
The Past

"I really don't understand why do you even want to grow your hair?", I asked, my not so cool, nerd brother, Mike. Mike laughed and replied, "This is something very cool. I don't know why you don't understand something cool, Joey. " I sighed as I heard his reply, which was nothing that made sense, at least it didn't make any to me.

That's when a curly haired boy spoke from behind me, "I agree with Joey like always. Mike, your hair is too long to my liking. I mean, if you were to make a pony tail, you might be no less beautiful than your sister. "

This earned a good laugh from everyone, obviously except Mike himself. Will, the silent but smart guy spoke, much like a whisper, "I think it's cool. " The last guy in the group spoke to counter Will's words, "Man, you really aren't the best at appearance thing alright. You once thought Frogs are cute. "

Will frowned a little, but he replied, "Lucas, I was six at that time. " Lucas, who heard his reply immediately replied with a winning smirk, "Exactly my point. "

Dustin, the curly haired guy, because of small milk teeth, wasn't exactly the best speaker, but everyone had their low points. For Dustin, it was his speech. For Will it was his lack of confidence. For Mike, it was the lack of confidence as well as his stubbornness. And for Lucas, the black guy, it was because he didn't want to see the world as it is. He just wanted to live in a fantasy world. And truth be told, even Will shared some of his same characters.

I couldn't help but think of my past. That's funny, when it's coming from a ten year old, who hasn't exactly lived for long. The reason why it even came to my mind was because, I ain't exactly ten. I should be twenty eight years old, at least mentally. Then why am I ten years old now? It's because I am fking reincarnated person. Just the dream come true of several nerds and otakus like myself. But it wasn't exactly a fun ride till here.


I remember my past life. My name was Bruce Luther. Weird name combination, I get it. But that's something expected from the couple who loved comics more than their lives. So, born to an otaku parents wasn't exactly fun, but they did love me a lot. Sometimes I guessed it was because they saw me as the mixture of two of their favourite characters from movies. That's just my guess. Never clarified till my death at eighteen years. My parents died, when I was five years old.

Then my life was more or less around foster homes. I had to change lots of foster homes, because those who looked after me, simply saw an arrogant and rebellious teenager. This went on till, I was fifteen years old. But the last two years of my life, I spent it with a couple, Julia and Karen Grimore. So I got two mothers just one day. And weirdly enough they liked me the first time they saw me.

I remember the words of my mother, Julia , "He is just a scared child. " And for the first time in my ten years of orphan life, I found someone who cared for me, just like how my parents used to. The love they gave me was exactly same. So, that's how I got a happy family. But like they say, 'Happiness never lasts long. ' I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Yep, the worst possible one. Unlike how I had imagined, I wasn't really sad. I mean, I was sad because I might lose my new family, but I wasn't sad that I had something like terminal cancer.

I remember my last talk with my mothers. I remember their crying face. I remember how my mother, Karen fought with the doctor who was responsible for treating me. That's the time, I had seen her angry. I smiled as I took all of the things happening around me, for this was probably the last time that I might see them. My last talk was just them trying to make me believe that I would be cured and we all would move away from the city and go to some Village.

But I knew better than that. Wiping the tears from the cheeks of both my mothers, I spoke, "It's alright. I know that I won't be able to get away this time. " In the rebellious stage, I had done many things that risked my life. I had tried being a racer, a boxer and obviously a drug peddler. The last one wasn't quite interesting so I left it. Thankfully the boss knew me and he didn't came after me.

Both of my mother cried non-stop when they heard my words. My mom, Karen quickly spoke, trying to make me believe her words, "Bruce, don't worry. Kid, I promise that you would be cured." I smiled and motioned her to lean towards me, then I whispered, "Thank-you. " Then I kissed her cheek. I did the same with Julia. And I was thankful to whichever God that had placed that thought in my mind. Because I remember those machines around me beep. My last words were, "I am happy to have mothers like you guys. I hope you won't be sad, and instead take in others like me, and treat them how you treated me. "

Then I died. But like they say, death is just a new beginning of life. I was transported to a green grassland. And there I met someone. That someone looked like my birth mother. But I knew it that it wasn't my mom. I asked, "Who are you?" My 'mother' replied, "I have been known by many names. You can just call me God. Or probably mom, I won't mind that. "

I continued looking at her, which made the God quite awkward. She coughed and said, "I am sorry child. But now you are dead. " As if expecting some kind of reaction from me, she waited. But I was silent and just said, "I know. " God looked at me and said, "You are a good kid, you know. I have seen many humans, but your life was the hardest. And this is nothing but the truth when it comes from God. " I nodded. Then I asked, "Since I am dead, now what?" God smiled and said, "I think you deserve a second life. But I cannot give you the life in your previous world. So new world it is. You would be given three wishes. " I nodded and said, "I need the bloodline and genes of the most powerful Kryptonian out there, for my first wish. " The God nodded and said, "Alright. What's your second wish?" I thought for a moment and said, "I need a system, that would be entirely working for my sake only. " God nodded and she replied, "Consider it done child. Now onto the third wish.. " I said, in a determined tone, "My third wish is that my mothers Julia and Karen, both of them have a better life and they would move on from me. "

God sighed and said with a smile, "Consider it done. You are the first person who had given up on a wish from God for others. I really do admire you. " I chuckled and asked, "Why do you think I might have given up my wish?" She laughed and said, "Now.. What is the world you choose?" Without batting my eyes, I replied, "Stranger Things.. It would be better if I could be adopte by Wheelers. I do feel like Karen Wheeler is a kind person. " God smiled and said, "She does share your mother's name. " I nodded, and so did the God.

Then she waved her hands, as she walked near me. Then she kissed me on my cheeks, as she said, "Live well, my son. I hope this new world would become your home. " Then I was in a dark place, which had a warmth. And I recognised it immediately. I was in a pod. That was all thanks to the futuristic design on the white pod. Then the rest is history.

Yo people what's up..

The second chap is out..

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I just love to get motivated.

Happy reading.

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