
Lady of Fire

Kiari is a punching bag. She has lived the majority of her life under the shoes of the Lucid Pack. With a sole best friend making the experience slightly positive but no chance to her daily routines, Kiari sees no future. Soon enough, Kiari understands what she wants and takes action. She leaves but stumbles upon the alternate life she was entitled to, discovers new people and arouses new powers. Kiari believes her life has finally taken the best turn until sinister sign after sinister sign leaves her questioning her position in the lives of the people around her.

Maori_Kyzer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Discovery

As I regain my balance, the door opens and a tall, muscular-looking man in black joggers and hoodie appears. Hmm seems like a Beta or Delta.

"Follow me, Kiari," he says with quite a dull voice. Wait...

"How did you know my name?" I ask as we exit the room.

"So your name really is Kiari," he asks, not looking back to face me, leading me through a long hallway.

"Well yeah, but how did you..." I am caught off guard by something else. My scent seems to be changing again. It always happens each year and I have no fucking idea why. Probably has something to do with how I never smelt like a rogue. My scent seems to be more powerful than when it had done before. Strange.

" What is your full name and where are you from," the man asks, not noticing my changed scent yet.

Well, I might as well tell him seeing as I'm about to be executed like a lamb.

" My name is Kiari Alex, I'm an orphan, my parents died when I was 5 and I was sent to live in Throne pack after the attack. They said they found me wearing a white dress with only a torn note."

"Interesting," he says as if he already knew. Weird.

He shows me into a large office with big shelves, stacked with books that I could read for days. After scanning my new surroundings, I turn my attention to the man sitting by a desk and staring me in the eye. The same wolf that knocked me out. An Alpha! I quickly bow my head to him, lowering my eyes to the carpet.

"Raise your head" a low voice comes from the desk so I lift my head, still not making eye contact. The man walks around the desk towards me and I study him well. He seems like a middle-aged man with a few silver streaks in his jet-black hair. His eyes are a soft green colour and his jawline is sharp. He is well-toned just like the man who brought me here but emits a more powerful air of dominance that makes him an alpha. But damn, talk about my older gender bend.

The alpha is now close to me and tilts my head up making me look him in the eye. Something jolts in me but I simply ignore it. Many strange things happen to me that I have just gotten used to.

A ringing sound comes from the desk and he turns swiftly to answer it. I turn around and look to see if the Beta or the Delta is still there but he seems to have slipped out without me noticing. I normally notice that kind of stuff.

"Yes, send him up," the alpha's voice says into the receiver and puts it down.

For some reason, my wolf seems uneasy. I feel a bit disturbed and I have a strange jolt again but this time it feels like I am also uneasy as well. My disturbance must have been evident on my face because the alpha strode towards me again and looked me deep in the eye as if to confirm something.

The uneasy feeling just grew and grew each second and I heard footsteps. Another emission of power but this one seems to be more powerful than an alpha. That is so weird.

As the door opens and the power and uneasiness are at a full blast, This must be a very powerful alpha, like hella powerful.

I turn around and find myself staring into a pair of the most beautiful dark blue eyes. Who is this...

I quickly shake out of my trance and bow my head towards him. If he was so powerful then he is probably more strict and hates rogues more. A moment passes and I feel all eyes are on me. But why?

"Rise, what is your name?" The voice of the unknown alpha said and damn was it beautiful!

I raised my head but still looked at the floor, I feared if I looked at his eyes, even a glance, I would be stuck there. Also, I can't disrespect such a high alpha.

"Kiari Alex" I replied to his question.

"Kiari Alex," my name rolled off his tongue so well... Wait no, why do I feel like this? I should probably try and ignore it though. "What a beautiful name for my mate," Uh..wut?

I looked at his face once more and noticed he was Scanning my body and it made me feel hella self-conscious.

"I don't remember meeting nor being friends with you sir..." I say with obvious confusion laced in my voice. Did he mistake me for someone he knew? " You must have mistaken me with someone else"

I looked around and everyone's face was fixed with evident shock. I am so confused!

This time the Alpha who I am sure is Alexander asked me a question.

"Kiari...you don't know what your mate is? And how were you found in this Throne Pack?"

"Well, I was told that it was in the middle of the night and my alpha was on a run and he came across me at their pack border lying in a white dress with a torn-up note near me. The note said my name and why I was there and how I ended up there. That's all they could make out of the letter," I said wondering why they were interested in that

"and your mate, isn't that just another word for your friend?"

"Doesn't know what a mate is!?" the handsome alpha growled with evident rage, his eyes almost black, his beast was surfacing...

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't think it would offend you!..." I dared to hold my gaze at his eyes and damn was I lost.

"Huh? What? Who gave you that idea?".

He smiled at me and held my hands in his.

"Who are you?" I couldn't help blurt out

"Ah yes, my name is Ares" he winked at me as if he expected me to know who he was already

"A-and who is that?" I asked again suddenly shy. When the fuck was I ever shy?

"You don't know your Alpha King?" Alpha Alexander questioned

"A-An Alpha what?" I just became more confused.

"You don't know what an Alpha King is don't you?"

I shake my head, feeling sparks in my hands where he held them. Oh, that feels nice...

I just noticed how dark it is outside. I look outside and notice it's a full moon. It looked strangely red as well. How strange but nice.

"Wherever my Delta sent her, it was not a good place," Alpha Alexander sighed. I was going to ask but I started to feel an edge in my stomach like someone lit a fire inside me.

It spread throughout me and caused a deeper pain than one of the first shifts. My knee buckled and I fell to the ground trying not to scream the pain out.

"What's happening, why is she in pain!? Get the doctor!" Ares crouched near me and his hands on my back and arm made me cool down there but I still felt pain.

Seconds later someone came into the office and I guessed it was the doctor. I couldn't open my eyes due to the burning pain. I could feel my canine teeth and claws growing into place.

Reluctantly, Ares let me go and allowed the doctor to examine me. Once I felt I could finally open my eyes, I saw red and silver glowing streaks waving their way up my arm forming this weird marking thing but before I could identify it further, a weird sensation came from my forehead and the doctor stared at my head in disbelief.


"Why aren't you doing anything? Make her stop feeling that pain! Why are her eyes and hair turned red!?" Alpha Alexander screamed at the doctor

"What are those marks on her head and her arms?"

"By the Moon!"

I heard the doctor speak and felt myself fully shift into my wolf but differently coloured than my regular navy wolf.

The doctor looked at me to speak but it was blurry as I slipped into darkness. Crap.