
Lady of Fire

Kiari is a punching bag. She has lived the majority of her life under the shoes of the Lucid Pack. With a sole best friend making the experience slightly positive but no chance to her daily routines, Kiari sees no future. Soon enough, Kiari understands what she wants and takes action. She leaves but stumbles upon the alternate life she was entitled to, discovers new people and arouses new powers. Kiari believes her life has finally taken the best turn until sinister sign after sinister sign leaves her questioning her position in the lives of the people around her.

Maori_Kyzer · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Reunion

I woke up on cloud nine. Literally. I feel warm and wanna stay here forever but...memories flood back from before I blacked out and I jolt myself out of cloud nine. What a shame. I look around and see I'm in a really grand room. Like a room made for royalty. Wait, I shouldn't be here. I move to stand up from the bed but something stops me.

I look down and see that I'm wearing a set of purple pyjamas and a head on my lap.

Oh my...There is a fucking Greek God on my lap!

An Adonis of a man

A fucking beauty

And damn is he handsome!

And I am so checking him out. My eyes stopped at his face. He has some fine cheekbones...

I raised my hand and gently hovered my hand over his cheek. Damn, I have seen some hot men but this one is a winner! I start to smile but am interrupted.

"Good morning my dear, are you done checking me out?" He was awake the whole time! Oh shit, it's Ares...

I yanked my hand back and shot out of the bed. Somehow, I was at the door in a blink...Didn't think I was that fast...

I turned around to see Ares sitting up with such a smug look on his face, idiot. Wait, shit he is some kind of King of Alphas? Why was he sleeping with me? Wait, that came out wrong. Did he change me?! What does he want with me? Why the hell is my wolf purring at that? Why do I feel so comfortable around him? He could kill me! Would he?

"What's troubling you, empress?" I snapped out of my thoughts to look at him "Don't worry, your mother changed you, but I'm gonna see that sooner or later" He reassured me with a wink. My face felt so hot right now. Wait.

"My mother?"

"Ah yes, there are a few things I must explain to you, come sit" patting the space on the bed next to him he gestured for me to come over.

Well here goes nothing. I slowly walked over to the bed and sat with my back against the headboard.

"So from what I have been told, during that rouge attack when you were younger, your parents are Alpha Alexander and Sheri"


"Let me explain, They had a daughter and while travelling to an allied alpha's pack, they got ambushed and your parents had their Delta here send you to the nearest pack as they didn't want you killed. That's how you ended up in the Throne Pack. A letter was left but from the struggle, a few bits were left out, your full name is actually Kiariella Aviva Alexander, the daughter of one of the top five Cardinal Alpha's. And now the mate to the Alpha King, so now Alpha Queen, "He finished, with a huge smile on his face. Alpha Queen? Me? Hell to the no mother fucking way.

"Well one, I still do not understand what this mate is, and I can't be a queen, I'm just a regular wolf, nothing special" I rush still not processing what he had said.

He grabbed my hands and I felt sparks igniting in my hands, but in a good way. And it feels so good...

"Feel that? That is the mate bond. A mate is your soul mate, the one destined for you. A partner created just for you by Selene herself. When you find your mate, you won't think of anyone else but them, every time you touch there is warmth and sparks like now. There is no one out there that will love you more than your mate will." No wonder I've been feeling so comfortable around him. And also why Alpha Alexa- I mean my dad didn't kill me at first sight...

"And you, my empress, is my mate" Wow, I get this handsome hunk of a man to myself huh? The things I could do...

No, no bad Kiari! Let's just say that I learn a lot of things that I probably shouldn't have from the Throne pack... Any whore.

"This must be a lot for you to take in so I shall leave you to ponder over it for a few minutes and will be back with breakfast" With that, he was at the door almost as fast as I had done it, nice

"Also, I have more news so buckle up dear" and with a wink, he was out.


I turned and just flopped back onto the bed. I have a mate. My parents are alive. I am to be a queen. I am honestly wondering if this is just a vile trick being played on me by the Throne pack but it seems too real to be a trick. I don't even know how I feel. I feel relieved that I'm not dead. Excited over the fact that I am reuniting with my parents. Glad that not everyone I know hates me. I want to feel loved. And I think that I have found where I can be myself without being punished, I hope.

A knock comes from the door, I can't be bothered to get up.

"Come in!"

The door opens and a lady comes in. She is about 5'8 nice curly brown hair, like mine but mine is jet black, has caramel skin and looks like she is in her mid 20's. Very pretty.

"If you are looking for the King...uh Alpha person, he just went-" I look at her eyes. Those honey brown eyes look so familiar and so much like mine...could she be?"

"My baby girl is all grown up" tears were now forming in her eyes. Uh, awkward.

"M-mama?" I tested the name out. Felt weird. Never called anyone that yet it felt a bit right as well. As I had zoned out, she came up to me, sitting at the edge of the disarrayed bed.

"You finally home, my little Aviva, well not so little anymore" she giggled softly and pulled me it's a deep hug. And I hugged her back.

Our moment was interrupted by a very faint knock at the open door. I look over my mama's shoulder and see none other than Alpha Alexander. Well, I guess now it's dad. Again, weird.

I was still hugging mama and she must have not noticed his presence so I just smiled at him and he returned the favour. I gently tapped her back and she pulled out of the hug, noticing he was there.

"Sheri, Cami and June are waiting for you in your office, you have a scheduled shopping trip if I remember," he said to mama softly

"But I wanna spend time with my Am mi But this is a one-time opportunity." mama went bounding off to the door and looked back "You better not bully her Orion, I WILL find out and you will be on couch duty," she said putting on a very stern face.

Dad gulped "Yes dear" Whipped!