
King of Lucivus

This is the story of Tajin reserve. Lucivus, Prince of Lucivus, who loves fighting more than anything else. But one day, he was sent in the future. A hundred years from now is the era when the kingdom is about to fall apart, he will have to save the kingdom and will meet the important person who will change his life forever.

Darkknightks · Fantasia
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30 Chs

New age

Tajin: It's over, Dariss, I've run out of business with you, please go to hell.

Dariss: I, Dariss, this guy lost to you. Really good, I would like to admire it (Dariss said with a voice that was barely left)

Tajin: Although I hate you, I promise you. I can lead the Kingdom of Lucivus into a great kingdom without the need for any more deaths. You can go get on with your karma in Hell, and you can go. I'm here just to tell you. (Tajin said before turning and walking, the last sound Tajin heard was what Dariss said.)

Dariss: Even though it's impossible, but I'll take a look. (Dariss has died)

Tajin returned to his friend's corpse. Benedict and Lapiz both died to protect Tajin. Tajin was deeply saddened and blamed for himself.

"It is my fault that I cannot save you three. Forgive me. Why? I tried to get this so that no one would die for me again, but how many more lives would I have to lose because of me? At least ask anyone who is saved. Yes, God Promise But why did I feel that it couldn't be used by the crowd? Our power wasn't strong enough. At least, may anyone be saved? "

But then he heard Leemus in Luna's position and called for him,

"Leemus, you are not dead, thank God, at least somebody is saved. " Tajin rushed to Leemus too. Concern But Leemus' expression was different. "Don't worry, I hurry and help Luna. She isn't dead yet. " Tajin came, but he couldn't help Luna because the village was under attack. If Tajin went to save the villagers, he might not have time to save Luna in time. But then, Tajin decides to make a divine covenant that sacrifices the King for his power in order to keep Luna alive.

"I have made up my mind, and I will make a divine pact with the exchange that I will sacrifice the power of the King in order to restore Luna to normal."

When Tajin was silent, a mysterious voice spoke to Tajin in his head. "Just the power of the King is not enough. If you change yourself for others, will you give up the left arm that is the one that you are good at to accept?" Tajin replied without hesitation. "Yes, I will lose the King and my left arm to restore Luna. Please hurry up. "

When Tajin finished, a blue light emitted from his body and turned into a blue light, and his left arm tribe was proof that that Tajin had changed himself to the point of giving up even the arm that was He is good at helping the people he loves. As the fire faded, Luna's wounds improved and returned to normal with only fainting. Tajin, even though he could no longer use his left arm and lack the power of King, he went to help the people of Nibel village to win.

The next day

Luna woke up in the little house and walked out to see Tajin facing away from the house. Luna reads Tajin and understood everything, and teased Tajin by sneaking over and whispering in his ear, "Miss me? " Tajin was shocked and delighted. At the same time they both loved each other and kissed. Tajin told Luna a new goal. "I will bring together the people of Lucivus and Nibel from my time and create a new empire in order for both sides to live happily." Tajin, together with the Nibels, creates a new empire. That took many years. And when all the work was done, he began to use the Blackhole.

Tajin: Thank you all, really. I will never forget you. You guys are tired enough. I will definitely not let your death go to waste.

Tajin used the Blackhole and made a wish for all the Lucivus and Nibels from his time to be here. When the request was finished, everyone appeared and the Blackhole was all dissolved. Tajin established a new empire called Lucibel, coexisting of the Lucivus and Nibel residents. And was ruled by King Tajin Lucibel and Queen Luna Lucibel and the whole kingdom lived together peacefully forever.

Of course, the story of Tajin ends with the depth of the people who made many sacrifices for him, his mother, Lapiz and Benedict. It will be in Tajin's memory forever.