
kitsune | levi

Diavolo was buttnaked, lying on his stomach to enjoy the warmth of the artificial heater he'd asked Barbatos to attach in his room.

Except that it wasn't his room.

It was Lucifer's.

"My fucking !" You heard Belphegor screech next to you.

You, on the other hand, were making thousands of lenny faces in your head, enjoying the view.

"Ah, MC! And Belphie, you too! Good afternoon." The supposed future ruler of Devildom greeted casually, not at all bothered by Belphie's cries about feeding his eyeballs as eye-scream scoops to Lucifer.

"We were here searching for Lucifer to piss him off, but we did not expect "

"Quite a view, isn't it?" He grinned.

"It's a fucking nightmare you absolute pest!"

"Well, if you know where Luci is, can you please tell us? We're really bored."

"He was talking about grounding Levi or something." He yawned, turning to his side.

Oh to be Jihyun, 27.

Poor Belphegor, watching his mortal enemy's ass dick both in one day. You grabbed him by his sleeve, playfully saluting Diavolo as you closed the door behind yourself, completely indifferent.

"I'll go search for him in Levi's room, you look in Mammon's because if he isn't bullying Levi, he's probably tormenting the second born."

He nodded, still rubbing his eyes continuously and muttering about something 'being scarred for life'.

You breathed in, plugging the earphones in your ears, because a walk to Levi's room probably lasted around three songs.

There was no sound to be heard from within as you stood glued to the ground in front of the indigo-haired boy's room. This was strangely suspicious considering he was grounded, because he'd be probably throwing fits and breaking stuff.

He was probably not in the room.


"Go away, you good for nothing normie!"


"You're fucking annoying-"

"I know."

"Go away!"

"Okay." You shrugged, resuming the song you were listening to and heading to join Belphie in Mammon's room.

"Wait, you're actually going?" He peeked a little through the door, eyeing you like an insecure puppy.

"If you want me to..." You trailed off, flashing him a little smile.

"Gah, come in quick, I don't want others to see me with a normie like you!"

"What do you mean? I'm fabulous."

"You're spending too much time with Asmodeus and it's showing." He grunted, carding his bangs a bit.

"Is it envy I smell?" You grinned, trying to cheer him up.

Being here for a good while, you'd realised what the coping mechanisms were for each brother. Leviathan and Mammon wanted attention when they were mad. Lots of it.

"Lucifer has taken away all my games, MC, I don't have my DDD, and I'm not allowed to watch the TV, he's disconnected the cable, and all my manga, my comics, " He explained with frantic hand movements, on the verge of tears.

"Poor boy, here, you can entertain yourself with my DDD!"

"No, I want to continue my anime series on my and not on a tiny screen!"

Well then.

"Suffer." You smiled.

"I thought we were best friends?"

"We are."

"Then why don't you sneak in your laptop? We can watch the anime together!"

"What laptop?" You snorted, "I'm not Lucifer's sugar baby, although I wish to be. You really think that fucker would buy me another laptop after Belphie crushed mine into crumbs?"

"Okay, you can go out, I guess."

He let out a defeated sigh, plopping down on the floor and hugging his knees. He seemed truly upset, and you just didn't know what else you could do for him.

You called Satan, in hopes of fishing some advice. His intellect was a real gem for the crackhead residents of the House of Lamentation.

Levi ignored you completely, blocking your view out and clutched his headphones in a tight grip. They were all he had right now, but they were totally useless for him because he didn't even have his DDD alongside. His facial expression said it all. What was he supposed to do with them?

"Satan! Where are you?" You spoke, escorting yourself out of Levi's room as you gave him one last glance of concern.

He didn't even look up.

Shaking your head ever so slightly, you continued conversing with the cat loving Avatar of Wrath. He happily invited you to his room, more than enthusiastic to help you out. It was kind of suspiscious as to why he was so co-operative and cheerful today.

Turned out that bitch got a picture of buttnaked Diavolo lying on Lucifer's bed somehow.

For a quick change of mood, and a bit of laugh, you shapeshifted into Lucifer's form right before knocking at Satan's door.

"MC! I'm-" His ecstatic ear splitting grin remained frozen as he took in the appearance.

He slowly closed the door on your face, his grin still unwavering.

"Satan, I have a cat."

He opened it again.

You took that as an opportunity to slip into his room as he tried to stop you. As you noticed his ticked off expression, your excitement of annoying him further consumed you.

"Satan, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Me and Diavolo. We're going to do backshots and I need your help."

"MC I know it's you."

Aw man.

"Oh no, why do you guys have to be so observing?" You groaned as you returned to your original form.