
King of Lucivus

This is the story of Tajin reserve. Lucivus, Prince of Lucivus, who loves fighting more than anything else. But one day, he was sent in the future. A hundred years from now is the era when the kingdom is about to fall apart, he will have to save the kingdom and will meet the important person who will change his life forever.

Darkknightks · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Death cave

Suddenly, a sword crossed over the wolf's head, and a mysterious person charged herself with his shield, and charged towards the sword that brushed the wolf's head, penetrating to the brain. When Tajin arrived, he met a woman who had a black robe covering her eyes and said, "The Nibel soldiers haven't managed at all. I have to thank you for being tempted until I can kill him, "said the young lady in a pleasant voice, a little cute voice showing that she was in a good mood. Tajin, when he saw that, asked, "Who are you? You know the Nibels too?" But the woman's response made everyone confused. "See you next time, I'll tell you, handsome Prince Tajin" before jumping away and disappearing.

All 3 of them decided to sit back and relax because today's training was so heavy. The three sat down and helped each other think of the mysterious woman, but thought of it, the more they wit him, the only information was that she was probably a Nibel. The 3 rested because tomorrow will be the day that they will reach the mountain where the mountain witch is already.

The next morning, everyone set aside their stuff and set off on their way up the first mountain, the three talked to each other even more. Change to From there, they all arrived at the mountain where the Mountain Witch was. They are going into he cave,but what was shocked was that they found many corpses of soldiers, but he did not know which kingdom belonged to. Lapiz thus said: "It tends to be a soldier of the Nibel Empire," but was argued by Leemus that "What in the world turly is it?Nibel fall already?" But it made everyone want to know the truth and decide to walk in and face a lot of strange things.

Like the demons experiment, anyone could guess that this experiment was the reason the demons became stronger. "This is some kind of experimentation with demons. I suppose maybe a way to make the demons stronger?" Leemus guessed from what he saw, but then he heard a voice coming towards them. "Prince,Lapiz look out. Something is coming. " Soon, what appeared in front of them was a small, pale goblin. "Leemus, are you afraid of even the weak goblins?" Lapiz said, laughing. When Leemus turned his gaze at Tajin, he was shocked that Tajin put his hand over his mouth and turned his head away, but he knew he was laughing. Leemus approached the goblin and was about to use a spear itself, There are many of the goblins, and each one was as tall as a person who was 170 centimeters tall. Leemus leaped backward, and Lapiz and Tajin set up, ready to fight.

"Do you trick a weak body like that, or you can actually take it, but your ability will be no different from that of the goblins we've read from the books. There is just a bigger size than usual, the strength should be more, but that's it. Manage them carefully,Separate and find the original body and remember it quickly to stop the battle. " Tajin analyzed and gave a quick command. The 3 dispersed in search of the original figure, along the way, everyone had to defeat the goblins who had thrown them.

Lapiz used the skills developed through Tajin's training to make it more efficient and speedy. (With the prince's training, it really helps the fight. Why didn't the prince tell me to match? If you practice more, you may be able to complete it. Huh, just thinking is fun)

On the Leemus side, the faster spear skill was used to easily manipulate the goblins (This was the result of training like that, or I couldn't believe it all along. We have to practice more to become stronger than this, perhaps to do more for the kingdom. Thank you, Prince)

On the side of the Tajin (All along, I've only used 20% of my skills all along, because I don't think anyone can fight with me, but it's not a skill more than this. How long will it deteriorate? Well, I don't have people. What about my 50%?,Let try.)