
Chapter 27 What if?

We entered the next town where he proceeded to make sure I ate, was well rested and so on. As we left the town I began to get nervous. My thoughts began to run wild, fear blossoming within my chest. Kryscht began to notice the difference in me. My imagination began to run wild with me. What if they don't like me? What if they kill me on site? What if Kryscht can't stop them? What if I'm not good enough? What if? What if? What if? Round and Round through my head, back and forth. Just a constant stream of questions I couldn't answer. Kryscht turned and pulled me into his arms and asked me what was wrong. Trying to be stronger than I was I replied that I was fine. He snorted clearly showing that he didn't believe me. I remained firm that I was fine, silently attempting to deal with these current insecurities. For the next twenty minutes or so, I struggled. Now trying to convince myself that everything was going to be fine, that Kryscht would never let anything happen to me, and that I was good enough. If they didn't like me now I would make them see that I was a good woman and the only one for Kryscht.

Things are leveling out and as such I should be able to start posting chapters regularly. I appreciate my loyal readers please comment below to let me know how the story is developing. I am also looking for an editor I can't pay, but I WILL give credit where it is due.

blaze0625creators' thoughts