
King of Lucivus

This is the story of Tajin reserve. Lucivus, Prince of Lucivus, who loves fighting more than anything else. But one day, he was sent in the future. A hundred years from now is the era when the kingdom is about to fall apart, he will have to save the kingdom and will meet the important person who will change his life forever.

Darkknightks · Fantasia
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30 Chs

Anger of wolf demon

So Tajin ran over to see , He saw a person in a black robe fighting with a wolf demon.Because it was dark, he could not see, but looked like a woman armed with a shield and a sword. Turned to the direction that Tajin was in,Tajin despite being unable to see but he can felt that the mysterious woman smiled at him, a smile that did not represent any malevolent thought.Before jumping off, Tajin stood for a moment to think about why the mysterious woman smiled at him. Before he returned to Leemus camp with Lapiz, lay down to rest.

The next morning

That Tajin couldn't sleep all night, the image he thought in his mind, the image of the woman smiling at him made him lie down, why would she smile at each other before both Leemus and Lapiz woke up. Tajin brought the demon wolf legs to eat and was a great energy breakfast for the hike, but Lapiz would feel the disgust. "Leemus, how did you eat it?" Lapiz asked Leemus, curious. "It's nothing like this, it's not bad. This giant chicken leg is very delicious, my prince." "What giant chicken, that's a wolf leg." "Now, I'm fooling myself, don't take the truth. "After everyone has finished eating the wolf's legs with zesty or not.

The three continued their journey today, crossing four mountains and late at night they continued their training, but this time, Tajin said that "Today we're going to practice fighting together to train trust in the battlefield." Leemus and Lapiz were shocked that the Prince, who had been silent on the wrong path, made a statement that convinced both of them to work together to train the three. Battle plan The task of each person in the field, with the main attacker being Tajin. The person who would help the main attacker would be Leemus. And the person who will gradually support the attack of the two people is Lapiz who will be the person he will be careful of both in case of being surrounded by enemies

They used a plan and worked together to make the Pies unable to do anything, the three of them, but then suddenly there was a strong shock like an earthquake, and that was coming to them. What appeared in front of the three were the Wolf Demon Leader.It was 15 meters tall, but the problem was that it had two of them, like the King and Queen of the Demon Wolf. "My children die a lot, not because of actual disease. But it is really an incredible human skill. "The voice from the wolf showed anger, and both of them attacked them immediately.

This is not an easy demon to deal with, as the two demons have a large nature that allows them to heal a wide range of voices, causing both Tajin, Leemus, Lapiz to be scattered and unable to team up. "Leemus Lapiz The two of you take care of one. I'll take care of the other. " " Yes sir " Tajin ran out of a wolf demon wheel and went into battle, and Tajin used his skills to strike and jump to dodge the wolf attacks. Wolf demon can't attack Tajin even one single hit. Tajin used a weapon. The main ones are swords and shields, alternating with katana and great swords, Tajin attack with a katana on its leg to make it lose it balance, and uses a katana to cut off the thick hair on the wolf demon's head and jump. To use a great sword that sticks to the brain of the wolf until death. Once Tajin took control of his side, he quickly returned to Leemus and Lapiz.

The two of them couldn't defeat the wolf, but Lapiz was about to be eaten.Tajin can't help them with the long distance (In the end, I really can't help anyone. Sorry Lapiz)