
The School - 1

With a sigh, I stood up and took my bike and looked at the other four members of our DnD group. I never understood their games. They played a board games, although I did find it interesting, I still have no idea which attack to use when you are cornered by a telepathic villain, created by Will. Everyone in our group had a specific roles for themselves. Will was the Cleric, Lucas was the ranger, Mike was the paladin, Dustin was the Bard, and at last I became the demon king that turned from bad guy to good guy. At least that's what I think should be my role.

"Should I go alone, or you guys are going to come with me?", I asked, but I had already guessed their answer. It was morning, so their was only one thing they were doing right now, they were playing their board game. Since I found it weird and we had to go to school too, so I had asked for my leave. The group of four knowing that it would take them some time and I had no interest in their game much, decided to free me. Lucas said, while waving his hand, "Go ahead man. We will meet you at the class. " I nodded as I walked upstairs towards the window, since we were at the basement of our house. But before leaving I spoke, without turning back, "Mike, You do know mom would be yelling for you anytime now, right?" Before Mike could give me a reply, everyone of us heard Mom yelling, "Mike, Kids!! You are going to be late for school.. " I smiled when I saw the pale faces of my brothers. Lucas muttered, "Still weird.. How come he knows when Mrs Wheeler would call them?" Will shrugged his shoulders and said with a not sure expression, "Telepathy?" Dustin interrupted the duo and said, "Maybe he really is the demon king. " Ignoring their words, I walked to our garage, where my bike was. Then I was off to school alone. The reason why I knew about Mom was about to yell for Mike was because, I could hear her footsteps walking outside the and stopping just at the exit of the kitchen. Yep, I literally heard her footsteps. Not that it is weird for me, since I had the Kryptonian blood line. Although I wasn't sure which Kryptonian since I hadn't been specific at that time.

There was no signs of the system till now. I had just been sunbathing an hour every day. Weird enough, I never got tanned as expected from someone who spends an hour out in the sun. This was something that my mother and sister, both wanted for themselves too. Maybe it was my Kryptonian bloodline that made me so. My blood line was activated as soon as I was born. And from then onwards, the longer I was exposed to sun, the more abilities I unlocked. But it wasn't exactly random, well except the tanning one. My muscle density increased, and so did my strength. Each passing day, I could feel myself getting stronger. But I knew that just bathing in the sun wouldn't make me stronger as I want to. So I started doing exercises and even met with Jim Hopper three days a week. Although it couldn't be seen from his body, but Jim was good at fighting. Not too good, but good nonetheless.

It took me a lot of trial and errors till I was able to make him agree to helping me out. He had no idea, nor did anyone else about me being not so ordinary. This was something I had decided to keep as a secret for the time being. I had also developed my brain, becoming smarter, and I also developed my other senses, including my hearing and my sight. I had stopped myself from using the heat vision, because most of the time I lose my control over the heat vision.

Unlike shown in movies, heat vision is an ability like flying, it takes a lot of efforts. I had always thought that being a Kryptonian was always about flying, heat vision, X ray vision, etc. But it wasn't exactly the same. Kryptonians also had weird abilities. I had something that I call- Supersonic voice. Like it's name suggests, I can make my voice strong enough to kill a person. Thankfully when I found this ability, there wasn't anyone near me, or else the person might have been lump of blood and meat.

I had not many friends in my life. The only friends I had was my group. Though they were weird, but they were true to our friendship. And even at school I found it difficult to find someone like that. When I reached at the school, I parked my bike, where our group usually does. Then I started walking towards the school building. That's when I heard a voice behind me, "Hey, weirdo.. " I turned around and said, " You do know that you are the weird one. Everyone knows that, Becca.. " Rebecca was probably my first friend outside our group. I had no love interest for her, and I know that she was the same. We just found each other to be better than the rest of the class.That was the reason for us being friends.

Because of my Kryptonian bloodline, I was handsome, and when I mean handsome, I meant Chris Hemsworth level handsome. I had muscles that were hidden under my loose clothes, which isn't exactly something that people expect to see in the body of a ten year old. Becca patted my shoulder and asked, "Where are the rest of them?" Shaking my head, I corrected her, "You mean Mike?" I smiled when I completed my words. She did have a crush on Mike, my brother. I had known it for a long time. It was also clear that Mike was also interested in her. But both of them were probably afraid from admitting their feelings, that almost everyone was aware of. When she heard my words, she blushed. "It's nothing like that. ", she spoke in embarrassment.

With a smirk, I spoke, "Weird.. I thought Mike did say something about you.. " Becca immediately stopped her blushing and looked at me waiting to speak. Shaking my head, I said, "You know that he probably likes you too.. Just I don't know ask him out. I know that my brother won't get anyone. And you are pretty good, and most importantly Mike and I, we both are familiar with you. So I think, you already have a chance with him. And do you really think that anyone else would be ready to date a nerd like my brother? He is a weirdo. " Becca frowned a little and said, "He is not a weirdo. " I smiled and said, "Well you are a weirdo too. So I don't think it is a bad thing. " Then I looked at the watch on my wrist, "Well, I am late for class and so are you. Let's just go to the class. " Becca asked, "What about your brother and the others?" I replied, "They'd be here pretty soon. "

And as if I was a fortune teller, both Becca and I saw our group rushing the hallways.

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