
Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

AnonymUser · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
534 Chs

The Fire Dragon

POV Pyromaniac:

The silhouette in the red robe descended down the spiraling staircase, seemingly leading into a black void. His crimson-red robe rustled, and his draconic hearing pounded with each step he took.

'Temperature is rising...' He noted that with each step, the frigid atmosphere slowly retreated, gradually turning into heat.

'What will be my reward? Hopefully, something to make my flames hotter.' His greedy, draconic heart couldn't help but constantly make his thoughts spiral toward his upcoming reward.

At last, he reached the bottom, facing a pair of massive enchanted doors forged out of polished, mirror-like steel. His thoughts returned to the physical world—he had no time to be distracted as the master of fire awaited him.

"Enter my minion!" The familiar voice of the dragon boomed, bouncing between the stone walls.

Pyromaniac straightened his robes one last time and pushed the gate open.