
King of Lucivus

This is the story of Tajin reserve. Lucivus, Prince of Lucivus, who loves fighting more than anything else. But one day, he was sent in the future. A hundred years from now is the era when the kingdom is about to fall apart, he will have to save the kingdom and will meet the important person who will change his life forever.

Darkknightks · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ten years later (Ending)

After ten years

the two children were having fun playing in the palace. They were brothers by people.

You are a boy who looks bored all the time, but always has a cheerful personality and is always excited to find new things. Light golden hair, glistening black eyes.

She is a girl with a fresh face. Dark hair and eyes are friendly and are gentle and kind.

Tajin: What are you doing? Benedict, Lapiz

Luna: Is there anyone going to practice and fight this evening?

Benedict: I want to learn how to use the spear with Leemus.

Lapiz: I don't like fighting. Let me just go and see Brother and Father practicing.

Tajin: Yes. Lapiz and Benedict. I'll call it right now. The training supervisor, Leemus for you.

Benedict: Thank you Father.

That evening

Benedict: I'll take down the training supervisor now. (Benedict pounced at Leemus, picking up a wooden spear at Leemus.)

Leemus: The moves are very good. But with a little more practice, you will be good. Benedict really got the skills from your father.

Tajin: Thank you very much, Leemus.

Leemus: No problem, Prince. No, my king.

Tajin: Let's call the prince the same way. I like that more. What do you say? Let me try to fight with you. Will you accept my challenge?

Leemus: Of course.

Tajin used his weapon to retrieve his sword. Ready to attack

Leemus used his spear and charged towards the Tajin.

Leemus: It's been several years now, but you really didn't fall. And your left arm doesn't work, why not wear a mechanical arm to help you move?

Tajin: I don't like it, and besides, I only have one arm to defeat you.

Tajin ran behind Leemus and swept Leemus's legs. Causing Leemus to fall without setting himself up.

Tajin: Luna, will you try to fight?

Luna: Well, I guess it's kind of fun. Please, Leemus.

(Luna says, eyes closed, smiled)

Leemus: Ye.....s Yes, my queen.

Luna entered the battlefield with a smiling face, but as soon as she started fighting, her expression changed like a different person. Leemus saw that kind of expression and eyes, so he immediately gave up.

Benedict: I haven't seen mother fighting Father. I want to know who will win, What you think Lapiz?, mother or father.

Lapiz: Yes. I would like to see as well.

Tajin: If you guys want to see Luna, let's fight.

Luna: Is it alright? I don't dare to fight with your father.

Tajin: Luna, I would like to have one more wife.

Luna hearing that, dashed in with a sword weapon with the speed that Tajin had almost failed to defend. Tajin attacked back, but Luna jumped away. Tajin changed his weapon to katana, ready to use flaming fire, but Luna quickly attacked back, wielding the sword of Tajin. Tajin parry, and the two fight each other, causing damage to the castle itself, forcing Leemus to stop them, otherwise they could cause damage.

Luna: What did you say? (Luna voice that is like the devil of rage)

Tajin: I only have you enough, I love you Luna (Tajin kisses Luna for a while).

Benedict: How could father calm you down like this? Mother also calmed down.

Luna: Had enough exercise, who was hungry? (Luna's expression returned to normal).

Lapiz: Okay.

Luna: So let's go. Tajin, you too quickly followed.

Tajin: Okay.

After Luna and his children walk away.

Leemus: What are you thinking? Name your children like them.

Tajin: I want to go deep into them once I made a mistake. There won't be a second time. And are the demons all dead? Can you find out why they were born?

Leemus: Not yet, let's take a break. But we continue finding If we find something I will report to you.

Tajin: Thank you very much, Leemus.

Tajin returned to the dining table and ate with Luna and his children. It was a joy that made Tajin smile from his heart.

Luna: Tajin, stop smiling, I'm not used to it. (Luna whispered)

Tajin: LUNA!!!!, I will kill you for sure.

Luna: I'm scared.

And the story ended in peace


But I don't think so.