
The sleepover

Mum we're here luna said who was the concert it was good miss Night we said please just call me Sky okay we said guys lets go up to my room luna said okay we said guys what should we play summer ask we could play truth or dare lucy said okay let do it i said lucy truth or dare i ask lucy p.o.v truth is it truth that you like my brother Sihyoung from history lucy p.o.v yes hayley truth or dare my p.o.v dare i dare you to kiss Kyungil from history okay luna truth or dare luna p.o.v dare i dare you to kiss my brother Dokyun from history when i kiss Kyungil from history okay i will luna said girls it's time to get ready for bed and go to sleep okay we said what should we do before going to bed luna ask talk about boys summer said okay we said so hayley how was your talk with Kyungil tonight summer ask me good i said really yeah he was so nice and said how my brother's are all stupid and how he is the dad of the group and how Dokyun is the mum of the group and i told him that i was the mum of my friends and how they all diver me up the wall i said hey that's mean but it's truth and you guys know it is i said yeah we do dive you up the wall and how all five of us have been friends up to high school because of your mum being friends and how i don't know what my dad look like and how i have never seen my dad and how my dad left me and my sister and mum when i was a baby and how i wish that my dad was around more and that i could see him yeah i know right my dad die when i was a baby summer said my dad left because my mum was cheating on him lucy said my dad left because my mum found he was cheating on her with my auntie moon said was he no it was is twin brother my uncle moon said my dad left because my mum cheat on him and then said that he was cheating on her with her sister rose said my dad left because my mum was cheating on him with his brother my uncle luna said we should go to bed now it's 11:30 pm i said yeah night everyone night everyone the next morning we all woke up and went down for food good morning girls how did you all sleep good we said i have to go to work now you girls have fun but no boys over okay we said bye be save sky said we will i said that's good to hear she said and left so what are we going to do why your mum is at work i ask we could get into the ice cream that i have luna said no we said it is the morning and we are not going to eat ice cream in the morning i said okay okay she said good i said and this is why i'm the mother of the friend group because i know how to be a mum now how about we watch youtbe on the tv i said okay what do you guys wanna to watch harry potter all of them i ask yes okay i said why do you guys want to watch all of harry potter for i ask because we like watching the people that where in harry potter become teenager and adult they said okay i said guys i think at that is all we can watch and we can watch the other harry potter tonight i said okay they said now let go and play outside i said okay they said and we went outside to the park hey hayley luna Kyungil and Dokyun are here and they are alone summer said and what me and luna said remember the dare you two oh right we have to kiss them where did Dokyun go i said oh he went to the playground rose said okay luna you go to the playground and kiss him but remember just because you kiss him you are not going to be with him never ever going to be with him you got that i said yes she said good luna went and kiss Dokyun he didn't kiss back me and Kyungil went for a walk and we went behind and tree and so i kiss him behind the tree and Kyungil kissed back we all said goodbye and went back to luna house so luna how did it go Dokyun didn't kiss back but that's okay because there is someone else that likes me and school she said how about you hayley how did it go good Kyungil kissed back when i kissed him i said i'm back girls sky said hey mum luna said hey sweetie sky said you girls go up to luna room and get ready for bed and i'll make dinner sky said okay we said and went up to luna room and got ready for bed and played some game till dinner was ready girls dinner time sky said coming we said and went down for dinner thank you for dinner we said after we all eat and went back up to luna room and watch more of harry potter till we all got sleepy and went to bed