
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Falcon | Farukon

"Hm...." As usual of the day, Y/n was staring at the sky, more specifically, the birds that flew free in the winds of heaven. "Ah, birdie, where are you going!" Y/n spoke as he chased after the bird that he recently found and became friends with. How did he do it? *Chuckles nervously* Honestly, no one knows. Y/n continued to roam the city streets chasing after the falcon. "Birdie! Come back!" Y/n softly spoke as he chased after falcon. The falcon entered an ally way and rested for a bit for Y/n to catch up. The falcon again, flew away as Y/n reached after it. The falcon exited the ally way as Y/n shortly ran after it. Just as Y/n got out of the alley way, he was met with the open road but he paid no mind and chased after the Falcon. "Birdie!" Y/n shouted as he reached out for the bird, and as he did so, time seemingly paused as he became aware of his soroundings. "Birdie", who was a dozen inches away from him, himself on the road, and to his right unfortunately, was the famed truck-sama. *Honk!* *Honk!* Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately, his life ended chasing after his friend. But his life will start anew in the world of demons and overpowered swordsmen.

Nakamura_Shun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Prologue End: 'Tis, but the of the start of the story.

Y/n arced his body, relaxing it in a flexing motion. Putting back his right foot, he tensed his muscles as he inhaled, feeling the sudden explosive energy building up in his body.

His image fluttered and flickered before he disappeared from the spot he was previously standing on as wind bellowed from the force that was exerted.

In mere 3 seconds he had crossed the distance of a hundred meters, that paired with the fact that he had to dodge several dozen trees while moving with immense speed.

And with another twenty five seconds, he had reached his destination. Pleasant suprise decorated his face as he examined the results of the run he just did.

"It seems that my body is far compatible and suited for the use of 'total concentration breathing' than I have imagined. A very welcomed suprise." He spoke to himself.

The originally estimated time lapse was shattered as he had just travelled the distance of 1.25 kilometers in mere 27 seconds of time using total concentration breathing.

Or it was more sensible to say that his new body was more athletic than he expected, after all, total concentration breathing that maximised one's ability by more than 5 times.

That meant that his body' original capabilities had to be top human limit and bordering super human threshold. Yet another pleasant suprise he welcomes wholeheartedly.

Shifting his attention to the river in front of him, Y/n bended down as he took a handful of water and took a taste, it should be safe to consume sine it was from a running water source.

He felt a rush of freshening feeling as he felt his thirstiness quenched. He took another handful of water and drank, the same refreshing feeling going down his throat.

After a night and half a day, he had finally drunk water. Following his original plan, he would stay around this river for a day or so to prepare himself for what is to come.

Immediately getting into contact with an ancient timeline whom you really don't know about the customs and traditions of the land you are currently in is a big no if you think about it.

After drinking a few hand-fulls of water, Y/n rested his back against a tree beside the river. He put his hand over his eyes to block out the glaring sunlight from his sensitive eyes.

"As I thought." He muttered to himself. "This is going to be hard earning myself food and shelter in the early times." And his words were of true, especially since no one know him.

He doesn't have relatives, he doesn't know anyone, he doesn't even know where he is. Basically, he is really, really lost. It was truly going to be hard in the early stages.

If he doesn't manage to find a village to stay in, or if he doesn't meet anyone actually kind and doesn't hold malice, he will be doomed to survive in the wilderness alone.

Worse of all, if he does end up staying in the forest, and demons occasionally get into contact of him, he'll get famous. But not in the circle of humans, but demons.

Stronger and stronger demons will flock to him because of mysterious disappearances of demons who went to the forest earlier, and eventually end up with him and his broken katana unable to handle the much stronger demons.

So he needed to act fast and get comfy with his new body by hunting wild beasts and practicing his swordsmanship to a new degree as he travels along the river in hopes of finding civilization.

He stood up again as a new wave of motivaton filled his veins with seemingly endless energy from the sun. Picking up the dagger and katana, he went out to search for food.

First thing he did was find a vantage point, and then increase his vision's capabilities by method of total concentration method, and find traces of wild boars, or any other beasts.

Once again, his eyesight expanded to an unreal degree. Information flooded his brain and he quickly found a boar about three hundred meters away from his position.

"How lucky." He muttered with a smile on his face. He closed his eye and jumped off the 23 meter tall tree. He spread his arms for a moment, enjoying the wind.

But with a sudden jolt, he stabbed the trunk of the tree as Newton's law immediately took effect; he jerked backwards as the knife continued towards the ground.

The knife scrapped the bark fo the tree till the ground as Y/n let go, "Woah, I felt like a bird." I chuckled to himself and his totally dangerous actions.

Flicking the knife to get rid of the pieces of wood, Y/n immediately jumped into action. He sprinted towards the boar at his full speed and reached the boar within 7 seconds of time.

Y/n landed in front of the boar as the boar looked him in the eye, and for the brief 20 seconds of time, they had a staring contest, with the boar winning this one.

Of course, such disturbance to its surrounding caused it to flee of fear in a very fast pace. But Y/n was much faster than it. In a situation like this, Y/n had a dozen choices. But he chose to–

–In burst of speed, Y/n jumped forward. Time slowed down to his perspective as he ended up in front of the speeding boar. And in slick flick of his body turning around;

He threw the dagger in his hand and sent it flying straight at the boar. His legs landed on the ground, time resumed to before, leaves falling normally, the wind breezing gently, and–

A knife hitting straight to the skull gaining an insta kill, and a boar sliding towards his feet. "Haha! That was exhilirating!" He spoke to himself.

Truly, the adrenaline coursing through his veins was proof. He picked up the boar and headed back towards the river. He started a "fairly sized" fire and prepared to roast the boar.

And after he finished preparing, he started "throwing" the meat over the fire. The smell incited his hunger more, but he patiently waited for the meat to cook.

After an excrutiating wait of what seemed to be weeks, he finally took a bite at the roasted boar meat. "A bit bland, at least I think so?" He muttered to himself.

He didn't have anything on him to enhance taste, nor was his taste excellent to correctly judge food he only had a first try of. At least since he lost his sense of taste.

Never the less, he did learn to enjoy the bland taste mixed in with a bit of meat. He had too if he wanted his life to have more colour. Being grateful is one way of many.

By now, it was past noon, and he had to move fast. He stood up and covered his trail of activities carefully before finally deciding to move away from his initial position.

"A bit overkill, but better than being uncareful. Nothing is impossible in a world full of fantasy." Speaking to himself, putting on the simple straw hat he had made to block out the sun's glare.

He turned around, and started to walk along the river's edge. Hoping to stumble upon a town he could find even a shred of solace.

But 'tis, is only the start of his story...
