I could hear sirens wailing in the distance as drug dealers, traffickers, bikers all standing there, glaring at us as my fingers began trembling with fear. Even with all these disguised bodyguards and weapons in the bag, I still had that terrifying feeling that we were about to meet death at his door. The orange signal flickered on our earcomms as a report came in.

''Dispatch, two men are seen guarding a brown metal door, how should we proceed?''

''There is a street on the right side of the building leading to a back door, agent rogue reports no men have been seen guarding the door, proceed with caution!''

As bodyguards ushered us through the door, I could see a lady who looked exactly like my mother. A mirrored image but more classy-like. Are the stories really true! Is my mom really alive?? Millions of unanswered questions went racing through my brain. In the distance, I heard men coming in this direction.

''Officer, four males are seen entering the right-wing of your building and two on the left-wing, possibly armed so be ready!''

My heart was racing wildly like the time I was in my track finals and I nearly lost to Clive Cavanaugh. I couldn't help but use my inhaler. It felt as if my lungs were punched as I fought for every breath. Little did I know that my actions led to horrific consequences.